Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jack Red reviews Digimon

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I must come right out to say this that I'm only reviewing the first three seasons of Digimon.

Digimon was a rip off of Pokemon I know please don't comment on that it is a known fact ever since this show first aired in Japan.

I found out that there's two more seasons of Digimon after I kinda moved on from Fox to watch something else.

I will review them by naming each one a series name to avoid any confusion for you the readers out there.

I want to say before I start reviewing it that I haven't seen either season in a long time so please don't mine me.

Digimon Adventure was a good series I found out that was originally going to be shorter but due to it's popularity they made it bigger.

Here is another true fact about Digimon that does piss off Pokemon fans if you give people into anime a choice between the two they would pick Digimon.

I bet some of you are wondering why that is well Digimon has a cool concept as Pokemon it's a bunch of people going around capturing Pokemons.

I like that everyone has their own Digimon that talks with multiple transformation as for Pokemon most of them can't talk.

It is also true that Pokemon can't change back once they transformed which is okay I guess but Digimon sure made that look stupid.

It's a fact that Digimon look more awesome though Pokemon does win in naming as well as it's way overrated games.

It's about a bunch of kids that found out about the Digiworld to end up saving it from The Dark Masters.

It's a good season that I think some fans of anime must at least try to watch this hell I suppose anyone who don't like Pokemon.

Digimon Adventure 02 was also a good anime that I really got into as a kid in fact I still think a lot about this season.

This one was about new kids found out about Digiworld with some of the old ones coming back to help them when they can.

They end up facing The Digimon Emperor who later becomes normal to fight an old foe that has been defeated before.

It's time for the last season I remember from my child hood Digimon Tamers now this was in my opinion the last good one they did.

I said that before the following two seasons barely connects with the first three that piss a lot of people off at the moment.

My reason why I didn't see them was simply because I didn't know of them at the time but I'm not sure if I will look into them or not.

This one introduces new kids with the ones from the last two seasons trying to help as much as they possible can.

Their final enemy was a computer virus that was a blob now it took so many episodes for them to actually defeat this thing.

I got to say that I love Digimon even to this day as one of my favorite series of all time however I'm not sure what's going on with it lately.

Pokemon just needs to stop making episodes it has over six hundred episodes do you think that is a enough.

Digimon at least was more interest as a rip off can get without being a totally knock off such as Naruto another series I don't like to Dragon Ball Z.

I support Digimon over Pokemon anyday I don't care how many of you Pokemon fans get pissed off you all suck there I said it.

So I'm Jack Red I will see you later.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jack Red reviews Dragon Ball GT

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I hope some of you are aware that I am about to explain how terrible Dragon Ball GT ever.

This was the single worst anime I have ever seen it also takes the cake for the most disappointing follow up to a good anime in history.

I was into the first two animes loving every minute of it then at the time in School where a lot of people were just getting into Yu-Gi-Oh.

I remember seeing in a few magazines for Dragon Ball Z just finding out about this follow up where I thought it was going to be awesome right.

It turns out to be a big slap against the fucking face it's so bad that I know nearly two hand full of people that hate this.

I bet a lot of you readers are wondering how bad are we talking here well it's going to be one of the longest reviews I ever make because I got a ton of bad things to say on it.

Dragon Ball GT was an anime sequel to Dragon Ball Z that means it isn't canonical to the manga at all since the first two animes were based on it.

Toei was clearly the one to blame here because they wanted to expand the universe of Dragon Ball as far as they can go.

It's one thing that most Dragon Ball Z movies aren't canonical but at least most of them are entertaining to watch.

They usually have a group of Saga to be one seasons which the first two had a ton of them however GT was so small that they put two Sagas together to make a season.

I want to explain how mess up this is okay basically Dragon Ball had 153 episodes within 5 seasons while Dragon Ball Z has 291 episodes within 9 seasons.

This show was all new with so little input from the author that it ruin how well respected it was even when it aired in Japan.

Dragon Ball GT had 64 episodes within 2 seasons that right there tells you that this show did really bad even some fans don't consider it canonical.

In fact I believe it's still a debate on if Dragon Ball GT is canonical or not I say it sure isn't they made so many plot holes that it makes no fucking sense.

I just need to bring up the movies again real fast they made a few plot holes in most of them while only Dead Zone can be consider canoncial.

That's because it took place right after Dragon Ball but before Dragon Ball Z which was a good idea at the time.

I hate how they made Trunks's hair a darker blue well it's a light blue in the anime of Dragon Ball Z compared to the manga where it's a darker blue.

It's funny becase this happen to his mother as well however she kept light blue through out all three of them with one Dragon Ball with a darker blue.

Goten was a fun kid to watch similar to Goku when he was a kid however here he got grown up right he never gets off his cell phone.

He even has a really stupid but hot girl friend that you would think she already knows what a Burger is but nope.

One of the worst character designs have to be Vegeta they fucked him up really bad such as his height was wrong.

It is a known fact for a Saiyan can go without any kind of facial hair which Vegeta never had until this anime.

I know what some of you fans are thinking yes King Vegeta, Paragus and some saiyans did have at least either a beard or mustache.

I also didn't like how they change his hair style from what we love back from Dragon Ball Z to this what the fuck Toei Animation please tell me.

I know Hideo Kojima did say the samething about the NES version of Metal Gear I can see why he got so pissed about it.

I actually heard both the American and Japanese theme for this show I only got one question why did we get a Rap theme song.

It's usually the first two animes had rock theme songs for both versions however here the Japanese theme song was so much better.

That's mainly because they used a better opening with a good song that I won't mine hearing again as long no one tries to get to listen to the American theme I'm fine.

I want to point out that show sucks monkey dick that it would take an anime made with everything weaker than this.

The first saga of this anime is called Black Star Dragonballs Saga AKA The Lost Episodes since it didn't air on Toonami until they aired the rest of the series.

Who in the right mind would do that well it turns out the reason behind it was the original audience in Japan really didn't like it.

So they felt we shouldn't show it in America then soon after the last episode they did making them the lost episodes are you kidding me.

Do you want to know how bad this Saga actually is ok here we go let's start by saying they never made a style for the show.

That's right they ripped off Dragon Ball for the first Saga then after that the remaining ones got Dragon Ball Z instead after how pissed the audience in Japan were.

Can you fucking believe they actually did that why can't they just make up a style that fit both of them together ripping them off like this.

Oh when did they ever say there were Black Star Dragon Balls exist at all in the series at all I still say this was the worst idea they could come up with.

Emperor Pilaf came back which by canonical means he can't decide to steal these Dragon Balls then by accident wished Goku to be a kid again.

I remember how pissed I was about this it's fucking retard that I kinda like watching Super Mario Bros.: The Movie over this shit.

I did say this rip off Dragon Ball well here's what they do until at some point in the next Saga that I want bring up eventually in my review.

The rules of these Dragon Balls are fucking ridilous yet I did like Black Star Shenron since he's the darkside of the one we fans know today.

The biggest different between the two is this one bigger with darker skin color with a wish you could kill rather than save like the good Shenron.

It's time to talk about the dumbest rules I have ever heard in my life basically there's different with their Dragon Balls as well.

The good Shenron's Dragon Balls do one wish unless you waited long enough getting an extra wish then after they are using they turned to stone for a year.

Of course before they turn into stone they get thrown across Earth unlike the evil ones where they get thrown all over Space.

I want to note that Namekians have their own Dragon Balls about the size of Basket Balls rather than theirs being the size of Base Balls.

They have their own eternal dragon known as Porunga he's really big that you would think Shenron would be small though that should be up to debate.

These Black Star Dragon Balls have to be returned to Earth before it explodes in a year now why do something this stupid guys.

I remember watching the three main Tenchi animes also on Toonami watching them all the way though I later found out.

Tenchi Muyo! was a OVA that only aired the first two series on there then finally ended it with the help of Funanimation which is a good company.

I rather watch Tenchi in Tokyo that was also on my list of Top 10 Worst Animes on YouTube than to ever look at this anime again I'm dead fucking serious.

Let's get back to Dragon Ball GT AKA Pure Trash Balls if you asked me when I first saw this show.

Dr. Myu who they combine Dr Gero from Dragon Ball Z with Dr. Raichi whose from the first OVA for the series gets involve with our heroes.

They reused stuff that been done before in the anime as well as this OVA and the movies it's fucking ridilous why did they do this.

It's one thing that they did that to the movies but at least they were able to do something useful with it.

They decide to take another thing from that OVA where Baby was the master mind behind this with Dr. Myu being thought of creating him though it's the other way around.

It's time to talk about Baby Saga another one I don't give a fuck about at all it's not even entertaining to watch.

Baby sneak his way onto Earth to rip off Garlic Jr's plan from Dragon Ball Z Saga where everyone now serves him.

To make things even worst this guy does directly take over people especially Vegeta where he change his body to look as his own.

This kinda mirrors when Vegeta first came to Earth fighting Goku as well as being Majin Vegeta later in the anime.

I say this because Vegeta's body does became a Golden Great Ape which is like a Super Saiyan version of a Great Ape.

I also say this because at first controlling Vegeta took a while that you notice he was changing that nearly mirrors someone took control from him.

I want to clearify that Babidi did gave Vegeta more power however he didn't actually control Vegeta at all.

I did notice that Baby was ripping off Majin Buu oh come on guys you already rip him off twice with the last two movies please don't do another one.

I want to explain this real quick before I go more in detail about Dragon Ball GT hopefully getting you to understand how upset I was this.

Fusion Reborn they did rip off Majin Buu with Janempa that later transform into Janemba that was fucking awesome.

Wrath of the Dragon once again they rip him off however this time it was by Hirdegarn a giant magical being made by a race of these Wizards.

If you are a fan of the manga then you know there's mainly three Super Saiyan forms that they all can become in time.

I'm sadly to tell you that Toei made a fourth form where only full blooded Saiyans such as Goku and Vegeta can become.

This transform happens very different from the rest you see most of them are from emotions getting out of control.

I got to say this was a good concept with some issues with it they need to turn a Golden Great Ape then turn transform into a Super Saiyan 4.

Oh my fucking god what happen there is fur all over their body that you can tell was indeed red with red eyeliner.

When they get in this form what happen to their shirt in fact besides the first time why don't we see them transform instead of off screen transformation.

I really want to criticize Dragon Ball GT for ripping off Frieza's move Death Ball as well as his personality oh thanks guys that piss me off to no end.

Soon after Baby's death that actually mirrors both Cooler's first and Broly's second defeat though Cooler did live after that.

He's one lucky bastard I want to point out that he did make a non canonical cameo in a part of our next Saga.

Super 17 Saga oh my fucking god they didn't stop ripping off their own work that sadly this one takes it to a new level I'm not kidding.

It rip offs Androids Saga because Dr. Gero just came back with his new friend Dr. Myu what the hell man.

They work on the original 17 making him an Android again or so we think it seems to me that only his memory was erased.

I got a question how the fuck was his memory got erased they never tell you in the anime how they were able to.

The beginning part of this Saga was clearly ripping off Fusion Reborn because every villain that you could name was back to only be killed again.

I hate how bad they fucked up the following rule that really makes the fans question where does this anime fit canonically.

If you go to Hell in this one you do become an immortal with no halo that makes no sense because in Dragon Ball Z they did have halos with no body.

That means a strong blow to the gut will knock them out for awhile now they never brought up if you die after you are dead you that's it.

I am basically saying is similar to Spawn if you die again then you won't be able to come back or even won't be able to exist anymore.

The title of this Saga along with another 17 combining with the original 17 becoming Super 17 is ripping off Super Android 13!.

It makes no sense why Android 19 came back because if you seen Androids Saga in Dragon Ball Z then you know that he was never human.

It's cool that same guy who voice 17 also did 13 as well as Hiei from YuYu Hakusho now I bet that got some of your attention.

Super 17 was suppose to be the ultimate android which in turns would be ripping off Cell who he did meet to get absorbed.

I mean this because Cell did absorb eneregy with some of these moves that aren't originally in his development.

Super 17 also rips off Dr. Gero with Android 19 since he does have a red thing on both his hands however he doesn't need to directly hit the energy with them.

You won't believe this even if I told you he can absorb energy through any part of his body now how the fuck is that possible.

Android 18 was still Android in this anime which makes no sense because there was a wish to bring everyone back alive around the time of the darkside of Buu's death.

That means she was human all the way through making her eneregy very absorbable by her brother however here her energy can't what the fuck.

Super 17's death was once again a rip off but this one was different because they reused the way how King Piccolo was killed by Goku.

My last thoughts on this Saga would be Super 17 also rip off Frieza's Death Ball though I been told that they officially rename the move well thank god for that.

Shadow Dragon Saga was the fourth and final Saga introduced in this shit fest of a good name it makes you wonder how much worst can this get.

Oh you bet your ass it is that it's time to turn up the dial because this one piss so many people off for numerous reasons that I'm going to try to name them all.

You are not going to believe this due to all those villains escaping Hell the Dragon Balls got too much negative energy that cause our Shenron.

To be replaced by Black Smoke Shenron that's it a second evil Shenron was introduce that turns out to be even more evil than the Black Star one.

How evil are we talking here well this fucker decides to split up into seven dragons to start officially the end of the world.

You could also say it's the end of the North Galaxy well it don't matter that much what does though is how ridiously a lot of these dragons were.

All of them except Syn Shenron are made from wishes from the first two animes however Syn was made from all that negative energy.

They're all a rip off of Majin Buu if you think about it because they're all magical beings that the Z Fighters must defeat.

Syn Shenron was rude to get involve with a fight between Goku and Nova Shenron because he knew Goku was going to get to him eventually.

Syn did combine with the other six becoming Omega Shenron that barely looks different that besides being bigger his now has each Dragon Ball on his chest.

Vegeta found a way to transform into a Super Saiyan 4 skipping Super Saiyan 3 now how the fuck is that possible.

They decide to do the fusion to become Gogeta that never happen before in the anime that my next point will take a while to explain.

In Dragon Ball Z with these ear rings that works by one of them puts one on the left ear as the other puts his or hers on the right ear.

This will cause the two to combine into each other to become one being permantly however thanks for being inside Majin Buu it effects weared off.

Fusion Reborn did feature a Super Saiyan Gogeta that beat the hell out of Jameba for his dear life.

They used the fusion techique that seems awkward because how you do it with someone else with a few minutes to do what you need to get done.

I want to talk about what Vegeta looks like as a Super Saiyan 4 before talking about what Gogeta looks like with that form.

He actually looks pretty bad ass with his gloves looking very different with his fur being darker than Goku's.

It became known that once in this form a Saiyan's true eyes appears that's right it's like the Vampires from Interview with The Vampire.

Gogeta's fur however wasn't red or yellow like me with some of my friends thought that's how it suppose to be.

Instead we got a brown fur with red hair what the fuck that is just fucking stupid to the point that I would rather jump off a bridge then to look at that.

I hate to say this because for one moment they were stronger than Omega Shenron then time ran out on them.

I really feel I need to bring up some really strong villains that deserves to be brought up since that dragon was called the strongest.

In a sense Broly, Hatchiyaku from the first OVA and Omega Shenron aren't canonical yet extremely powerful villains indeed.

Omega got destroyed very similar to Kid Buu with a Spirit Bomb so big that I believe no other villains would ever do anything else evil ever again.

They actually have a nerve by leaving in a gasp where you need to watch the TV special in order to understand what happen here.

I want to let you all know that Dragon Ball got four movies with Dragon Ball Z got thirteen movies with two TV specials and two OVAs.

This TV special was the closest thing on being a movie for god awtiful anime though I felt if there was a movie for Tenchi in Tokyo that would be so much better than this shit.

They were nice enough to make sure this closed out the series to make they can't continue after it though Dragon Ball Kai a remake of Dragon Ball Z is being made in Japan right now.

In conclusion this anime piss me off to no end I even heard some people that worked on it say it's bad.

I wish we never gotten such a fucking horrible follow up to a great anime that most fans don't even give a shit about this at all.

I want people out there to show much you hate this anime by making front of it as much as possible hoping it will get some people to include it in YouPoops.

So I'm Jack Red remember don't watch fucking horrible animes stay with the good shit I will talk to all of you later.