Monday, September 6, 2010

Jack Red reviews Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, today I want to review a horrible game from my childhood that you're not going to believe in an million of years.

Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade's Revenge on Sega Genesis is to this day one of the hardest games I ever played.

I did review this game a few times but I felt none of them showed how pissed I was playing the game.

Everyone knows how bad LJN but only a handful of titles near the end of the company were okay to good with Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage being the best.

The reason why you don't see their logo is because Acclaim Entertainment wanted to cancel it though that officially happened in 1996.

It's true that they came back one last time in an Sega Dreamcast but that's also near the end of Acclaim.

I'm glad that two Spider-Man games following this was good however LJN went on to make another horrible X-Men game.

The only good things I can say about the game is the soundtrack was great and I do agree with some critics Spider-Man controls pretty good.

Before I start talking about the actual game if you seen the cover than look at the game do you notice that the X-Men aren't in their 1990s cartoon outfits.

Oh come on LJN don't do that to us especially those like myself who enjoy that cartoon who am I kinding they're assholes.

You sadly start off with playing as Spider-Man on an easy level though I often get annoyed by that fucking beeping sound.

After you beat that level you now can play as Wolverine, Gambit Cyclops and Storm but the difficulty goes up way too high.

You must beat two levels with each character in order to get the endgame that's even easier than the first fucking level of the game.

Let's start with Spider-Man now you must worry about winds, some enemy placements and two frustrating boss fights.

If you played the original Super Mario Brothers 2 than you know it's easy to play against the wind however here you must wait for the wind blow you in the right direction.

You get to fight two robots that looks like Shocker though they are annoying I find them pretty easy to beat.

You get to fight N'astirh which after looking into the character I found out he wasn't from either franchise so why the fuck is it in this game.

You do get gems that increase your score but good luck not getting killed by that asshole boss.

He flies in the middle of the area you fight him which is an problem since more gems appear them now that's bullshit.

Carnage is one of the easy boss fights of the entire game in fact if you thought fighting both those Shocker bots was easy than fight Carnage.

From what I seen Carnage was tougher to beat in Spider-Man and Venom series that surprised me after beating him in this fucking game.

If you time it right you can kill him by simply using your web while keeping him in that one spot.

There is a problem there's another boss below Carnage named Rhino who pretty cheap in this game.

Have you played The Incredible Hulk on Genesis or SNES Rhino was kinda fun to fight but here it's fucking terrible.

He doesn't have a face at all plus he keeps going back and forth like no tomorrow so you must hit him while raise your health.

Who the fuck design it in such a shitty disorderly fashion I mean I thought he doesn't get worst than this but I'm wrong I'm dead fucking serious.

Wolverine's levels play better than Spider-Man but they're still tough to get through.

I do like his enemies the most out of every characters because it may not fit the X-Men theme it does fit Arcade's quite well.

He can get out his claws though they won't used like how they can in X-Men series on the Genesis.

He's one of the few characters that can find a extra life but they didn't put enough of them to make the game easier to play.

Apocalypse actually appears in this fucking game who would ever thought of that because I didn't when I first got to him.

He's pretty cheap as he can attack you in an distance while jumping all over the place plus he has no face that sounds like a game from LJN if you asked me.

I'm not happy to say it but Juggernaut is also in this game as one of the toughest bosses I ever faced in an video game.

This level is a fucking nightmare as you are being chased by Juggernaut while you must cut your way through.

I have to let those who want to beat this fucking game that it requires hitting him with your fists more than the heavy shit if done correctly he should explode at the end.

The boss fight is similar to Rhino even goes as far as not having a face what is their problem why can't you draw those boss characters a face.

I bet not of them ever played an Atari 2600 game or otherwise they would've have faces fucking dicks.

Cyclops is up next now if you play this on an emulator than having save states will make it easier to get through.

If you tough the tracks then you instantly die now isn't that as cheap as LJN gets though it gets worst.

You fight two sentinels at the end of both his levels however that isn't enough so you get a boss level with Master Mold.

I do have some trouble fighting Sentinels though it's easy to dodge their attack however fighting their boss is a bitch.

He's up there with Juggernaut for being one of the game's toughest bosses you'll faced.

Gambit disappoints me in the game for not having his staff now some fans really like that like myself included and I don't know why that's not in the game.

Did they not play the X-Men games on the Genesis or something because having that it could've been easily the best in the game however it's up there for being one of the worst.

You only use his cards with the enemies being pretty cheap especially that both his levels you must rush through it to the boss.

If you run into any of those enemies they will explode taking too much health making it nearly impossible to do this.

There exist an glitch on his first level that continuously gives you lifes now isn't that awesome.

In the first level you are being chased by a giant spiked ball I hated this level a lot as an kid in fact I hate thinking about it as I do this review for those who like my work.

In the second level this is where a lot of bullshit happens you must waste a fuck load of cards to get up to the boss.

You must save enough while not grabbing more decks at the boss fight in order to win or you're fucked I'm not kidding.

His first boss can be a little confusing while it isn't too hard now the second one is pretty tough to beat.

You fight her similar to fight Master Mold as Cyclops so they're about the same difficulty.

LJN what did you do to Storm you would thought she could fly and fight soldiers but here she's swimming in the water wtf this isn't Ecco the Dolpin.

I know a lot of you guys are fans of The Angry Video Game Nerd now he said in his X-Men episode that the swimming level in Wolverine was the worst oh yeah try this one.

Both of her levels are swimming with the water machines being the bosses which is lame why not being something more creative like someone from LJN who a sign saying we hate video games.

Now sure that isn't much more but it would make a lot of people who hate LJN quite happy for all the pain they caused.

In my cause it's this and Warlock another really bad game from my childhood I wish I never had it.

I did rent the last WWF now WWE game on Genesis while owning the other two those were fun to play.

Back to the Storm it's really hard to see in fact I can barely tell where the enemies are while being in the water.

I also don't like how you must find the machines to destroy without any help from the people who made it.

After you beat those levels it's time for the insanely easy endgame levels for the X-Men that's right you have more levels that are quite short.

The X-Men gets captured at the end of their final levels which don't make a lot of sense hell a kid high on sugar with a Super Soaker makes more sense than this.

The single unexpected good thing about the endgame section is playing as Storm is so much better so here's my question why the fuck couldn't we play as her fighting these kind of enemies.

That's so bullshit that we had those swimming levels than when you play as her again it's different.

Why those miserable son of a bitches for doing that you all can kiss the fattest part of my ass.

After all that you must play as Spider-Man to go through his own to the final boss fight where at random an member of X-Men will help you though not very much assholes.

I bet it's one of their own they would do more but not they don't know Spider-Man enough to want to save him who the fuck came up with that shit I know this isn't Marvel's fault.

The final boss is one of the most fucked ups bosses in video game history in fact he's in my top ten list for it.

He will starts out in an giant robot that moves back and forth similar to Rhino though there's a way not getting hurt.

His robot will change to jumping mode this is where it gets hard as you must keep firing while not being too close to him.

After that he will again change to going back and forth however he's moving at a faster rate.

You finish that off than Arcade's clones will come out you must destroy all of them but the good news is you actually are given health.

The rate they come out makes it not an good move to go for the health so get it to at least two of them than you're good.

The ending fucking sucks just like you expect in any shitty game you all get out alive with the real Arcade escapes.

That's like the fucking ending to Superman 64 where you saved your friends but Lex's escape now it's not as shitty as that ending.

In conclusion half of the game is okay while the rest flat out sucks for being so god damn difficult oh you know no idea how fucking hard this game.

I dare anyone out there to try beating this game I bet you can't do it like I did before doing it finally on an emulator.

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