Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jack Red reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Main Nintendo Series

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I aware I'm not the first one to do this but I'm sure going to do it better than The Irate Gamer.

There's four games in the series that spawn from NES to SNES that most of them are worth playing.

I will start with the original work my way down to what many said to be the greatest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game in existence.

Anyway let's get this start Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I am talking is not the great arcade game of the same name was released on numerous console but it sold the most on NES.

You can hit the start button to switch out your turtles when you need to though I couldn't get pass level 2 low on health as well as time it's really hard.

It has elements of the comics as well as the first cartoon however for me I don't think that was an good idea.

You usually get two continues but with an code you can get two more though that's the only useful code you can find on the game.

Sadly there aren't any other code found in the game meaning you better do a good job playing it or you're fucked.

There is no invincibility time meaning a single enemy could drain all of your health kinda like Wolverine on the same console now that sucks.

I really got to comment on who, what are all of these enemies were they on fucking drugs when they made this shit.

I do like you can go into sewers and buildings which some of them do have pizza that heals you in the game.

I got to say this it's the worst performance of Bebop and Rocksteady I have ever seen out the entire series I'm dead fucking serious.

Bebop just keeps walking now sometimes he will jump at you but that's all he does in his boss fight wow bad programming.

Rocksteady was a slightly better boss however he's easier to beat thanks to a weird glitch where you select Donatello go to the top of the crates then repeatedly keep hitting down.

Every time he ducks it hurts him which makes no fucking sense that's like saying Shredder should be beaten by throwing trash at him oh wait that happened in Turtles Forever shit.

I don't like that sound when you are low on health now is it necessary to have that in an game because I don't think so.

Leonardo and Donatello have long weapons which is a good thing to have in this game however the other two turtles aren't as good so you better be careful playing.

Sometimes you can run into ninjas walking around not in buildings or sewers though they're easy to beat with a single hit now that truck thing can kill you just as fast.

Now that infamous level that I dd try so hard to get pass without using Game Genie codes it's really hard in fact it could be one of the hardest swimming levels ever in an video game.

You are timed with lasers and two different kinds of seaweeds which you must go this path that's notorious for pissing off a lot of gamers.

It's very close by seaweeds meaning you can't get pass it without taking a few hits which is bullshit why god damn it.

I just gave up on the game I don't have the patience to try beating the game as best I could it's too fucking hard I would rather play Contra than this.

Next up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game is an port of the popular arcade game for the console.

Before I start talking about the game I wanted to give my readers a fact that could blow your mind entirely.

Konami was making two similar titles now by accident I didn't change the title of the other one which lead to this port getting II in the title.

What this mean is outside the United States it's just the last three games of the series not four like we do.

Once again you can play as all four turtles however once you selected one then you must go as far as you can with that turtle.

The game reduces the number of players from four to two which is fine because I think that makes it more challenging that way.

Pizza Hut actually sponsored this game in fact if you had the game back in the day you would get a coupon to use when you go there awesome.

The original levels were extended with the ninjas from Foot Clan being more of a variety than the original game was surprising.

I am glad they made sure the bosses that came from the original game were done right especially The Shredder.

In the original game once you beat Krang you will then fight The Shredder however there is a unique twist waiting for you.

That twist is you will have to fight him with his clones now here's what makes it unique depending on the number of players you have to fight a Shredder more holy shit.

He has a pretty good defense and a move that can instantly kill you if you get caught in it now you should be worried when you get to him in that game.

I don't know how many clones he can create but what I do know is as soon as his helmet gets removed he won't be able to do that annoying attack anymore cowbunga.

You do get two new levels with their own boss fights that are quite fun to take on though they are tough to beat.

They replaced Bebop and Rocksteady with Dr. Baxter in his fly form which I found to be too easy now if they kept the pair it would've been harder.

They kept most of the cut scenes from the games plus some new ones added making this one of the greatest ports I ever played.

I really like that this one has codes which the last one failed to delivered on that so I am quite happy with it.

I actually think it's more fun playing with the code where it gives you extra lives that are added to your continues and level select wow.

Overall I like this port more than the original game because it's longer and I am impressed how well they were able to get such a great game on the console.

Next up is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project now I am going to start by saying this was the first game in history to use The Manhattan Project with the second being a Duke Nukem game.

This was easily the best NES turtles game I ever played but to be fair I really did enjoy the last one as it was a huge improvement over the original.

You can play as all four turtles once again with each one having a different special move now doesn't that kick ass.

I also like when you die instead of being the same turtle through out the game you can select who you want to be kinda like the first TMNT game.

They did a great job once again for the bosses with Krang being harder than last time with some recurring bosses as well as some new ones.

Yes The Shredder is back but this time you must fight him twice who can be challenging to beat though I thought the first one was a lot easier than fighting in the previous one.

I think after playing this I found the hardest version of Super Shredder in history of gaming in fact I recommend you use level select and face him a few times to be able to take hm down.

I am glad that they were able to top the difficulty of the last game's Shredder with this final boss fight now I got to be honest it's easily the most difficult boss I ever faced in any TMNT game.

I was also happy that neither of his boss fight has an instantly move though in his final fight the attack does change you back into a turtle it doesn't kill you among impact a huge improvement over the last one.

He does have a lightning that can some time learning how to dodge it now I got hit most of the times he used that move so you could lose a couple of lives.

The levels are better designed this time around with the graphics being pretty good for the console.

This was the last one where on any difficulty you can see the ending which is fine considering it's longer than the previous one.

Now it's time for the one you all been waiting for the single greatest game of the entire series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time holy shit I fucking love this game.

This is a SNES port of the sequel to the original arcade game that flat out tops it along with my child hood game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist on Genesis.

The SNES port does follow the story of the original game quite well in fact I like it more than the second NES game.

I will tell the story of the game to those who don't know how it goes basically The Shredder found a way to use time itself a weapon so the turtles must stop him for the last time.

If you guys didn't read my mystery review blog entry then I will tell you what my child hood game is about so don't worry about it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist was a modified port of Turtles in Time that was released close by the SNES port.

It was clear that the fans prefer the SNES port reducing my child hood game to the status of a gem.

Gem according to The Happy Video Game Nerd means good games that don't get the respect they deserve.

Anyway this version has a different story because it isn't about The Shredder stealing time it's about him stealing the Hyperstone from Dimension X where he uses it to shrink locations down to hold every hostage.

So the turtles are going to jump in to save the day from their nemesis one last time now I wish this version would've had a sequel.

I am happy to said once again you can play as all four turtles I bet you guys out there are getting annoyed that I keep saying sorry.

It does follow the game however they made it even more fun by changing it to be tougher to beat such as replacing Clement Man with Slash.

They made sure there was a boss waiting for you in nearly every level especially where you wouldn't expect them in the bonus ones.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist didn't have bonus levels but what it did have was great level designs based on multiple levels from Turtles in Time.

This has easily the best boss line up in any TMNT game I ever played though to be fair I thought the two games before it with my child hood TMNT had a good line up too.

A few of these bosses are featured in The Hyperstone Heist such as The Shredder, Krang, Leatherhead, Dr. Baxter Stockman and Rocksteady however there are noticeable differences.

I will throw this one out there that you fight Leatherhead and Rocksteady in different locations which to be honest I like fighting them more in the Genesis version.

Leatherhead appears on a Train in the SNES port while he appears in the sewers which fits him better.

Rocksteady was with Bebop in the SNES port was tough because every now and then you got to watch out for the other one meaning I couldn't figured out their pattern exactly.

Rocksteady in the Genesis version is alone and a hell lot easier because I got his path down quite good.

I also like that in the Genesis version that actually exist a level where you fight Leatherface, Rocksteady and Tatsu before facing Dr. Baxter Stockman.

You do fight the good doctor in the SNES port as the first boss in his fly form however you fight him in that machine he had in the original game except it's slightly harder.

Krang and The Shredder has to be fought twice while just once in the Genesis version so are you ready to hear which version of them is tougher to beat.

Krang is fought first at the end of the last bonus level then you fight him again at the end with a different approach while you do fight him on the last level it's the same as Krang's first boss fight of the SNES port.

The second Krang boss is known as one of the hardest beat em up boss fights in history because he is in a ship where he can make those things the doctor created for them while he will increase his speed near the end of the fight.

Once that happens you must perfectly time your hits and if you try using the same strategy from fighting the doctor of the Genesis version it won't work against him.

The Shredder first boss fight is very similar to the first boss of Battletoads yes ladies and gentleman I am not kidding.

It took me awhile to figure out how to fight back then it just hit throw his ninjas at him now that is awesome though I checked you can't throw enemies off screen in other beat em ups so you might have to stick with this game.

I would like to point out before I further compared The Shredder that you can't throw the ninjas off screen in the Genesis version though you still can slam them back and forth.

Now fighting The Shredder for the last time you would think it's hard but I found out that it's easier than the Genesis version simply because he walks after doing one of his blast.

That's right if you want a tougher Shredder play my child hood game anyway in The Hyperstone Heist he will float around with no walking.

This means you must perfectly time when to hit him or you can't beat the game I am dead mother fucking serious.

The good thing about this Shredder is his freeze attack doesn't work though you still have to worry about his instantly kill and fire blast.

The background for Shredder's final boss is slightly different but I kinda like The Hyperstone Heist one more.

You can cheat in the Genesis version while it's limited here however if you got the SNES port outside the United States then you got more codes than us which sucks.

I already brought it up earlier in the review so I think it needs to be brought up here you must beat the game on it's hardest difficulty sadly Contra III has the same problem.

Do you know what that tells me oh you aren't trying hard enough well fuck you at least I did play the game to it's fullest what else could you ask for it's fucking bullshit that they actually did that to piss us all off.

I got to say it's a good game however because you can barely cheat in our version and the ending bullshit it isn't my favorite game of the series.

I often debate with myself which one I actually like the most and here's where it came down to.

1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist

This was tough but I have officially picked a game that I think was so damn good it was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project.

Why did I choice that game well I will tell you having the option of the changing your turtles after losing a life was a great idea.

I really like how the levels are designed though the SNES port of Turtles in Time has some good ones though the Genesis version did go the extra mile with the levels so I prefer that over SNES version.

The bosses were well balanced out better than most of the games in the series including Super Shredder.

Super Shredder was really hard to beat in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III because his defenses were up like The Hyperstone Heist without a move that can instantly kill you awesome.

It's easier to beat The Shredder in The Hyperstone Heist than this game despite the fact this Shredder mostly walks does float around a little bit.

In second place for my favorite TMNT games in existence has to be The Hyperstone Heist because it isn't as hard as the second NES game and I do like the level designs a lot more.

I also picked that because the bosses were more fun to fight though it's because some of the bosses in the NES port I often got frustrated now don't get me wrong in good games it is a good thing but some of the bosses are really hard to beat like General Traag.

I really like the story more in The Hyperstone Heist than the original arcade game so it shouldn't be a much of a surprise why I prefer my child hood game as my second favorite TMNT game of all time.

Well that's it now I am working on reviewing the other two versions of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters so if you are interested then I hope the wait was worth waiting for you.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Jack Red presents The End of Greatest Game Villain

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I wanted to talk to you about all those villains I want to pay my respect to through this competition that will end today.

Let's start with Pac-Man ghosts who hasn't played Pac-Man what a great game and I have played similar games within the series to it I was kinda surprised they loss to Kerrigan.

Darth Vader is a good villain in movies that's obvious but I haven't played enough Star Wars though I did like his cameo in Soulcalibur IV.

Sweet Tooth is one of my personal favorite characters I will surprised he got to round 3 after being one of the wild cards voted in that tells me I am not alone supporting Twisted Metal.

Bowser I have played many games that have him in it plus he is one of the grandfathers of game villains in video game history how can't I respect him.

Shao Kahn is a good villain though how he loss to General RAAM still doesn't make to me because he was the emperor that stolen realms to merge into his Outworld now you know that's evil.

Kefka I did vote against him in the only match I got to vote with him in it but that doesn't mean I don't respect him now he was a good villain in fact I think he's better than Sephiroth.

The Shredder was such an awesome guy in fact even he did lose to Bowser I still think he was a better villain because his plans are more serious with his boss battles taking a lot of skills to beat him.

Albert Wesker is such a good villain though how he loss to Ganon don't make sense to me I did like he had a lot of story plus his actions really shows his personality.

The Joker was a very entertaining villain especially from what I saw in Batman: Arkham Asylum and I think with a handful of villains he is meant to be here as one of the best ever in gaming has to offer.

Psycho Mantis was a very original boss in fact if I remembered correctly only one other boss in the entire series is similar but wasn't as good as him.

Revolver Ocelot is one of the fews I didn't get to vote for which sucks considering what a great villain though his real goals weren't evil he did do an awesome job entertaining me through out the years.

Death Adder was another one I didn't get to vote for now I was confused why people voted Donkey Kong from the games he was a bad guy over him I mean he can do massive magic especially in the arcade version of the original.

Dr. Robotnik sadly had to go up against Wesker who I thought was a better villain now I played many Sonic games which I am a big fan of and I think he does deserve to be here.

Cyber Demon was a fun boss in the first two Doom games now I didn't care much about fighting him in Doom 3 but I thought he looks awesome I don't get why people voted Andrew Ryan who isn't a villain over that thing.

Ares from God of War 1 was a good villain I just wish he never had to been killed in that game I really did like him though I did vote against in round 2 with Ganon I think he does belong in this competition.

Vergil is the twin brother of Dante who is a lot like Sesshomaru to Inuyasha in that series anyway I like everything about him in Devil May Cry 3 but his fate was sad where he loss to the Devil King to become one of his servants.

Heihachi Mishima is in so many games which most of them I do play the hell out of it and I still don't know why people thought The Master was a better villain we are talking about one greedy guy that doesn't know when to quit.

Now I hope you enjoy reading about what I think of the villains I do respect enough to include here but I should let you know either Grand Theft Auto villain weren't good enough.

I will explain myself so I don't get a lot of messages asking me why Lance Vance became a villain at the end of GTA: Vice City so clearly there isn't much I can go off on.

Officer Tenpenny make sure your stay in GTA: San Andreas was a living hell since he was a corrupt cop however after being told by a few friends what he did I don't think that's enough though I will go on record saying he's better than Lance Vance.

I will talk to all of you later and please have a lovely day.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jack Red reviews... Part 1

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I wasn't sure how to entitled this blog entry because I'm not reviewing one series but a handful of them.

The reason for this was I couldn't make their reviews as well as putting them altogether which is a tough job to do.

Most the games I am going to talk about are from my child hood that I have replayed recently to make this entry.

There a few expections that I recently found out that I wanted to add to this because to me it would be a more complete review.

Let's start with the two games that followed the horrible Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge.

LJN is a notorious bad video game company that's known for taking good licenses and making some of the worst ever made.

They are the publishers while Software Creations that wasn't in the United States actually made the games.

Spider-Man and Venom series is considered a gem among those who enjoyed beat em up games such as myself.

Most people who know of that series think about the two games with the original being a game recommend to many fans.

I actually considered Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge a part of the series because it was made by the same team with the only story being told like an comic book.

After they released Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge they decided to keep making games with Spider-Man while changing the overall gameplay.

What followed such a bad game from my past was Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage that's known as the best game LJN is responsible for.

I do agree with the majority it's one of my favorite beat em up games I ever played despite not actually beating the game.

I did watch the Longplay on both games for Sega Genesis and I got half way on em which surprised me a lot.

The first thing I want to say is unlike most Genesis cartridges this one was red which fits well with the game itself.

I did some research to find out it's based on the comic book series of the same name now after all those bad games they finally nailed one wow.

It has good music with great sound effects that fit the action of the game itself so I do treasure this game a lot.

It also got a great story which makes you feel you were reading the comic though in reality you are playing an game that's pretty good.

You get a lot of support from other heroes especially if you play as Venom who can get Spider-Man with the super sonic gun that weakens Carnage to where you can beat him.

I love the levels designs in fact those were some of the best you will ever seen in an beat em up game.

One criticism I must bring up is when you are fighting the Super Villains it gets pretty tough especially later in the game.

Carnage was done so much better than he was in Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge so that's a big improvement.

He leads his own team of Super Villains that most of them aren't going down without a fight though he is the toughest one to beat.

I do like you get to fight him multiple times in the game I think that's a good idea because he is unlike a lot of bosses in beat em up games.

At least he isn't Death Bringer in the Genesis port of Golden Axe where if he hits you sometimes he will use magic to get in another hit which isn't fair but it makes the game challenging.

You must time your times on him or you could lose a lot of lives trying to defeat him now the only boss I seen that's like was The Riddler in Batman Forever which I also had on the Genesis.

I don't really mind waiting at a point where you can now play as Venom because the story actually changes direction depending on which one you choose now that's unique.

I thought the enemies were done perfectly with some strategies working better than others on the regular bosses.

Now let's talk about Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety this was the sequel to Maximum Carnage that wasn't as good.

The music wasn't as solid as the enemies being easier to beat which could tick off a few people playing the game who want a challenge.

I do like it has a password system which the original on the Genesis didn't have so that's an improvement.

They change switching back and forward with the main characters to a storyline for each which is nice to have but it makes you wish they could let you change it up a bit.

I want to go back to the enemies I did noticed you fight a lot of the same bosses which is true with the original but it's more often then it should be.

The levels play out more how I wanted them now that's an improvement because I wasn't much for climbing up the building like in the first two games.

This one is also based on the comic book however the title of the game isn't based on that series surprising right.

It's actually based on Venom: Lethal Protector though the stories have similar between the two.

I didn't like you got the entire game not knowing Carnage will be the final boss though a lot of you guys thought he had to be in the game.

He wasn't as good as he was in the last one that's pretty clear because he attacks you like those skeletons in Golden Axe series that cheat often.

He's better than how he was in Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge which was a fucking joke.

In conclusion it wasn't as great as the last one but still a pretty fun game to play though many often criticize it not being a solid sequel.

Now let's go to the next series on my list Golden Axe now I played the first two in my child hood then I found out not too long ago there was another game I didn't know about.

Golden Axe is a damn good port of the original Arcade game which I did play that version now that stands as one of Sega's greatest games ever.

They were some sacrifices but they decided to make the game longer than it's supposed to be which I got to say was a great idea.

You can pick out of three characters though most people love the dwarf the most and to be honest he was my favorite despite having the lowest magic in the game.

You can beat up thieves to get magic potions or food which you will be doing a lot even through out the levels of the game.

The bosses are well through out it's a good beat em up game for those who want a challenge on the Genesis especially the final boss.

If you have played the original Arcade game it was supposed to end when you defeated Death Adder but that's where the port tops the classic.

Originally you were supposed to fight him with two slightly stronger than him skeletons with strong magic though that was change to make him a easier boss.

That magic I am talking about is similar to your magic except he can do it what ever he wants.

So did they remove that difficult boss fight from the game well guess what in this port Death Adder was an henchmen of someone worst.

You play two more levels to fight Death Bringer who is actually tougher than Death Adder in the original Arcade classic.

He has those skeletons that were with Death Adder in the Arcade version plus they made a bit smarter so be careful.

There is a new ending from the one it originally had though I prefer the Genesis version more since it didn't break the fourth wall unlike the other one.

Duel Mode is pretty fun to play now what you do after you have selected a character is you keep fighting enemies including bosses until you lose or you beat it which will take some practice to do.

There's also a easier version of the game that's three levels long with Death Adder Jr who is way too easy but of course they had to include now try the main game.

I like they added that mode because it helps some people get better that the game who aren't as good at it as others.

I love the music it's so good in fact it's better than Altered Beast another Sega classic that was created by the same man Makoto Uchida.

Let's talk about Golden Axe II it does follow the original and was released before the Arcade sequel Golden Axe: The Return of Death Adder which looks like a great game.

That game never got ported even to this day so if you can find an Arcade machine somewhere you might be lucky to find it.

Anyway you play as the same three characters from the original though I do think they look better here but that's my opinion.

Duel Mode is back but I think it's slightly easier to play than the previous one though the line up is better thought out.

The bosses are pretty good in this one however Dark Guild can be a pain in the ass to beat because he keeps making skeletons plus he does try to stay out of your way more than Death Bringer.

He barely uses their strong magic which is a good thing because if he did use it more often you might not be able to beat the game.

The overall difficulty is notably lower than the last one which did get criticism as well as a lot of them actually thought it was a reharsh of the original.

I don't agree with that one because it has a different story with some good changes with the music being the best.

Now it's time to talk about the black sheep of the Golden Axe family unless you had Sega Channel at the time you wouldn't know of the game until just recently.

Let me explain what Sega Channel was at the time there was a service on the Genesis where you can download exclusive games.

Golden Axe 3 was a good game but the question here is can it compared to the first two games I think yes it can.

You do see the Dwarf from the first two games however he's a saga in this one meaning he got killed off.

That proves Golden Axe: The Return of Death Adder is a part of the series without question sadly I haven't played that.

You play as four new characters which none of them are from the Arcade sequel now I found this fact interesting by mistake they named two of the characters of those from the last two games.

They decided to make the controls more interesting which is a good idea however some bosses are really tough to beat.

I still don't get how you unlock the real final boss with Damud Hellbringer though you still fight with him at the end of the game.

The hidden final boss is another fight with him wielding the Golden Axe now from what I seen in videos it looks similar to fighting Death Bringer on the original.

You can go multiple paths which came directly from Golden Axe: The Return of Death Adder however it could make the path easier or harder to get through.

I was disappointed when they replaced Duel Mode which was popular enough to inspired a bad fighting game with fighting all the playable characters including yourself.

Let me tell you it's tough to beat and it doesn't matter who you play as or you pick to fight each time you win.

I once again love the music when it comes to beat em up games it ranks up there for me as I did grew up playing the Genesis a lot.

Next up I am going to talk about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the console now I did own one of them while renting the other.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist is basically a modified port of Turtles in Time that's pretty good.

In comparison with the SNES port it may fall short but it's a tougher game to beat especially where you fight three previous bosses then you fight Dr. Baxter who was an okay boss.

It has good music maybe one of the best on the console itself I remember a lot of them growing up listening to them as I play the game.

You do get to play as all four turtles now doesn't that kick ass and considering I'm actually a fan of the turtles I fucking love it.

I always have fun playing it with a lot of times I lose while being far into the game but we all can't be natural born perfect gamers.

I was surprised that there was no Bebop but we still got Rocksteady now that didn't sit very well with their fans.

I kinda agree but I think it was to make the game easier since they wanted it to be good on the console.

Konami sure knows how to make a great licensed beat em up game with this being one of the best they ever made.

The story was changed a lot however it was more bad ass let me explain instead of time travel Manhattan with other popular areas are shrink down.

The Shredder found a way to do this so he can flushed out the turtles to settle the score once and for all.

He plans on getting money to hope he will return the places back to normal though every turtles fans knows you can't trust The Shredder.

The level designs are the best I ever seen in an game so talking about this right now for you guys means a lot to me.

After this great game they decided to make one game however this one is the first bad Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game I played.

Konami actually made a bad Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles oh yeah you better believe it now I did play it once on my Genesis not liking it very much.

Now I can see why it takes places in entirely in Dimension X rather than Manhattan, New York what the fuck man.

Dimension X looks more like a weird outer space than just an alternate world that parallels the one they live in.

You once again play as all four turtles however you get to play as Casey, April, Ray and Sisyphus now I did some research on the two new characters well here's what I found out.

Sisyphus is an original character made exclusive for the game bad call then Ray originally came from the comics.

I will agree that Sisyphus could be the worst name they ever came up though it sure isn't the worst character they ever created.

A lot of us didn't read the comic books so we didn't even know who that was until we played this horrible piece of shit.

Oh it gets worst the game was a Street Fighter 2 clone that's has cheating opponents making the game virtually impossible to beat.

Shaq Fu is pretty bad but this to me has got to be one of the worst fighting games I ever played for any console.

Are you ready for the most fucked up thing about this game there's actually three different versions with each one having a turtles with a character an original one.

I sadly got to say the case was easily the best thing about the entire game I am dead fucking serious it's that bad.

I came to realized besides majority of the characters none of the villains from the show or movies appeared in this except Krang and an Triceraton are you fucking kidding me.

By the way those two with Karai who was Shredder's adopted daughter are the bosses of this version bullshit.

Where the fuck is The Shredder everyone knows you need him to be in an game to help make it good without him it's fucked there I said it.

Another thing I didn't get at the time was those clone turtles who look awesome but why are they even in the game.

I just seen the opening for the first time and I got to say it sucks I mean they did that so good in The Hyperstone Heist.

The levels in this one compared to the last one fucking sucks I mean come on is this the best you guys could come up with.

This game was released in that time where all these fighters are trying to rip off Street Fighter now only a handful that I played are good.

Most of them sucks and majority of the fighting game fans knows that but now that's ancient history.

Konami how could you go from making a good game to one of my least favorite fighting games of all time why god damn why.

I am going to review a series that's pretty good to help calm me down let's talk about Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers games on the Genesis.

You would think at least one console had to have a bad Power Rangers but this was one of the lucky because these two games are pretty material.

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers was released on multiple consoles each one being more different than the last one but I think this is the best of them all.

It's a fighting game based on episodes of the first season now I got to say I do remember this game a lot.

It's the best licensed fighting game I remember playing I mean it has everything you need such as good character selection with a great story.

The music is based on that of the show which makes me quite happy to own it at the time with each level looking solid.

You can play as Tommy aka The Green Ranger after you beat him plus you can use either zord for the second round.

There is an expection on the last level you fight this monster in two forms in what ever zord you picked.

The ending was pretty good at the game in fact I still kinda remember it as it reminds me at the time I watched the show.

There is a versus mode however I did find out they made a code to play as the evil version of Tommy though I never got it right.

I would say it's a lot better than the fighting on the SNES for numerous reasons though to be fair I did play that one more recently as well it wasn't very good.

Have you ever wondered if there was a game better than the movie it's based on well here's one of them.

At the time I was a fan of Power Rangers but not anymore and I am staying with the good shit meaning I wouldn't mean playing this again.

It's a pretty good beat em up that's based on both the movie and parts of the second season which was well done.

You get to play as all the Power Rangers again plus Tommy from the start as the White Ranger now that's awesome.

Before I go on a lot of critics hated the SNES version because it wasn't based on the movie at all what are you fucking kidding me.

That's directly ripping off a lot of fans who wanted to play the game to find out it had nothing to do with the movie.

Now that's horrible in fact I kinda feel insulted that they even did that to people I am glad I kept Genesis longer.

Let's get back to the Genesis version it has great graphic like the last one with some good boss battles this time around.

You also get the Zords from the second and third season of the show holy shit that's awesome though to be fair the movie isn't canonical.

The movie does show the third season outfits as well as those awesome zords though for some reason they didn't bring those ninja outfits into the game.

You do get to fight in your zords plus two more like in the last one with the fights being better including the final boss Ivan Ooze.

Well that's fine as long as the levels are well designed with one of them having a secret boss fight with Lord Zedd.

The music is once again great though I kinda have to give it to the first Power Rangers game on the console it was pretty close.

This was one of the series to be made by a different team that turns out good the only one I know that's on the console was X-Men.

Speaking of X-Men that's what I want to review next now I grew up with the first one which is known to be difficult then eventually playing the sequel.

You get to play as Wolverine, Gambit, Cyclops and more with some of the X-Men being your support to help you out in the game when you need it.

The boss fight will take some practice but it can be done with some good level designs making this one of the best ever made.

They must have watched the show around the time making the game because nearly all the villains are here now that's fucking awesome.

The music is pretty good for it's time though I don't like Wolverine uses up energy for his claw but that's okay it's only a minor set back.

It has great graphics that reminds me of the show watching it as an kid loving every minute I did out of this game.

There exist a level you must beat by press the reset button on the console no other game in history ever did that but it prevents the game being ported.

X-Men 2: Clone Wars is easily the best X-Men game on the console for so many reasons.

Unlike most Genesis games you must beat a level before everything else loads up to play the game.

You sadly lose the support characters but the ones that came from the previous ones are better especially Gambit and Wolverine.

You can many chances to play as every character now that's better than the original one though it isn't by a whole lot.

It has great graphic that look closer to the show than any game based on the hit show with some bosses back.

It isn't as difficult but it still has challenging level featured through out the entire game which is a big improvement.

I love the music now Genesis fans this is another classic that must be added to your library of games.

I figured to make this into multiple parts so you can see what I did play in my child hood plus sequels that I didn't get to play until just recently.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jack Red reviews Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, today I want to review a horrible game from my childhood that you're not going to believe in an million of years.

Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge on Sega Genesis is to this day one of the hardest games I ever played.

I did review this game a few times but I felt none of them showed how pissed I was playing the game.

Everyone knows how bad LJN but only a handful of titles near the end of the company were okay to good with Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage being the best.

The reason why you don't see their logo is because Acclaim Entertainment wanted to cancel it though that officially happened in 1996.

It's true that they came back one last time in an Sega Dreamcast but that's also near the end of Acclaim.

I'm glad that two Spider-Man games following this was good however LJN went on to make another horrible X-Men game.

The only good things I can say about the game is the soundtrack was great and I do agree with some critics Spider-Man controls pretty good.

Before I start talking about the actual game if you seen the cover than look at the game do you notice that the X-Men aren't in their 1990s cartoon outfits.

Oh come on LJN don't do that to us especially those like myself who enjoy that cartoon who am I kinding they're assholes.

You sadly start off with playing as Spider-Man on an easy level though I often get annoyed by that fucking beeping sound.

After you beat that level you now can play as Wolverine, Gambit Cyclops and Storm but the difficulty goes up way too high.

You must beat two levels with each character in order to get the endgame that's even easier than the first fucking level of the game.

Let's start with Spider-Man now you must worry about winds, some enemy placements and two frustrating boss fights.

If you played the original Super Mario Brothers 2 than you know it's easy to play against the wind however here you must wait for the wind blow you in the right direction.

You get to fight two robots that looks like Shocker though they are annoying I find them pretty easy to beat.

You get to fight N'astirh which after looking into the character I found out he wasn't from either franchise so why the fuck is it in this game.

You do get gems that increase your score but good luck not getting killed by that asshole boss.

He flies in the middle of the area you fight him which is an problem since more gems appear them now that's bullshit.

Carnage is one of the easy boss fights of the entire game in fact if you thought fighting both those Shocker bots was easy than fight Carnage.

From what I seen Carnage was tougher to beat in Spider-Man and Venom series that surprised me after beating him in this fucking game.

If you time it right you can kill him by simply using your web while keeping him in that one spot.

There is a problem there's another boss below Carnage named Rhino who pretty cheap in this game.

Have you played The Incredible Hulk on Genesis or SNES Rhino was kinda fun to fight but here it's fucking terrible.

He doesn't have a face at all plus he keeps going back and forth like no tomorrow so you must hit him while raise your health.

Who the fuck design it in such a shitty disorderly fashion I mean I thought he doesn't get worst than this but I'm wrong I'm dead fucking serious.

Wolverine's levels play better than Spider-Man but they're still tough to get through.

I do like his enemies the most out of every characters because it may not fit the X-Men theme it does fit Arcade's quite well.

He can get out his claws though they won't used like how they can in X-Men series on the Genesis.

He's one of the few characters that can find a extra life but they didn't put enough of them to make the game easier to play.

Apocalypse actually appears in this fucking game who would ever thought of that because I didn't when I first got to him.

He's pretty cheap as he can attack you in an distance while jumping all over the place plus he has no face that sounds like a game from LJN if you asked me.

I'm not happy to say it but Juggernaut is also in this game as one of the toughest bosses I ever faced in an video game.

This level is a fucking nightmare as you are being chased by Juggernaut while you must cut your way through.

I have to let those who want to beat this fucking game that it requires hitting him with your fists more than the heavy shit if done correctly he should explode at the end.

The boss fight is similar to Rhino even goes as far as not having a face what is their problem why can't you draw those boss characters a face.

I bet not of them ever played an Atari 2600 game or otherwise they would've have faces fucking dicks.

Cyclops is up next now if you play this on an emulator than having save states will make it easier to get through.

If you tough the tracks then you instantly die now isn't that as cheap as LJN gets though it gets worst.

You fight two sentinels at the end of both his levels however that isn't enough so you get a boss level with Master Mold.

I do have some trouble fighting Sentinels though it's easy to dodge their attack however fighting their boss is a bitch.

He's up there with Juggernaut for being one of the game's toughest bosses you'll faced.

Gambit disappoints me in the game for not having his staff now some fans really like that like myself included and I don't know why that's not in the game.

Did they not play the X-Men games on the Genesis or something because having that it could've been easily the best in the game however it's up there for being one of the worst.

You only use his cards with the enemies being pretty cheap especially that both his levels you must rush through it to the boss.

If you run into any of those enemies they will explode taking too much health making it nearly impossible to do this.

There exist an glitch on his first level that continuously gives you lifes now isn't that awesome.

In the first level you are being chased by a giant spiked ball I hated this level a lot as an kid in fact I hate thinking about it as I do this review for those who like my work.

In the second level this is where a lot of bullshit happens you must waste a fuck load of cards to get up to the boss.

You must save enough while not grabbing more decks at the boss fight in order to win or you're fucked I'm not kidding.

His first boss can be a little confusing while it isn't too hard now the second one is pretty tough to beat.

You fight her similar to fight Master Mold as Cyclops so they're about the same difficulty.

LJN what did you do to Storm you would thought she could fly and fight soldiers but here she's swimming in the water wtf this isn't Ecco the Dolpin.

I know a lot of you guys are fans of The Angry Video Game Nerd now he said in his X-Men episode that the swimming level in Wolverine was the worst oh yeah try this one.

Both of her levels are swimming with the water machines being the bosses which is lame why not being something more creative like someone from LJN who a sign saying we hate video games.

Now sure that isn't much more but it would make a lot of people who hate LJN quite happy for all the pain they caused.

In my cause it's this and Warlock another really bad game from my childhood I wish I never had it.

I did rent the last WWF now WWE game on Genesis while owning the other two those were fun to play.

Back to the Storm it's really hard to see in fact I can barely tell where the enemies are while being in the water.

I also don't like how you must find the machines to destroy without any help from the people who made it.

After you beat those levels it's time for the insanely easy endgame levels for the X-Men that's right you have more levels that are quite short.

The X-Men gets captured at the end of their final levels which don't make a lot of sense hell a kid high on sugar with a Super Soaker makes more sense than this.

The single unexpected good thing about the endgame section is playing as Storm is so much better so here's my question why the fuck couldn't we play as her fighting these kind of enemies.

That's so bullshit that we had those swimming levels than when you play as her again it's different.

Why those miserable son of a bitches for doing that you all can kiss the fattest part of my ass.

After all that you must play as Spider-Man to go through his own to the final boss fight where at random an member of X-Men will help you though not very much assholes.

I bet it's one of their own they would do more but not they don't know Spider-Man enough to want to save him who the fuck came up with that shit I know this isn't Marvel's fault.

The final boss is one of the most fucked ups bosses in video game history in fact he's in my top ten list for it.

He will starts out in an giant robot that moves back and forth similar to Rhino though there's a way not getting hurt.

His robot will change to jumping mode this is where it gets hard as you must keep firing while not being too close to him.

After that he will again change to going back and forth however he's moving at a faster rate.

You finish that off than Arcade's clones will come out you must destroy all of them but the good news is you actually are given health.

The rate they come out makes it not an good move to go for the health so get it to at least two of them than you're good.

The ending fucking sucks just like you expect in any shitty game you all get out alive with the real Arcade escapes.

That's like the fucking ending to Superman 64 where you saved your friends but Lex's escape now it's not as shitty as that ending.

In conclusion half of the game is okay while the rest flat out sucks for being so god damn difficult oh you know no idea how fucking hard this game.

I dare anyone out there to try beating this game I bet you can't do it like I did before doing it finally on an emulator.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jack Red reviews Fallout 3

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, today I'm going to review one of the greatest games I have ever played for any console.

Fallout 3 is such an amazing game now can you believe the series was originally by Interplay who kept the series on the computers.

Duke Nukem had the same problem until they released Duke Nukem 3D which stands as one of my personal favorites.

Bethesda Softworks who are known for developing The Elder Scrolls series got their hands on the license to make an incredible experience unlike any other.

Originally Interplay failed to complete their version of Fallout 3 which doesn't look appealing to me at all.

Thank fucking god Bethesda took that shit from them you couldn't imagine how fucking happy I was just playing hours among hours killing like no tomorrow.

I did play this with all five of it's expansions so expect this to be one really long review.

The story is about playing as the sole children of an great scientist that has to go into the Wastelands to find him.

The game basically plays like BioShock with RPG elements it's very true even the leveling system works pretty well.

The hacking isn't too bad it's better than BioShock 1 but not BioShock 2 which I recently beaten that.

It's a nearly flawless game that deserves to be loved by many hardcore gamers like myself.

The world with all of these quests makes you feel like you're in the world which is an feeling worth having.

It has an good variety of weapons and creatures you can kill in the game at any locations sometimes just using fast travel you usually fight the Regulators now they're fun to fight.

You can wear basically wear you can find in the game however you can't take all of your clothes off in the game itself.

I really love this voice acting for one major reason they actually say stuff like fuck, shit, asshole, slut, bitch, mother fucker just like in the real world.

It also has multiple choice quests like you have the option to blow up Megaton or disarm the bomb.

I wish you could level up higher getting even more helpful skills in the game like fighting without any weapons or building them from scrap.

The ending was okay I was expecting something better though I did have a lot of fun playing the main quests to get there including killing that asshole who you thought was dead wasn't.

It's time to start talking about the expansions I'll review them in release order so that way you will know you aren't far behind.

Once you escape from the vault and you have the expansions then you should get an message saying you can go do them with the expection of Broken Steel.

Operation: Anchorage is the first expansion you can get for the game now you can download it, buy it with The Pitt or just the Game of the Year edition which includes all of them.

It's about the Outcasts fighting the Super Mutants assholes then they ask you to complete the fictional program based on the war so they can unlock that room they can't get into.

Before I start describing it to you I figured to let those who didn't know that Anchorage is a major city in Alaska which is an big state in fact it's one of the biggest in the United States.

You must wear a special suit to do this mission which means you can't use anything you got.

I bet you are wondering how to get health and ammo well I'll tell you there's an spawner for both of them in several areas of it you can use to help you get through it.

The overall difficulty was way too easy with the voices of the enemies being an even bigger disappointment I'm dead fucking serious how do you fuck something like language up like that.

There's no side quests now why isn't there any I thought you could do some extra stuff before doing the main quest for it that's blows on so many levels.

They're suppose to speak Chinese but it's obvious that they didn't use anyone who could speak it so many people got offend it by this which I don't blame you for doing so.

The hardest part of the whole thing is killing their leader now according to an wikipedia that's entirely based on this game that his health will be higher than yours even if you are an level 30 going in.

After you complete the program you are then awarded stuff from the war including an suit that can't be damaged.

You can fight with the Outcasts who try to kill each other which is sadly very short lived but I still enjoy killing them.

It's not a bad expansion but it could've been better for such an fucking awesome game.

The Pitt is the second expansion that I'm going to review now it's one of my favorites I ever played.

It's about you work with an man who was working with the leader of the Pitt Raiders but he needs your help to kill him.

I like that you can become an member of the Pitt Raiders which is awesome though they should've added more quests to make it longer than it is.

The difficulty for this one is slightly higher than Operation: Anchorage though you can add a few hours getting a Pitt Raider a lot of steel for some nice shit.

You got some nice quests this time around with some new toys to play with like there's this one that will come in handily killing Trogs.

It's also has some side quests though only one has a glitch making it impossible to complete it as well as these aren't marked on your map.

I love the Gladiator style quest because besides how short it can be I still have fun fighting the harder matches with the last one being the best.

This was the first expansion to give you multiple endings which was an great idea considering how well designed it was.

I got to say that this was so much better than the last one that kinda sucks though you can come back at anytime.

Next up is Broken Steel by most fans of the game this is the best expansions though I think that titles goes to the one after this.

You must beat the game first before you can actually play this now I was surprised how fucking great it is.

You now have to worry about fighting Super Mutant Overlords, a even bigger type of Scorpions and in one area Feral Ghoul Reavers.

The story goes like this you are in an coma not dead and you must fight again for the Outcasts to stop what's left of the Enclave.

The difficulty for this one is hard I had a lot of trouble trying to beat it as the time I was playing it.

This has some side quests though not as good as Point Lookout but it still deserves some credit.

There's a lot of fighting which I love a lot now this is the second expansion to feature multiple endings.

You could destroy the Enclave or blow up the Outcasts HQ the choice is yours ok nothing of that Captain Planet shit.

I think doing the second one is very funny besides the moment you tell them that you cause that to happen everyone tries killing you it's so awkward.

I do enjoy playing but I didn't like that you must beat the game first to play it but what ever.

Now my favorite expansion of Fallout 3 Point Lookout this was really good I just love how awesome it was.

It's supposed to be Maryland like The Pitts takes place in Pennslyvania since I'm from Maryland I really wanted to play it.

I couldn't believe how much they put into this one the environment is like anything I experienced before.

The story goes like this you fight with this asshole to keep the tribe out as long as you can.

This sadly is the last expansions to give you multiple endings but it's also the last solid one you get to play.

The difficulty for this one was slightly lower than Broken Steel but about the same as Mothership Zeta.

This is the last one to feature any side quests but I thought that it was done right this time.

You get new enemies with some great weapons plus you can go outside the Wastelands to go here how can you top that.

The story is kinda similar to one of your side quests with a man that had a tree growing out of him and people worship him as their god well that happens here too.

This guy who surprisingly alive has control over an tribe though I thought he was more likable guy then the asshole you meet first.

It's packed with side quests that will take more hours to complete with some introducing you in new areas like this one you find an picture of an dead man as you must feel his tracks to see what happened to him.

In conclusion I just fucking love the work they put into Point Lookout without question the single greatest expansion I ever played thank you Bethesda for making it.

Finally the last expansion Mothership Zeta now this one surprisingly sucks more ass than Operation: Anchorage for numerous reasons.

You basically see something from Space already on the ground then you get capture and you must work with an group of people to get off the ship.

I must criticize that story because it wasn't original at all with the concept being poorly I mean after the last couple being very good how can this one suck a lot of asssssss.

The difficulty is about Point Lookout but lower than Broken Steel yet it's easy to figure what's going to happen next.

You do fight Aliens even some Super Mutants and their own hybrids of both human and their kind what the fuck were they thinking when they came up with this shit.

The ending wasn't too bad but some areas are locked so if you forgot to get something than tough shit.

That's bad programming because for the most parts you can find just about anything everywhere else but not after you beat Mothership Zeta that's fucking bullshit.

The single best thing about this expansion is the weapons and alien proxy which fits your weapons though they're limited which sucks.

The map barely helps you when you're on the ship but then about how would you have an map of it even before going inside of it.

It's a really big ship so not having an map makes it a bitch to play since you could get confused really fast.

The length for this is way too long they should've been a few hours not nearly seven fucking hours.

There's not side quests for this expansions which I don't going to bitch about because it sucks some serious balls for being so horrible developed.

I mean come on what caused you guys to drop the ball on this one please tell me because I know not a lot of people are going to enjoy playing it hell I sure don't.

They should've made an expansion underwater similar to BioShock now that would've been awesome but no they decide getting trapped in an fucking space ship was an great idea.

I'll tell you what I really don't like aliens with force fields are the worst they take more damage than anything else on the ship.

I also like unless you don't look this up you would be screwed going into this you must have an high level of science so you can turn those regenerators from giving you so little health to fully healing you.

Why do I even need to throw that into my review do you know why because those damn things should be healing you better not that kind of bullshit.

I fucking hate Mothership Zeta it can kiss my ass fuck it I think it's not even worth playing at all it's just a big waste of my fucking time.

I am very happy to review Fallout 3 though two of the expansions really suck pretty bad.

Ok I don't think pretty bad is enough so let me rephrase myself they fucking suck to the point you would better off having someone shit on your face for twenty bucks than playing those no good piece of fucking shit.