Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jack Red reviews Digimon

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I must come right out to say this that I'm only reviewing the first three seasons of Digimon.

Digimon was a rip off of Pokemon I know please don't comment on that it is a known fact ever since this show first aired in Japan.

I found out that there's two more seasons of Digimon after I kinda moved on from Fox to watch something else.

I will review them by naming each one a series name to avoid any confusion for you the readers out there.

I want to say before I start reviewing it that I haven't seen either season in a long time so please don't mine me.

Digimon Adventure was a good series I found out that was originally going to be shorter but due to it's popularity they made it bigger.

Here is another true fact about Digimon that does piss off Pokemon fans if you give people into anime a choice between the two they would pick Digimon.

I bet some of you are wondering why that is well Digimon has a cool concept as Pokemon it's a bunch of people going around capturing Pokemons.

I like that everyone has their own Digimon that talks with multiple transformation as for Pokemon most of them can't talk.

It is also true that Pokemon can't change back once they transformed which is okay I guess but Digimon sure made that look stupid.

It's a fact that Digimon look more awesome though Pokemon does win in naming as well as it's way overrated games.

It's about a bunch of kids that found out about the Digiworld to end up saving it from The Dark Masters.

It's a good season that I think some fans of anime must at least try to watch this hell I suppose anyone who don't like Pokemon.

Digimon Adventure 02 was also a good anime that I really got into as a kid in fact I still think a lot about this season.

This one was about new kids found out about Digiworld with some of the old ones coming back to help them when they can.

They end up facing The Digimon Emperor who later becomes normal to fight an old foe that has been defeated before.

It's time for the last season I remember from my child hood Digimon Tamers now this was in my opinion the last good one they did.

I said that before the following two seasons barely connects with the first three that piss a lot of people off at the moment.

My reason why I didn't see them was simply because I didn't know of them at the time but I'm not sure if I will look into them or not.

This one introduces new kids with the ones from the last two seasons trying to help as much as they possible can.

Their final enemy was a computer virus that was a blob now it took so many episodes for them to actually defeat this thing.

I got to say that I love Digimon even to this day as one of my favorite series of all time however I'm not sure what's going on with it lately.

Pokemon just needs to stop making episodes it has over six hundred episodes do you think that is a enough.

Digimon at least was more interest as a rip off can get without being a totally knock off such as Naruto another series I don't like to Dragon Ball Z.

I support Digimon over Pokemon anyday I don't care how many of you Pokemon fans get pissed off you all suck there I said it.

So I'm Jack Red I will see you later.

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