Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jack Red reviews GoldenEye: Source

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I want to do a short mod review series with two of my favorite mods in the entire world. I want to do GoldenEye: Source first since I been waiting a long time to play it then just recently played for hours. In the blog entry following this I will review another mod I been knowing it from a close friend. Sven Co-op which will be one of my toughest reviews I ever done but at the moment let's talk about GoldenEye: Source.

I heard the Wii remake of the game wasn't that great though I can see why just looking at some footage. I got to say I do plan on playing it in the near future despite how different it was from the movie as well as one of the greatest games. This mod has big fans of the game making it with one of their friend passed away a few years ago they were able to go beyond my expectations. I met some of the developers on the forum since they do listen to what the fans say.

I want to make this clear before I start officially reviewing this mod I want to point out that I'm reviewing the Beta 4.1. I really like how close this mod is to the original game it reminds me of two great remakes on the Game Cube. Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes are the only other ones I can recommend to people. The opening in my opinion was better without question in fact it's one of my favorites now. Do you know another opening into the game I really like was Conker's Bad Fur Day. Right now it's just multiplayer with a lot of people requesting for an single player campaign.

Yes ladies and gentleman it's that good I couldn't believe how fun it was playing with other people. Most people on Steam already know this that all mods are free isn't that awesome. That's almost as crazy as Duke Nukem Forever taking so many fucking years to make. GoldenEye: Source also has a team that will listen to the fans like another very popular mod Sven C0-op. I got so much to get off my back for this one since I was one of those popular who loved the multiplayer.

It sucks that their leader for this mod has passed away but his team sure doing a good job. Their goal was to not only recreate the classic feel but to also push the limits. They added so many maps including all the classic ones plus a brand new map based on Casino Royale. They also added a couple of new games to play with other people like Gun Game or Dr. No Armor. I really like they added a list of achievements with many references to the movies.

There was an website with an article about all the references in the original game now this one goes beyond it. The actual game play is more fun than the classic since you can play with more people. In the original game you could only have four people playing at a time but not in this mod. I did look at an article put up by one of the developers behind it with a list of servers with the biggest. You can play on a couple of 24 players servers which is fucking awesome.

I am not surprised that it's kicking the Wii remake's ass because this mod has big fans of the game making it. They nailed everything you can possible think of like the sound effects, weapons, characters, and more. I also heard of Perfect Dark: Source but that's up in the air if I will give that one a try or not. I did come across some comments on YouTube saying they like that better GoldenEye: Source. Are you fucking kidding me this mod is so damn good I mean just look at how many playing it.

You can even create your own server kinda like Half-Life: Opposing Force which I will be reviewing that soon. This mod like Sven Co-op has everything to keep me coming back to it I am dead fucking serious. Nickster must be proud of you guys up in Heaven because I would. In conclusion I really like this mod in fact I want to meet people who like the game as much as I do.
I thank those reading this as well as the GoldenEye: Source for making a remake that doesn't suck.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jack Red reviews Resident Evil 5 Gold

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I was going to originally make this a video but parts of my web cam aren't working right. I won't be reviewing Versus since that mode was release before any of that new content plus I don't care much for it. I also won't be reviewing the game again since a lot of people like that video I made. I hope you all enjoy my review of all the stuff I missed on my first Xbox Live account.

I would like to start with The Mercenaries Reunion now I said before that I didn't care much for the original one for the game. I got to say that they did surprised me because I found this so much fun. Without question the character selection screen is better than Resident Evil 4 no lie. You can download all the characters instead of unlocking them is an damn good idea. Capcom you been making good decision with your franchises with this being one of your best.

You can play as Barry Burton and Rebecca Chambers of S.T.A.R.S. plus they look like they were pulled right out of the original. You get two new outfits right out of this mode to play in the main game now that's fucking awesome. You get the same maps with new enemy placements even some that weren't in the original ones. They made the special moves more powerful with a kill limit combo that can end the game.

In conclusion I think we should've got this one first now it's time for Desperate Escape. You play as Jill or Josh as you must escape at all cost. I do like you get to kill so many enemies though some times you won't know when sub bosses are out. It has a good story though to be honest I still prefer Seperate Ways of Resident Evil 4 over it. I say that because it can be confusing at times to know what to do.

The reason they made it is because they know people out there wanted a challenge so they made this with Professional Mode considered to be nearly impossible. You can use Rocket turrents however they are meant to be used to help make way. I wish I had the freedom to level the place but that's just me hahaha. I got to say this is one of the better mini games they made in this series. I would like to point out that there isn't an boss on this mini games except for a ton of sub bosses.

Desperate Escape is good with The Mercenaries Reunion being my second favorite now here's is what I really wanted to review. Lost in Nightmares this was so good that I knew I had to get it. They made this because they wanted to show the older fans that they do care about them. If you played either the original or it's remake then you will noticed how similar it is. I was surprised that you go half way through it without fighting any enemies.

You could easily run out of ammo if you aren't careful since there barely is any ammo on this mini game. Desperate Escape and both Mercenaries modes have plenty of ammo so there really isn't much I can say here. At the end you fight Wesker who is harder to hit than any of his fights in the main game. I also like you can get the classic camera angle back with puzzles that remind me of the first couple games.

Without question Lost in Nightmares is my favorite mini game of Resident Evil 5 since that's how they should be making the games. I am not saying Resident Evil 4 and 5 suck I am just saying they are losing the fear factor. The new outfits are much better exceptionally for Sheva since I didn't care much for her outfits. Her original outfit was the best before I came across her Fairy Tale one wow.

Chris has much better outfits than Sheva which I think a lot of people will agree with me on that one. I actually like all of his outfits now I just realized there's more outfits than Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil 5 Gold is a good update of an great game that I think everyone should play. I would like to thank everybody for coming to read this review and talk to all of you later.