Thursday, November 12, 2009

Jack Red presents Old vs. New Celebrity Deathmatch

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I want to speak out about an old vs. new topic that I feel just about everyone would agree on.

Before I go into details about the topic I would like to dedicate this blog post to Len Maxwell the original voice of Nick Diamond.

I was a big fan of Celebrity Deathmatch ever since child hood I even had the bad game because I love this show so damn much.

I want to let my readers out there that never seen either version of it that it's basically celebrities fight to the death.

The original series went from 1998 to 2002 on MTV while the cast did include their voice in the game in 2003 with the possible exception of Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Then out of no where after being canceled it was announce that it was coming back with notable changes.

This revival series lasted from 2006-2007 on MTV 2 due to how terrible it was compared to the original that got many fans including myself.

So originally MTV had a studio that made the show shortly went out of business due to the show getting canceled.

Cuppa Coffee Studios decide to make the new version of Celebrity Deathmatch even going as far as adding more blood to each match.

I believe many people would be surprise to hear that Eric Fogel was involve with the original version but not the newer one.

The reason behind that was he wanted to work on Starveillance which has been considered a spiritual successor to this show.

So in his place are Jack Fletcher and Dave "Canadian" Thomas that brought their own creative style with the show.

I did get my idea for this topic from The Nostalgia Critic so please don't ask me because I just wanted my own take on something I love with something I hate.

I got to say this that I will try to not go over board talking about the newer version well anyway let's get it on.

Round 1: Main Characters
I thought this whole out just right I figured why not just include Nick Diamond and Johnny Gomez since they were the hosts.

Old Celebrity Deathmatch
I really like Nick and Johnny through the four seasons getting more entertaining by the minute that when it's on at times it's hard to not watch.

I mean Eric Fogel after all did make this show with two guys who had experience in doing commenting.

Johnny was usually on the work host that barely made any mistakes while Nick does screw up at times which can be funny at times.

You actually do see these guys do some fights that you can't believe it at all.

I remember Nick beating up that Alien like no tomorrow because you thought he wouldn't win against him then it happens holy shit.

I really want to bring this one up in this version you do get to see Nick's son Nicky who is a likable character as well.

New Celebrity Deathmatch
I was very disappoint with Nick and Johnny on this version for numerous reasons.

I will give these guys credit for not screwing up Johnny's personality since in my opinion was the closest they were to the original version then everybody else.

Nick Diamond does screw up a lot in this version too however they basically threw him out the window on how random he can be.

I mean what the fuck is he smoking that making him look like William Shatner in Family Guy.

I did notice that after looking at it both their hair was different from their original counterparts like for example it's not the wrong color as well as their eyes.

I believe this round needs to go to the original Celebrity Deathmatch because this version of them I really care about since they were always entertaining to watch.

Point goes to the old Celebrity Deathmatch... I'll allow it!

Round 2: Supporting Cast
I actually got a ton of them from the original show I will bring up however after many thoughts I decide to just talk about Mills Lane and their Interviewers.

My reasons for doing this was because no one on the new version had a similar role to Stone Cold on the original.

Old Celebrity Deathmatch
Mills Lane in the original was voiced by himself before getting a stroke in 2002 while they got someone else to do his voice.

I really did like watching the original Mills because he can entertaining to watch I mean he was a great character on the show.

He even got into his own match with Judge Judy I got to say I totally respect this man for a long time.

Sadly I hate the new version of him for good reasons that I will explain in a moment.

I didn't like they made his chin too big with his voice not even sounding like the real Mills Lane.

I can't even believe they tried making him do funny stuff as well however it was done better by the real man behind the voice.

I will mainly bring up Marv Albert who was their interviewer before getting replaced by Stacy Cornbred who died got replaced by Debbie Matenopoulos.

On the second Halloween episode the main event was in fact Stacy back from the grave against Debbie for the title of best CDM interviewer.

Each one had character that I can respect however I totally hate Tally Wong not for racist reasons.

New Celebrity Deathmatch
I hate how they tried mirroring her relationship with Johnny to Nick with Debbie who don't like each other.

I really need to bring this up why does she keep saying or else what you will bring back Stacy Cornbred.

She was a totally bitch I mean I thought she was a terrible interviewer even Marv was better than her.

Tally never really got a good interview in at all compared to the original interviewers that got their own fair share of them.

I will give this one to the original Celebrity Deathmatch.

Point goes to the old Celebrity Deathmatch.

Round 3: Matches
This is a very important round because I got a confession I really love the original Celebrity Deathmatch fights a hell lot more than the newer one.

Old Celebrity Deathmatch
I got to say even most of the matches played out like a death match with no special adaptation to them they were still entertaining to watch.

I do like when they start being creative by adding some cool shit to the matches such as The Dome of Devastation and three weapon diva matches each one being different.

I really want to throw this one I love The Matrix match it was Keanu Reeves against Brad Pitt that did get on the official Top 10 Matches of time.

That list was hosted by the real Jerry Springer now I have a good memory about the list though I do know after watching it once on TV that I seen all of them.

I got to say even to this day my favorite deathmatch fight of all time was Beavis vs. Butt Head because I was a fan of them too growing up.

That match alone was original just think two cartoon characters fighting to the death with the official voice of them.

I could name a ton of matches I love that I don't see how the newer Celebrity Deathmatch could compete with it.

I also want to say Marilyn Manson actually voiced himself on the show for the most being in three fights of his own winning them all.

In fact Marilyn Manson actually cameo in what is considered to be the greatest deathmatch fight of all time it's The Spice Girls against Hanson.

I do like their special episodes such as Halloween, Family Night, 4th of July, Salute to Laughter and Fandemonium.

I want to explain to my readers who don't know what Fandemonium is basically a episode where us fans can vote to see what matches do we want to see.

I am going to be honest I didn't know until it's too late for all four of their Fandemonium episodes however I still enjoy watching them.

I thought most of the fights were well thought out making you think it's real though it is not you got to love that director Eric Fogel.

New Celebrity Deathmatch
I am not going to lie most of these matches sucks I want to talk about a few of them that really piss me off.

You can tell how stupid they tried making the celebrities look especially the Masked Fighter who is in fact Michael Jackson who passed away not too long ago.

I think a even bigger problem with this version of Celebrity Deathmatch is most celebrities that fought on it has been on the old one fighting before.

They did bring in some new celebrities such as Chris Farley, Rob Schneider, Cris Angel, etc.

I was very upset to see a conjoined tag team match where two celebrities with a music background with a similar sounding name get cut in half then attached to each other.

I will confess that some matches did entertain however only a handful of them that I will get to in a minute.

I got to say comparing the blood in this version to the original I have to think it don't mine me thinking it is though that's what it suppose to be.

I can't even believe they did two rematches that happen in the older version such as Shaquille O'Neal against Kobe Bryant.

This rematch was the single worst rematch of the entire show in fact it's so disappointing that it top how disappointing Loch Ness Monster vs. Big Foot yeah no joke.

Another rematch they did was Jessica Simpson against Nick Lachey which if you remember the first time Nick with his friend were in a Gundam fighting Jessica who got beamed into a giant.

I also didn't like how they did Chris Farley against Horatio Sanz where since no one threw a punch since Farley died they kept using the Time Machine until someone finally did something.

I was very upset that the voice of Bender from Futurama voiced three celebrities that don't sound like them at all.

In other words they tried making this one more cartoon action than being realistic on some of the action like the old version.

They did do their own episode on Comedian vs. Comedian let me say that only one fight for me was worth bringing up that would be the one with Rodney Dangerfield.

Rodney was alive around the time of the old version where he faced Don Rickles now brought back from the Time Machine takes on Rob Schneider.

I will say this for the record that not many celebrities were done right however only a handful was accurate.

I really want to bring this one up they did do something similar to Fandemonium however the winning matches would appear in the following season rather than just a episode.

I got to say the stupidest match of the three matches from the polls was Ashlee Simpson against Her Old Nose I'm not making this up.

I want to give you an idea how this match went down when I heard this was a choice in the poll I did vote for it since I didn't like the other choice in that poll.

I originally thought it would play it like John Travolta against Nicolas Cage where their faces and asses were switched.

I was disappointed to see how they did it basically that old nose of her is now about a size of a head that can talk.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to do a match like this it makes no sense why can't they come up with a better match than this shit.

It's about to bring up the single best match of the new version Johnny Depp against Orlando Bloom who will not come back as William Turner in the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

I got no choice that isn't enough for me to change my decision.

Points goes to the old Celebrity Deathmatch.

Now it's finally here the big one, the single most important round of this comparison.

Round 4: Overall
I don't even need to throw down any facts about either version of the show because it's obvious that I'm going with the original Celebrity Deathmatch.

I mean this new version was pure garage that I would rather play the game than to watch season 5 and 6 ever again I'm dead serious.

I can't believe such an abomination actually exist well to me this is an insult to an entertaining show that is worth thinking about.

I got to say I was not happy with the newer one at all I wish it would've aired on TV.

Point goes to the old Celebrity Deathmatch.

So there you go my own take on comparing two things within the same franchise in this case a child hood favorite of mine Celebrity Deathmatch.

1 comment:

  1. I liked Bigfoot vs Nessie, it's one of my favourite matches. Yeah, it was disappointing, but that was the whole point, everyone in-show was so excited and then it turned out to be as Stone Cold said "a six-second suckfest."
