Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jack Red reviews Sword of Sodan

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I figured since I haven't reviewed enough bad Sega games to do one that pisses me right the fuck off.

Sword of Sodan is a pretty bad game though to be honest I found out about this game watching one of Urinating Tree videos.

I got to say in some of his videos that he's quite entertaining with his Indiana Jones one being in my opinion the funniest.

Before I start reviewing this horrible piece of shit I don't want those who collect Sega Genesis games to confuse this with Sword of Vermilion.

Sword of Vermilion wasn't too bad of an game in fact despite not knowing where to go after the beginning of the game I enjoy playing it.

You got to figure that some of my points have been talked about by Urinating Tree however I found some that he missed.

He did compare it to many beat em ups since Sega Genesis was known for having so many of them on the console.

I however want to directly compare it to the Sega Genesis Golden Axe Trilogy because it became personal to see EA ripping off Sega.

Golden Axe was an good game and I did enjoy playing it's sequels on the console now Sword of Sodan can kiss my ass.

The graphics looks like crap yet it's slightly more appealing than Shaq Fu which many people know that game is horrible.

I like that it didn't include an Option Mode so you can pick the difficulty as well as how many lives you can have.

Don't get me wrong it's good to have Option Modes in games but in shitty games like that it's perfect and sadly the best part of the game there I said it.

I'll tell you what I don't like picking a character is as simple as press left or right.

That's right the game doesn't even let give you time to decide who to play as which wasn't an problem in the Golden Axe games.

This could lose anyone who plays it interest just because you got to be careful to not press left or right.

I like in Golden Axe games how good they made their character selection screens it's better than Street of Rage series.

I mean in the first two games you have Ax Battler, Gillius and Tyris Flare then in the last one released on the Genesis had new characters.

Gillius is featured in Golden Axe 3 though he isn't playable which sucks since he was my favorite character of the entire series.

The actual characters in the game may fit the theme pretty well except they could've made them look better.

You just have the game to play now that's sucks because Golden Axe 1 and 2 had Duel Mode which I enjoy playing the fuck out of it yet for this game there's nothing else.

Golden Axe 3 didn't have Duel Mode but the overall game was still quite good despite being the least known game on the console.

The music as well as sound effect sucks now Golden Axe series has one of the best soundtracks I ever heard in an game.

The sound effects of Golden Axe is pretty rememberable and I love hearing every time I play.

The controls seem delayed especially to changing directions which becomes an problem when enemies gang up on you.

The actual fighting isn't fun at all I mean look at how fun Golden Axe now that's the shit but this is an piece of shit.

Golden Axe is also known for animals you can ride on to help get further in the game though there aren't any here.

I hope you the readers understand already that we are talking about one of the worst beat em ups in history.

It's random to change directions except if you hold the attack button then press the direction.

This could waste a lot of your lifes unless you figured out the clear blue to hold that button then press the direction.

That right there kills the fun of even playing the game because if you play beat em ups you don't want to keep holding the most pressed button to move.

It's horrible programming that prevent many from even playing it despite the fact it's actually a port of Amiga game.

The enemies barely look any different now in most beat em ups you have a variety of them in all kind of colors.

The overall pace of the game is slow unlike majority of beat em up games which are pretty fast.

I hate this level where you got to fight with Spikes since you got most of your attention on the enemies rather than your health.

What kind of bullshit is that it's like you love getting hit by cars for fun who do they think we are fucking assholes.

I got to these two giants that cheat I mean it seems like your attacks does nothing and you can't jump in the air to hit them.

Golden Axe never had that problem so why is it in here mother fucking a horse son of a bitch.

I'm pissed that you can jump attack those giants yet it you continue going forward they attack you fast enough to kill you.

I'm not done yet now are you ready for some serious bullshit good because I warn you I'm about to lose my cool reviewing such an bad game.

In Golden Axe games usually you start out with some with at least one for each new life.

You can collect them on the way through bonus stages or attacking those who carry them.

All you need to do to use the potion is simply hit an button now let's see how easy it is in Sword of Sodan.

You kill an random enemy to collect an potion then pause the game depending which ones you picked up select them then unpause to hit the A button.

I would have to say that it's too much for many gamers to remember especially those who have the rotten luck to grew up with this game.

Golden Axe 2 used instead of simply hitting the potion button to holding it to increase how powerful it becomes.

Sword of Sodan is fucked beyond believe and I'm telling those who collect Sega Genesis today to not add this one to your collection.

Urinating Tree if you do see this blog entry thanks for entertaining me with your videos and I hope you keep making them.

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