Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Jack Red reviews Zombrex: Dead Rising Sun

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I'm still working on writing my own sequel to Death Note which I got some extreme ideas but a game I really want is coming out in a few weeks.

Dead Rising 2 is going to be an great game but I won't be able to get it until my birthday so I'm going to review the movie that's exclusively released online.

Zombrex: Dead Rising Sun is an eight part movie directed by the man who created this franchise as well as the infamous Mega Man series.

My first problem with this is obviously the title unless you look into it you wouldn't know it's related to the Dead Rising series which are quite fun to play.

I do question why it's in multiple parts with a confusing story though I like the classic dub in Japanese films effect.

I did like the zombies in the movie though that guy in the wheel chair was awesome especially when he modded it.

In conclusion it wasn't too bad but it falls pretty short to the game I played the living fuck out of it.

It's my shortest review to date I hope you all enjoy the blog entry.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jack Red presents Death Note Sequel Part 2

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I hope someone likes my work because I'm going to show those who read it how serious I was when I said it deserves an good sequel.

Chapter 2
*They just got in Jester's Room as the demonic planning begins*

Madness said, "So what's going through your head right now."

Jester said, "I know a friend of mine that knows a few mob leaders through out Japan I'm going to see if he will give me their names."

Madness said, "You are going to kill all of them then what's the point of that."

Jester said, "My plan is to perfectly time all of their deaths then I will go to each mob hopefully convincing them to make me their new leader."

Madness said, "That sounds interesting then what."

Jester said, "Then I'm starting a war with the Law Enforcement while I'm going to do something that can't be done."

Madness said, "You sure are an evil bastard but it's people like you that entertain me that those boring innocent people."

Jester said, "I'm going to show the world what I think of it being Hell on Earth."

Madness said, "That's perfect extreme Jester just remember when it's your time to go I'm going to kill you."

Jester said, "I don't fucking care how I die as long I make those flithy pigs pay for the pain they have caused me."

Madness said, "I can't wait until the massive killing begins."

Jester said, "I bet you're happy that so many are going to die."

Madness said, "You damn right I am though to be honest I'm one of the few Shinigamis that enjoy watching people die by the Death Note."

Jester said, "I'm going to go call my friend right now."

Madness said, "Alright I'll be right here if you need me."

*Jester is calling his friend Dick hoping that his plan can go into motion that will end the Law for good*

Dick said, "Hey man it's been awhile what's happening."

Jester said, "To be honest man I got something that you need to see."

Dick said, "Oh really well I can't wait to see what you want me to see then."

Jester said, "I got an question now I remember you telling me that you know all the mob leaders can I get their names."

Dick said, "What I can't simply give you their names without something bad happening."

*Jester moves the phone away to say something real fast to Madness*

Jester said, "Hey Madness can you do me an favor."

Madness said, "Sure what do you want me to do for you."

Jester said, "I want you to kill someone right in front of my friend Dick who should be at one of the mob's hideouts."

Madness said, "That might take awhile but if you can province me some information then I can make it happen."

Jester said, "Alright hold on let me see what I can find out."

*He brings the phone back up to his ear*

Jester said, "Sorry I had to do something real fast now what are you wearing today."

Dick said, "Well I'm wearing sun glass and an nice all white suit."

Jester said, "Can you tell me the address to where you are at right now."

Dick said, "I can tell you that though you better not tell anyone else that I told you where the hideout I'm staying at is."

Jester said, "I know you would say that because of the Police is there another reason."

Dick said, "There are rival gangs that really don't like me and I don't like them so that must tell you something."

Jester said, "Yes it does now please tell me the address."

Dick said, "I don't know the actual address but it's near by an Sea Food Restaurant that's known to be doing bad lately."

Jester said, "Wait that sounds familiar don't tell me it's Crispy Fried Fishes."

Dick said, "Good the other guys near me didn't hear me tell you that hint but you are right it's that place."

Jester said, "Hold on I need to get something in the other room."

*Jester moves the phone away from his head again*

Jester said, "Alright Madness you are going to place near by Crispy Fried Fishes to find my friend Dick who should be wearing sun glass and an all white suit."

Madness said, "Got it but why do you need me to go there."

Jester said, "I want you to kill someone near by my friend to prove to him that this Death Note actually kills people."

Madness said, "Is there an particular time you want me to do it so you can get his attention."

Jester said, "Just get me an minute on that one please wait."

Madness said, "You're glad that I don't just kill you for fun."

*He brings the phone back up to his head*

Jester said, "I'm back sorry for the delay."

Dick said, "It's fine what else do you need to know."

Jester said, "Who don't you like that's there with you."

Dick said, "I do like a couple of these guys though I would rather fuck their girl friends but this one guy is an asshole he wanted to started an fight with me."

Jester said, "What's his name because I have an surprise for you."

Dick said, "Oh you have an surprise for me what is it."

Jester said, "Can you keep an secret man."

Dick said, "Sure since you never once fucked me over so please tell me what is it."

Jester said, "You won't believe this but I got an note book called Death Note that kills people after writing down their names."

Dick said, "You got to be kidding me."

Jester said, "Well do you want to see someone there with you die just before your eyes."

Dick said, "Alright but this better not be an joke or I'm going to start taking you less seriously."

*Jester moves the phone away yet again*

Jester said, "The reason I need you to go there is to witness this guy about to die I thought since you said you enjoy watching people dying to go watch it happen because I got something special in store for him."

Madness said, "I'm going over there right now and I won't kill your friend since he could be an good ally to you in the future."

*Madness flies to where Dick is meanwhile Jester gets back on the phone*

Jester said, "If you want to see someone before right now please give me his name I promise you that I'm not joking."

Dick said, "Alright his name is Marcus Jones an armed gun that don't take shit from no one until he met me a few weeks ago."

*He writes down Marcus Jones on the Death Note with the conditions changing from an heart attack to banging his head repeatedly against his car until he dies*

Jester said, "I hope you enjoy what's I wrote is going to happen to him."

Dick said, "How long before it goes into an effect."

Jester said, "Now he should be banging his head against his car right now."

*Dick looks in shock as he couldn't believe what just happened."

Dick said, "How the fuck did you do that."

Jester said, "I told you I'm using the Death Note as my secret weapon against the Police I hope all of them burn to Hell."

Dick said, "Well by tonight I should have the names of the mob leaders you have requested just please don't kill me."

Jester said, "Listen as long you don't try to fuck me over then we're good."

Dick said, "Please take care and I can't wait to see this Death Note you used to kill that bastard for me."

*Dick ends the call while Jester waits for his next call from him in an couple of hours*

End of Chapter 2

Friday, August 20, 2010

Jack Red presents Death Note Sequel Part 1

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I decided since I love the series enough to make my own sequel to it.

I did read the one shot follow up and I hated it which is why I felt it deserves a better sequel than that piece of shit.

I don't want trouble but the people who own it because after all it's my fan story with some of their characters featured in it.

I want to make this in multiple parts so real fans of Death Note are going to love it.

Characters created by me to be in my story are the following...
Jester Hader (The main character of the story)
Madness (Jester's Shinigami)

Chapter 1
Three years after the Kira case ended a new person got their hands on the Death Note however this time a criminal got control over it.

*Jester walks in an near by Alley where a notebook falls from the sky at his feet*

Jester said, "What is this wait it's said Death Note on the cover."

*He reads the rules included in the Death Note*

Jester said, "According to the rules that if I write someone's name down then they will die let's give it a test."

*He looks for an TV on in an store which he walks down a few blocks to finally found one*

Reporter said, "A robbing is going on for a few hours now by a man named James Jetson who is known for being paranoid and heavily armed."

*Jester writes his name down as he watches for it to be confirmed*

Jester said, "It did say that in six minutes and forty seconds the victim dies so did it or not work."

*Just as he walks away he suddenly hears that they confirm that the man who he wrote his name down on the Death Note is in fact dead*

Jester said, "What the fuck just happen I couldn't believe it actually works."

*Madness flies behind him as he just witness that not only a human now owns his Death Note but already killed someone*

Madness said, "So you are the human that gotten my Death Note."

Jester said, "I never seen anything like you in my life before what are you?"

Madness said, "My name is Madness and I'm a Shinigami AKA the God of Death it's nice to meet you."

Jester said, "So you are an Shinigami that's a new one now can you prove to me that you are the real thing."

Madness said, "Yes I can but doing this."

*Madness goes through the wall and uses his wings to fly in the air for a few minutes*

Jester said, "Holy shit you are the God of Death sweet I always wanted something like you for a long time."

Madness said, "Now any other questions before I make sure you know the rules of the Death Note."

Jester said, "Yes are you doing to kill me since I got your note book."

Madness said, "Actually no because I been bored lately you see in my world it's dying out with nothing to do so I purposely dropped it for someone interesting to pick it up."

Jester said, "Well I got I can show you a world filled with death."

Madness said, "Now I heard about Light Yagami having an Death Note a few years ago that's what I'm going for."

Jester said, "I have heard about that but I can promise you that I'm aiming to make more extreme in fact it's going to be so big that God himself would want me dead."

Madness said, "I hope you are because most people that got their hands on the Death Note wouldn't go as far as he did."

Jester said, "Alright then please tell me about what I need to know."

Madness said, "It seems you have an good idea on what you can do with it however you can't go to either Heaven or Hell."

Jester said, "Why can't I."

Madness said, "It's because you used my Death Note now we Shinigamis can see your life span which brings me to my next point there exist a deal."

Jester said, "What kind of an deal are we talking about here Madness."

Madness said, "You can have our eyes for half your life though that's if you are up for it."

Jester said, "Fuck no because I don't know how much of a life span I have so no deal."

Madness said, "So now you want to be the new Kira now do you have any plans yet."

Jester said, "No not yet but maybe by tonight I'll have one that's gonna blow you away."

Madness said, "Alright sounds good let's go to your place then."

Jester said, "It's strange that you want to go to my place to see what I will do next."

Madness said, "It's not that I want to see your room but I heard most of the first Kira's planning was in his room so we could start in yours."

Jester said, "I might be criminal but I'm going to prove that the Police can't take on something as big as me."

*They walk to his house which took about two hours and an half to get there*

End of Chapter 1

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jack Red reviews Sword of Sodan

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I figured since I haven't reviewed enough bad Sega games to do one that pisses me right the fuck off.

Sword of Sodan is a pretty bad game though to be honest I found out about this game watching one of Urinating Tree videos.

I got to say in some of his videos that he's quite entertaining with his Indiana Jones one being in my opinion the funniest.

Before I start reviewing this horrible piece of shit I don't want those who collect Sega Genesis games to confuse this with Sword of Vermilion.

Sword of Vermilion wasn't too bad of an game in fact despite not knowing where to go after the beginning of the game I enjoy playing it.

You got to figure that some of my points have been talked about by Urinating Tree however I found some that he missed.

He did compare it to many beat em ups since Sega Genesis was known for having so many of them on the console.

I however want to directly compare it to the Sega Genesis Golden Axe Trilogy because it became personal to see EA ripping off Sega.

Golden Axe was an good game and I did enjoy playing it's sequels on the console now Sword of Sodan can kiss my ass.

The graphics looks like crap yet it's slightly more appealing than Shaq Fu which many people know that game is horrible.

I like that it didn't include an Option Mode so you can pick the difficulty as well as how many lives you can have.

Don't get me wrong it's good to have Option Modes in games but in shitty games like that it's perfect and sadly the best part of the game there I said it.

I'll tell you what I don't like picking a character is as simple as press left or right.

That's right the game doesn't even let give you time to decide who to play as which wasn't an problem in the Golden Axe games.

This could lose anyone who plays it interest just because you got to be careful to not press left or right.

I like in Golden Axe games how good they made their character selection screens it's better than Street of Rage series.

I mean in the first two games you have Ax Battler, Gillius and Tyris Flare then in the last one released on the Genesis had new characters.

Gillius is featured in Golden Axe 3 though he isn't playable which sucks since he was my favorite character of the entire series.

The actual characters in the game may fit the theme pretty well except they could've made them look better.

You just have the game to play now that's sucks because Golden Axe 1 and 2 had Duel Mode which I enjoy playing the fuck out of it yet for this game there's nothing else.

Golden Axe 3 didn't have Duel Mode but the overall game was still quite good despite being the least known game on the console.

The music as well as sound effect sucks now Golden Axe series has one of the best soundtracks I ever heard in an game.

The sound effects of Golden Axe is pretty rememberable and I love hearing every time I play.

The controls seem delayed especially to changing directions which becomes an problem when enemies gang up on you.

The actual fighting isn't fun at all I mean look at how fun Golden Axe now that's the shit but this is an piece of shit.

Golden Axe is also known for animals you can ride on to help get further in the game though there aren't any here.

I hope you the readers understand already that we are talking about one of the worst beat em ups in history.

It's random to change directions except if you hold the attack button then press the direction.

This could waste a lot of your lifes unless you figured out the clear blue to hold that button then press the direction.

That right there kills the fun of even playing the game because if you play beat em ups you don't want to keep holding the most pressed button to move.

It's horrible programming that prevent many from even playing it despite the fact it's actually a port of Amiga game.

The enemies barely look any different now in most beat em ups you have a variety of them in all kind of colors.

The overall pace of the game is slow unlike majority of beat em up games which are pretty fast.

I hate this level where you got to fight with Spikes since you got most of your attention on the enemies rather than your health.

What kind of bullshit is that it's like you love getting hit by cars for fun who do they think we are fucking assholes.

I got to these two giants that cheat I mean it seems like your attacks does nothing and you can't jump in the air to hit them.

Golden Axe never had that problem so why is it in here mother fucking a horse son of a bitch.

I'm pissed that you can jump attack those giants yet it you continue going forward they attack you fast enough to kill you.

I'm not done yet now are you ready for some serious bullshit good because I warn you I'm about to lose my cool reviewing such an bad game.

In Golden Axe games usually you start out with some with at least one for each new life.

You can collect them on the way through bonus stages or attacking those who carry them.

All you need to do to use the potion is simply hit an button now let's see how easy it is in Sword of Sodan.

You kill an random enemy to collect an potion then pause the game depending which ones you picked up select them then unpause to hit the A button.

I would have to say that it's too much for many gamers to remember especially those who have the rotten luck to grew up with this game.

Golden Axe 2 used instead of simply hitting the potion button to holding it to increase how powerful it becomes.

Sword of Sodan is fucked beyond believe and I'm telling those who collect Sega Genesis today to not add this one to your collection.

Urinating Tree if you do see this blog entry thanks for entertaining me with your videos and I hope you keep making them.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Jack Red reviews Otakon 2010

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I'm not sure if this will be my last year going or not but I do have a lot to talk about.

It's my fifth year going to it and I can honesty say it was an mixed bag since a lot of the good happen with some serious bullshit.

Let's talk about what I enjoyed about the convention I love looking at people's costumes especially those of characters I love for a long time.

I didn't go in any tournaments this year but this one match in Tekken 6 could be one of the toughest I ever done.

I loss the first time to this guy with blue in his hair then the second time I was able to score a win under him.

He's one of the best players of the Tekken series I ever faced though I loss fast against three slightly more skilled opponents.

I finally got my hands on Cowboy Bebop since I fucking love that show now I did try finding Gundam that my girl friend's brother wants I couldn't find it.

I also didn't find an Death Note that's more like an Note Book so I bought my girl friend the first half of the Death Note series instead.

I met two celebrities this time which I didn't expect either one to happen but thanks to Big C it happens.

I met one of the members of Home Made Kazoku when Fox 45 News was recording something from Otakon.

I love meeting Jerry Jewell who I know best as the voice of Jimmy Kubo from Case Closed and Barry the Chopper from Fullmetal Alchemist.

He actually did my request where he said an line as Barry the Chopper holy shit it sounds like it come right out of an episode I'm not kidding.

Now it's time to talk about what pissed me off a friend of mine did leave us in line for Jerry Jewell but I did talk to him we're cool now.

The Staff actually pissed me off this year I didn't know one street was closed making there was only one way to get to the Dealer's Room.

I was so confused and to be honest even not talking to any of the Staff I used some pretty strong language.

Thanks to my friend Josh we finally found it after all the confusion so I was pretty happy afterward.

I did send an apologize to the convention for how I reacted to it so I hope they understand why I was upset.

Some jack ass pulled the fire alarm and everyone had to go outside the convention now that ruins my day as well as my friend Josh's day.

In conclusion I got to say I still had fun and hopefully this won't be my last year going to Otakon since I'm both an gamer and anime freak.