Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jack Red presents Top 10 Best and Worst Games

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, today I got an announcement I decide to not go into the program to stay home with my family.

I want to make a honest list of the best as well as the worst games I have ever play to fit some serious nostalgia on my blog.

Let's start with the worst first because it was really tough to make a list on the best which some you shall see exactly how tough I am talking about.

10. Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
I grew up playing Mortal Kombat games which are good games however this one really fails to the point that I won't talk about it.

I have played worst such as Mortal Kombat: Special Forces but I want to make this list on games I have owned.

9. Life Line
I do a lot of games made by Konami but can you imagine how terrible a survival horror game be if you have to talk to the main character with perfect speech.

It piss me off because I had surgery on my tongue before they found out that I'm autistic which cause me to not talk well so in a way I'm offended by this game.

8. Bio Freaks
I do like fighting games ever since child hood but this one was amazingly disappointing I mean the sub boss is a clone of who ever you are playing.

The final boss is a bitch to beat I usually get a good character with a gun to keep firing at him as you have to stay out of the water or the Piranhas will eat at you.

I'm sorry to say this but there's no codes in the game worth talking about in fact no unlockables are in it at all why Midway oh god why.

7. Silent Hill 4: The Room
The black sheep of Silent Hill series originally this was going to be a spin off but turn into a main series game.

Who would ever thought that this would be a good concept for a Silent Hill if there is so much bullshit with it I'm not kidding I can go on and on about it.

In general this game doesn't even feel like Silent Hill games at all it feels out of place I can't believe they actually made it.

6. Independence Day
One of the worst movie games I have ever played in my life it's fucking horrible that to talk about this game would drive anyone insane.

The controls are horrible with the level designs flat out terrible that at times looking for something it won't be there when you turn back around now that's bullshit.

It's based on a good movie yet if you are unlucky enough to get this game please do yourself a favor please break your copy of it.

5. Warlock
Oh god here we go the single worst movie game I have owned this one really bad that it makes you hate the movies it's related to I'm dead serious.

It's really hard to beat that if you are lucky to sit through this garbage to show how tough of a gamer you are than I say there's no point in doing so there's other games out there.

4. Sonic the Hedgehog
I'm talking about the one on Xb0x 360 and PS3 not the Sega Genesis classic.

I been a big fan of Sonic for a long time I decide to put this god awtiful here are the worst Sonic game because I thought Sonic Spinball is slightly better than this.

There's glitches up the ass that if you play it then expect to die so many fucking times that it will bring out the hate you have for this game.

No one likes this game yet you can buy it online along with Very Hard Mode for three of four storylines why would Sega do that.

3. Twisted Metal III
I'm also a Twisted Metal fan I have played every game in the series however this game is just so bad that I can't believe there are people who actually like it.

The original team went on to make such classics as Rogue Trip and Critical Depth also release on the PlayStation.

There was a dispute between them and Sony which lead up to 989 Studios working on the franchise ruining it's great name.

I am not going to lie that Twisted Metal 4 the last game they made for the series was so much better though it lack some story with terrible characters.

This game has a terrible new engine that was improved for Twisted Metal 4 basically you will fall over really easily.

Every classic character has something wrong with them with all the endings being fucking horrible.

I do know Dave Jaffe from his blog I got to say his statement said on Twisted Metal: Head On Extra Twisted Edition is so true.

I can't believe 989 Studios that started Syphon Filter series did this I really don't like this game at all.

2. Shaq Fu
Oh my god this game is really bad like most can agree that no fighting game can be this bad.

Shaq should have decline to be a part of the game then the only thing people can criticize about him is his rapping.

The fighting is without question broken as hell like you know how people move when they are older well it's like that with monkeys attacking you.

You can't beat this game no matter how hard you try because if you do I'm sure you will be sent to a Asylum for the rest of your life I'm dead fucking serious.

The single worst Sega Genesis game ever made that is licensed I can't it actually exists on my favorite console of all time.

1. Superman 64
A very broken game in every sense of the word I mean no one at all likes this game it's still criticize today being the worst Superman game of all time.

When you get story in the game it goes away too fast making you to fail every time you see it now that is bullshit.

Do you want to know what puts the icing on the cake the fucking rings that's what you have to fly through them so god damn often that you feel like I need to play something else.

Guess what this game actually has multiplayer that rips off Star Fox 64 why would they do that it makes no sense at all.

The whole story blows with so much bullshit included that this was the worst game I have ever played that I owned.

Oh why me why did I have to own this piece of super shit I wish I could destroy all of cartridges but it can be downloaded online please stay away as far as you can from this abomination.

I'm really sorry this game is just so ass that I feel really shitty for even remembering do you know of a game that brings back bad memories like this.

Now it's time to start hitting the good stuff I do warn you that it's my list I know some of you won't agree or like it which is fine.

10. Marvel vs. Capcom 2
This game is awesome you get fifty six characters in total with a great combo system we got a true classic that everyone needs to play.

I do like the music in the game but hearing for it's port on X360 that you have play your own songs while playing it is pretty bad ass.

I also like looking at the levels as each one looks beautiful to look at every time you play the game I mean this has to be art without question.

It has minor flaws such as there's only one ending and the final boss Abyss compared to the last game's Onslaught much easier to beat besides having a third form.

9. Resident Evil 2
This is my all time favorite game in the series as I love how good the games are ever since I played the original a couple of years ago.

I like that you now get an unlimited ammo code however if you are playing N64 version you have more to use at any time.

You can play as both characters in both ways to see all four scenarios played out which was an awesome idea that no other game in the series can top.

Extreme Battle was a good mini game with The 4th Survivor which is a scenario that takes places in the main game where you play as Hunk.

As a taste of humor from Capcom they included The Tofu Survivor which is basically Hunk's Scenario with minor differences.

I really like the weapons you get through the game I got to say only a handful of games within the franchise comes close to it.

I'm surprised that you can play as Chris Redfield a character from the previous game in Extreme Battle now that's awesome.

I even love finding where you can shoot the camera now there's where the fun begins as you don't know where all of them are.

8. Silent Hill
I got to say it's hard to believe that there was a survival horror on PlayStation that was better than Resident Evil 2 called Silent Hill.

I use to like Silent Hill a lot now seeing where the series is going I'm not caring about it anymore.

I do like the first three games in the series however I will go on the record to say that Silent Hill 3 was okay with good stuff for you to play with.

It came down to Silent Hill 1 and 2 well I have played both games this was indeed a tough one to pick between.

After thinking about it I got to say I love the original slightly more than the second game because I fucking love how awesome it gets.

I do like Silent Hill movie a lot for being one of the greatest game movies of all time however this game was never officially ported to PC.

I believe this one gives you a lot more hidden weapons than the other games in the series such as Chainsaw with Rock Drill however you have to pick one of them unless you know the trick into getting them both.

I love the cut scenes now I am really enjoying watching them as much as 2 with a few from 3 I got to say this one was nearly perfect in every thing.

7. Twisted Metal: Black
Alright Twisted Metal freaks I want to show you how twisted I am by putting Twisted Metal: Black on my list.

I really love the cut scenes though Europe's version didn't include them due to how graph they are.

They really want this one to be dark enough to earn the title just think about one of the characters you have a few ideas what inspired their looks for example John Wayne Glady was one for Sweet Tooth.

The codes were easy to put in however without them you need to be good at the game in order to beat it.

I remember how long it took me to find out how to unlock the hidden characters I mean unless you got some info on you it will surprise you how to get them.

I also like Paint It Black by Rolling Stones as the theme to the game that shows you that it's really dark.

I actually hope they consider doing a sequel to the game because I know I'm not the only Twisted Metal freak to say that.

6. Super Mario Bros. 3
This was my favorite Mario game of all time I mean it has everything what else could you ask for.

You have interesting worlds to play through with good power ups you can use at any time in the game.

I am surprise that it's possible not doing the 1up tricks to get the maximum lives in the game however after Super Mario World they never did that again why Nintendo.

Most people you ask about NES today will bring this one up because it's so damn good I want people to know I really love this game.

It even makes a joke at the end relating to what Toad tells you every time you complete a world in Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels.

Nintendo really did a awesome job making this game a hit that it deserves to be remember now there is a debate that some think Super Mario World is better I don't agree.

5. Duke Nukem 3D
I must include this game out of respect I really came to like Duke after playing it the first time I was like holy shit I love it.

I was surprise that only on PC you can play all three of it's expansions which are fun as hell to play.

It improved over Id's Doom on most of the needed spots that it's no wonder why Doom's popularity when down so fast.

They include a lot of reference to movies that I think some people will enjoy hearing them like I'll be back.

I love the level design enough to take some time exploring such a great game to where it can't be anymore.

Sadly today 3D Realms is still making Duke Nukem Forever I bet if it does get release it won't become the best FPS ever like they thought it would but still be a good game nevertheless.

4. Blood
Originally the team behind Duke Nukem 3D was going to make this however they sold the rights to Monolith in order to work on Shadow Warrior.

Blood can be describe to be a gothic Duke Nukem game which in a sense it is I love all of the horror movie references even one from Ghostbusters.

I have played both expansions of this classic I got to say I really like them a lot especially that comparing the two it's hard to say which one I actually like more.

What a classic it is however they rushed out Blood II: The Chosen with some features they said it would have ended up being put in it's expansion.

Sunstorm Interactive worked on Cryptic Passage also did two expansions for Duke Nukem 3D and one for Shadow Warrior.

Some people like myself consider Cryptic Passage to be episode six though I do see some are confuse about the expansions ok Plasma Pak was release after it with a episode taking place after the original game.

Please give this game a try I'm sure a lot of you are going to love it maybe as much as me and Raven do.

3. Fallout 3
I haven't played Interplay's games in the series but Bethesda did an amazing job on making this game I'm really addicted to it.

It's a spiritual successor to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion that brings a lot of my favorite genres in gaming together a way where they all are needed it's genius.

I love how well written the dialogues are with a great story all around the game it's worth your money to own.

To be honest I do plan on getting Broken Steel but I do own the other four expansions which I beat them all within the week.

I can't describe this game even more without saying Fallout 3 is a must have that people need to try I'm sure you are going to love it.

2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
The best game to ever be released on PlayStation 3 which I do not like anymore.

This game really was made to be the best as it has references to the previous three games in the series a big proof of this with Beauty and The Beast Unit.

What a awesome story I got to say it's very hard to top how good that is I mean it feels like a movie while playing like a game when you have control back.

I'm surprise that it was suppose to end the series but the fans want more hell so do I please Konami keep making Metal Gear games.

1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
I won't not a lot of you are going to be happy about this but why should you care if this is my list.

I'm pissed at 4chan for screwing Sonic out of Gamespot's All Time Greatest Game Hero but that's okay because I waited for them to start bringing in the votes to let a staff know about it.

It turns out that with all those hacked votes gone that Samus Aran actually won the match take that you son of a bitches.

I have always love Sonic the Hedgehog my parents got me into him ever since I knew what games to play on my own.

I have played a ton of Sonic games but I really love playing Sonic 2 why because it's better than any other game in the series plus it sold more than even the original.

We are talking about my all time favorite game of all time that will be remembered for years to come I thank all of you for reading I might make more posts on my blog.