Monday, May 16, 2011

Jack Red thoughts on Which Animes are Better than FLCL Part 2

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I got a couple more animes that I think are better than the overrated six episode show. Now since some of these animes are really close to me I'm going out all for this one. I am glad that I can tell those who read this how much I love anime. I also love my soul mate Rebecca who means the world to me that I am going to marry some day.

The following animes are going to be really well design by me to show my passion for some of these shows...

1. Ergo Proxy
This is one of the best animes with Funimation's name on I ever seen. The story will take some time to learn with a twist at the end. I do like a couple of the characters though Ergo Proxy was my favorite. It has some of the best visuals with the overall look of the show being dark. I am a big fan of graphic violence since my child hood so that's one reason I enjoyed watching it. It truly deserves to be one of the company's finest out right now that will have a strong following.

2. Hamtaro
I will be honest I wasn't a big fan of this at first until I decided to watch an episode. It reminds me of Rugrats since the main characters often used their imaginations. It's about an hamster named Hamtaro with his friends. It has comedy style to get anyone's attention though it's aimed to an younger audience. They never release all the episodes in the United States for unknown reasons. I wish I could have some of the episodes to show my children one day.

3. One Piece
I don't get why some people prefer watching FLCL aka Fooly Cooly over this. I mean it has more than enough to be loved for years to come. It might be one of the longest animes I'm into it. I love a lot of the characters like Luffy, Sanji, Ace. Kaku and Zoro. The story will remind you of Dragon Ball since that was his biggest inspiration. It's one of the most well thought out stories I ever got into. I never seen such originality that this guy clearly went totally out of the box. I really love this show for numerous reasons that I am glad Funimation picked this up. Some of you already know 4kids originally had the dub but fucked it up really bad. Funimation you did an amazing job dubbing it the way it was suppose to be. They still making movies like most movies to their franchises not being canonical. Don't let the look of this fool you it's going to be one hell of an journey that you're welcome to join.

4. Cowboy Bebop
Who doesn't know the name Cowboy Bebop it's still one of the most famous animes ever. One website named it the greatest anime ever now you know I'm not fucking around. This has some of the best episodes I ever seen on any show for that matter. I like a lot of the characters like Jet, Edward, Vicious and Spike. Most animes are either loosely or directly based on the mangas yet this is one of the few that's totally original. Jazz songs from this show has been widely known for years. Usually most of them would use J Rock or J Pop songs. The director behind this master piece wanted to be as original as possible now that takes balls to do. It has some of the best action as well as comedy scenes still today in anime. There does exist an movie with this show that's also worth watching but a few animes. One quick interesting fact this came in second on Adult Swim's question what's better than FLCL wow.

5. Dragon Ball Z
Another personal favorite of mine that actually got me into anime today. Some would say the original is the best but most agree that they nailed it with this one. Yes they just remade it called Dragon Ball Z Kai though that fucking sucks. I already made it clear how much I hate Dragon Ball GT. Here's an interesting fact like Rurouni Kenshin they aired it on an channel where it didn't do good. Toonami pick up both shows where they got many fans loved them. This has some of the most awesome characters like Goku, Future Trunks and Cell. To be honest this was the first action anime I enjoy watching that I remember very well. Not too long ago I got an scroll of Goku in most of his forms hanging on my wall. They surprisingly made thirteen movies with two tv specials. Adult Swim put that anime question up with Dragon Ball Z being the third best anime better than FLCL. Like One Piece it's a long anime that has plenty moments to keep you watching it.

6. Death Note
Before I watched this Dragon Ball Z was my favorite anime now that's saying a lot. A lot of you guys knew I had to talk about Death Note it's so good. I love the direction of the story though I really don't like L's death. I like a lot of the characters such as Light, Ryuk, Mello and L. This was the single best anime to come from Viz Media that could rival some of the big names from Funimation. It reminds me of another anime from Viz Media Bleach since they both involved Shinigamis. It was really fun to watch Light going all out with the Death Notes. It has some well place humor with some really good intense moments that may surprise you. I do like they change the ending to one more fitting for the story since the original one was terrible. I'm also surprised that many girls including my girl friend dress up as some of the characters. Just in case you guys were wondering she likes dressing up as Mello.

Thank you for your time and I hope you enjoy what I had to say about all these shows.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jack Red presents Thoughts on Which Animes are better than FLCL Part 1

Hi everyone I'm Jack Red, sorry I haven't been blogging for a while I got really addicted to Garry's Mod with a need to watch anime hardcore. I am an on and off Adult Swim viewer for many years now. They recently asked the viewers which animes do they think is better than FLCL. For those out there FLCL is short for Fooly Cooly that's becoming a well known anime. I decide to talk about some animes that they did show real quick Saturday night that's better than FLCL.

This following list doesn't show exactly where I would put them for best animes but they sure are better than FLCL so let's go...

1. Gurren Lagann
I'm currently getting to this series but I did check the forums to found out four users said this show. I got to say being new to this that I can see why it's so damn good. It has one of the best mech stories I ever heard in an long time. This will remind you of Neon Genesis Evangelion as well as the Gundam series. What makes this different is how it starts out pretty strong. It truly stands pretty well on it's own against those two big names.

2. Fullmetal Alchemist
This was the original anime that loosely based on the manga like Hellsing. It has a good story with some rememberable characters. It's rare for me to say this but I love all the opening themes. They did a great job not being familiar with the story to make the show good. This is one of the best fifty some episodes anime I got into in recent years. It sucks they never revealed what happened to Dante the real villain of the story.

3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Funimation is remaking some of their classics with this being one of their best. It has a similar purpose like Hellsing to show the viewers what you were suppose to see. I am a bigger fan of this version since it's more what I wanted than the original. You get more characters such as Pride who reminds me of Alucard from Hellsing. Unlike Dragon Ball Z Kai it's longer than the original anime.

4. Bleach
Bleach is one of my favorite animes to date it reminds me of my child hood watching Dragon Ball Z. It has some of the awesome characters like Ichigo and Kenpachi. For the most part it's pretty good despite how bad season 4 was. The fighting is some of the best I seen in years. I love where the story is going though this can be confusing for a lot of people out there. It might be long but that doesn't mine you aren't going to enjoy it don't be a pussy.

5. Trigun
One of the absolute best animes in it's episode length truly deserves some respect. Vash does remind me of Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin with an Magnum. It has some good character development especially for the brothers this story follows. It does the comedy better than Bleach in my opinion. Usually animes twenty some episodes have epic ending battles with no expection to this. I still remember that fight like no tomorrow holy shit Vash won at the last minute. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants a really good anime to watch.

6. Samurai Champloo
This reminds me of Cowboy Bebop for numerous similarities that some call this it's sequel. It has a good story with some rememberable characters. They did try making an manga series based on this but stopped. That also happened to Cowboy Bebop which got a couple more characters. It has some of the most entertaining sword fights you will ever see in anime. It sucks I didn't get to watch it on Adult Swim but that's okay. It's a good anime with one of the most original director of all time.

7. Yu Yu Hakusho
It was a good story despite how popular Dragon Ball was. I remember watching a lot of episodes on Toonami. Just a few months ago I finally finished watching the series on YouTube. I really like a lot of these characters like Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei. I like they have most of their fights easier to watch than Dragon Ball Z. The ending sure was a pretty happy one maybe the happiest ever.

Oh I got a long way to go in fact I just decided last minute to make this a series of it's own to show how big of an anime fan I am.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Jack Red reviews Jackass 3D

Hi everyone this is Jack Red now I been hearing about Jackass 3D for a while that I finally got to see the movie. Holy shit this is one of the funniest movies I ever seen that's also one of the nastiest. They did it again with another great movie that I will remember for many years to come. I got to say I never laugh so fucking hard in my entire life watching an movie since the first one.

Sadly a lot of them did talk about how good the movie was in 3D which I don't know if I will ever get the chance to see it. Saw 3D is a bad movie that before I seen it I look up a couple of reviews. This one guy basically said go watch Jackass 3D instead now that's a big statement. I personally say like a lot of critics out there call it the best by far. I said that since they really show the viewers what Jackass is about in this movie.

Jackass 3D has so many good moments like Chris having a toy helicopter attached to his thing. The ending was a big improvement over the last one though I still kinda prefer the original's. The opening again never fails to impress me with the possible exception of Jackass 2.5. Only an handful of people didn't come back which doesn't hurt this movie much surprisingly.

Earlier in my review I said this is one of the nastiest while I can only going to spoil an handful that could make you throw up. They got Preston in an clear coat working out while making someone drinking it. A couple of times even in the ending credits you see people getting bombed in an crapper. Now it's time for the big one Steve-O is in another crapper thrown in the air. Believe me it don't sound like much but once you see it I promise you might need a bag.

In conclusion I love this fucking movie and I am waiting for the next one when that comes out.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jack Red reviews Garry's Mod

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I been busy lately which is why I haven't finish writing my Sven Co-op review. I just got an good mod yesterday through Steam that's fucking awesome in fact it's one of my favorite mods now. You might be lucky to find the older versions but paying ten bucks for a game so good is a steal. I already got a lot of achievements that were quite innovate to get like spawning one thousand allies or enemies then killing them all. In the words of Mills Lane off of Celebrity Deathmatch let's get it on.

Garry's Mod goes beyond games like Dead Rising and Grand Theft Auto series since you can make what ever you want happen. It's kind like playing any of The Sims games except in an first person shooter game. I am dead fucking serious you can get so many things without even going to someone else's server. I got to say that this mod has everything I wanted for a long time.

I am happy to do this review because the man behind this is an genius I would never thought of this. Surprisingly that guy has the same last name as the President of Valve I hope they are related. I feel they will keep doing business with this mod since people want to add great things. I love the support it's getting because it clearly deserves all the attention it's getting.

In conclusion only one mod I played on the Source engine comes close to this one which is GoldenEye: Source. Before I finish this I wanted to get this off my chest though it's not related to the actual review. Duke Nukem Forever better fucking come out in June or I am going to be pissed it's been fourteen years. It's bad enough that Gametrailers just awarded it the single worst delay in video game history. Anyway thank you for reading and see you next time.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Jack Red reviews GoldenEye: Source

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I want to do a short mod review series with two of my favorite mods in the entire world. I want to do GoldenEye: Source first since I been waiting a long time to play it then just recently played for hours. In the blog entry following this I will review another mod I been knowing it from a close friend. Sven Co-op which will be one of my toughest reviews I ever done but at the moment let's talk about GoldenEye: Source.

I heard the Wii remake of the game wasn't that great though I can see why just looking at some footage. I got to say I do plan on playing it in the near future despite how different it was from the movie as well as one of the greatest games. This mod has big fans of the game making it with one of their friend passed away a few years ago they were able to go beyond my expectations. I met some of the developers on the forum since they do listen to what the fans say.

I want to make this clear before I start officially reviewing this mod I want to point out that I'm reviewing the Beta 4.1. I really like how close this mod is to the original game it reminds me of two great remakes on the Game Cube. Resident Evil and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes are the only other ones I can recommend to people. The opening in my opinion was better without question in fact it's one of my favorites now. Do you know another opening into the game I really like was Conker's Bad Fur Day. Right now it's just multiplayer with a lot of people requesting for an single player campaign.

Yes ladies and gentleman it's that good I couldn't believe how fun it was playing with other people. Most people on Steam already know this that all mods are free isn't that awesome. That's almost as crazy as Duke Nukem Forever taking so many fucking years to make. GoldenEye: Source also has a team that will listen to the fans like another very popular mod Sven C0-op. I got so much to get off my back for this one since I was one of those popular who loved the multiplayer.

It sucks that their leader for this mod has passed away but his team sure doing a good job. Their goal was to not only recreate the classic feel but to also push the limits. They added so many maps including all the classic ones plus a brand new map based on Casino Royale. They also added a couple of new games to play with other people like Gun Game or Dr. No Armor. I really like they added a list of achievements with many references to the movies.

There was an website with an article about all the references in the original game now this one goes beyond it. The actual game play is more fun than the classic since you can play with more people. In the original game you could only have four people playing at a time but not in this mod. I did look at an article put up by one of the developers behind it with a list of servers with the biggest. You can play on a couple of 24 players servers which is fucking awesome.

I am not surprised that it's kicking the Wii remake's ass because this mod has big fans of the game making it. They nailed everything you can possible think of like the sound effects, weapons, characters, and more. I also heard of Perfect Dark: Source but that's up in the air if I will give that one a try or not. I did come across some comments on YouTube saying they like that better GoldenEye: Source. Are you fucking kidding me this mod is so damn good I mean just look at how many playing it.

You can even create your own server kinda like Half-Life: Opposing Force which I will be reviewing that soon. This mod like Sven Co-op has everything to keep me coming back to it I am dead fucking serious. Nickster must be proud of you guys up in Heaven because I would. In conclusion I really like this mod in fact I want to meet people who like the game as much as I do.
I thank those reading this as well as the GoldenEye: Source for making a remake that doesn't suck.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Jack Red reviews Resident Evil 5 Gold

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I was going to originally make this a video but parts of my web cam aren't working right. I won't be reviewing Versus since that mode was release before any of that new content plus I don't care much for it. I also won't be reviewing the game again since a lot of people like that video I made. I hope you all enjoy my review of all the stuff I missed on my first Xbox Live account.

I would like to start with The Mercenaries Reunion now I said before that I didn't care much for the original one for the game. I got to say that they did surprised me because I found this so much fun. Without question the character selection screen is better than Resident Evil 4 no lie. You can download all the characters instead of unlocking them is an damn good idea. Capcom you been making good decision with your franchises with this being one of your best.

You can play as Barry Burton and Rebecca Chambers of S.T.A.R.S. plus they look like they were pulled right out of the original. You get two new outfits right out of this mode to play in the main game now that's fucking awesome. You get the same maps with new enemy placements even some that weren't in the original ones. They made the special moves more powerful with a kill limit combo that can end the game.

In conclusion I think we should've got this one first now it's time for Desperate Escape. You play as Jill or Josh as you must escape at all cost. I do like you get to kill so many enemies though some times you won't know when sub bosses are out. It has a good story though to be honest I still prefer Seperate Ways of Resident Evil 4 over it. I say that because it can be confusing at times to know what to do.

The reason they made it is because they know people out there wanted a challenge so they made this with Professional Mode considered to be nearly impossible. You can use Rocket turrents however they are meant to be used to help make way. I wish I had the freedom to level the place but that's just me hahaha. I got to say this is one of the better mini games they made in this series. I would like to point out that there isn't an boss on this mini games except for a ton of sub bosses.

Desperate Escape is good with The Mercenaries Reunion being my second favorite now here's is what I really wanted to review. Lost in Nightmares this was so good that I knew I had to get it. They made this because they wanted to show the older fans that they do care about them. If you played either the original or it's remake then you will noticed how similar it is. I was surprised that you go half way through it without fighting any enemies.

You could easily run out of ammo if you aren't careful since there barely is any ammo on this mini game. Desperate Escape and both Mercenaries modes have plenty of ammo so there really isn't much I can say here. At the end you fight Wesker who is harder to hit than any of his fights in the main game. I also like you can get the classic camera angle back with puzzles that remind me of the first couple games.

Without question Lost in Nightmares is my favorite mini game of Resident Evil 5 since that's how they should be making the games. I am not saying Resident Evil 4 and 5 suck I am just saying they are losing the fear factor. The new outfits are much better exceptionally for Sheva since I didn't care much for her outfits. Her original outfit was the best before I came across her Fairy Tale one wow.

Chris has much better outfits than Sheva which I think a lot of people will agree with me on that one. I actually like all of his outfits now I just realized there's more outfits than Resident Evil 4. Resident Evil 5 Gold is a good update of an great game that I think everyone should play. I would like to thank everybody for coming to read this review and talk to all of you later.