Thursday, September 2, 2010

Jack Red reviews Fallout 3

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, today I'm going to review one of the greatest games I have ever played for any console.

Fallout 3 is such an amazing game now can you believe the series was originally by Interplay who kept the series on the computers.

Duke Nukem had the same problem until they released Duke Nukem 3D which stands as one of my personal favorites.

Bethesda Softworks who are known for developing The Elder Scrolls series got their hands on the license to make an incredible experience unlike any other.

Originally Interplay failed to complete their version of Fallout 3 which doesn't look appealing to me at all.

Thank fucking god Bethesda took that shit from them you couldn't imagine how fucking happy I was just playing hours among hours killing like no tomorrow.

I did play this with all five of it's expansions so expect this to be one really long review.

The story is about playing as the sole children of an great scientist that has to go into the Wastelands to find him.

The game basically plays like BioShock with RPG elements it's very true even the leveling system works pretty well.

The hacking isn't too bad it's better than BioShock 1 but not BioShock 2 which I recently beaten that.

It's a nearly flawless game that deserves to be loved by many hardcore gamers like myself.

The world with all of these quests makes you feel like you're in the world which is an feeling worth having.

It has an good variety of weapons and creatures you can kill in the game at any locations sometimes just using fast travel you usually fight the Regulators now they're fun to fight.

You can wear basically wear you can find in the game however you can't take all of your clothes off in the game itself.

I really love this voice acting for one major reason they actually say stuff like fuck, shit, asshole, slut, bitch, mother fucker just like in the real world.

It also has multiple choice quests like you have the option to blow up Megaton or disarm the bomb.

I wish you could level up higher getting even more helpful skills in the game like fighting without any weapons or building them from scrap.

The ending was okay I was expecting something better though I did have a lot of fun playing the main quests to get there including killing that asshole who you thought was dead wasn't.

It's time to start talking about the expansions I'll review them in release order so that way you will know you aren't far behind.

Once you escape from the vault and you have the expansions then you should get an message saying you can go do them with the expection of Broken Steel.

Operation: Anchorage is the first expansion you can get for the game now you can download it, buy it with The Pitt or just the Game of the Year edition which includes all of them.

It's about the Outcasts fighting the Super Mutants assholes then they ask you to complete the fictional program based on the war so they can unlock that room they can't get into.

Before I start describing it to you I figured to let those who didn't know that Anchorage is a major city in Alaska which is an big state in fact it's one of the biggest in the United States.

You must wear a special suit to do this mission which means you can't use anything you got.

I bet you are wondering how to get health and ammo well I'll tell you there's an spawner for both of them in several areas of it you can use to help you get through it.

The overall difficulty was way too easy with the voices of the enemies being an even bigger disappointment I'm dead fucking serious how do you fuck something like language up like that.

There's no side quests now why isn't there any I thought you could do some extra stuff before doing the main quest for it that's blows on so many levels.

They're suppose to speak Chinese but it's obvious that they didn't use anyone who could speak it so many people got offend it by this which I don't blame you for doing so.

The hardest part of the whole thing is killing their leader now according to an wikipedia that's entirely based on this game that his health will be higher than yours even if you are an level 30 going in.

After you complete the program you are then awarded stuff from the war including an suit that can't be damaged.

You can fight with the Outcasts who try to kill each other which is sadly very short lived but I still enjoy killing them.

It's not a bad expansion but it could've been better for such an fucking awesome game.

The Pitt is the second expansion that I'm going to review now it's one of my favorites I ever played.

It's about you work with an man who was working with the leader of the Pitt Raiders but he needs your help to kill him.

I like that you can become an member of the Pitt Raiders which is awesome though they should've added more quests to make it longer than it is.

The difficulty for this one is slightly higher than Operation: Anchorage though you can add a few hours getting a Pitt Raider a lot of steel for some nice shit.

You got some nice quests this time around with some new toys to play with like there's this one that will come in handily killing Trogs.

It's also has some side quests though only one has a glitch making it impossible to complete it as well as these aren't marked on your map.

I love the Gladiator style quest because besides how short it can be I still have fun fighting the harder matches with the last one being the best.

This was the first expansion to give you multiple endings which was an great idea considering how well designed it was.

I got to say that this was so much better than the last one that kinda sucks though you can come back at anytime.

Next up is Broken Steel by most fans of the game this is the best expansions though I think that titles goes to the one after this.

You must beat the game first before you can actually play this now I was surprised how fucking great it is.

You now have to worry about fighting Super Mutant Overlords, a even bigger type of Scorpions and in one area Feral Ghoul Reavers.

The story goes like this you are in an coma not dead and you must fight again for the Outcasts to stop what's left of the Enclave.

The difficulty for this one is hard I had a lot of trouble trying to beat it as the time I was playing it.

This has some side quests though not as good as Point Lookout but it still deserves some credit.

There's a lot of fighting which I love a lot now this is the second expansion to feature multiple endings.

You could destroy the Enclave or blow up the Outcasts HQ the choice is yours ok nothing of that Captain Planet shit.

I think doing the second one is very funny besides the moment you tell them that you cause that to happen everyone tries killing you it's so awkward.

I do enjoy playing but I didn't like that you must beat the game first to play it but what ever.

Now my favorite expansion of Fallout 3 Point Lookout this was really good I just love how awesome it was.

It's supposed to be Maryland like The Pitts takes place in Pennslyvania since I'm from Maryland I really wanted to play it.

I couldn't believe how much they put into this one the environment is like anything I experienced before.

The story goes like this you fight with this asshole to keep the tribe out as long as you can.

This sadly is the last expansions to give you multiple endings but it's also the last solid one you get to play.

The difficulty for this one was slightly lower than Broken Steel but about the same as Mothership Zeta.

This is the last one to feature any side quests but I thought that it was done right this time.

You get new enemies with some great weapons plus you can go outside the Wastelands to go here how can you top that.

The story is kinda similar to one of your side quests with a man that had a tree growing out of him and people worship him as their god well that happens here too.

This guy who surprisingly alive has control over an tribe though I thought he was more likable guy then the asshole you meet first.

It's packed with side quests that will take more hours to complete with some introducing you in new areas like this one you find an picture of an dead man as you must feel his tracks to see what happened to him.

In conclusion I just fucking love the work they put into Point Lookout without question the single greatest expansion I ever played thank you Bethesda for making it.

Finally the last expansion Mothership Zeta now this one surprisingly sucks more ass than Operation: Anchorage for numerous reasons.

You basically see something from Space already on the ground then you get capture and you must work with an group of people to get off the ship.

I must criticize that story because it wasn't original at all with the concept being poorly I mean after the last couple being very good how can this one suck a lot of asssssss.

The difficulty is about Point Lookout but lower than Broken Steel yet it's easy to figure what's going to happen next.

You do fight Aliens even some Super Mutants and their own hybrids of both human and their kind what the fuck were they thinking when they came up with this shit.

The ending wasn't too bad but some areas are locked so if you forgot to get something than tough shit.

That's bad programming because for the most parts you can find just about anything everywhere else but not after you beat Mothership Zeta that's fucking bullshit.

The single best thing about this expansion is the weapons and alien proxy which fits your weapons though they're limited which sucks.

The map barely helps you when you're on the ship but then about how would you have an map of it even before going inside of it.

It's a really big ship so not having an map makes it a bitch to play since you could get confused really fast.

The length for this is way too long they should've been a few hours not nearly seven fucking hours.

There's not side quests for this expansions which I don't going to bitch about because it sucks some serious balls for being so horrible developed.

I mean come on what caused you guys to drop the ball on this one please tell me because I know not a lot of people are going to enjoy playing it hell I sure don't.

They should've made an expansion underwater similar to BioShock now that would've been awesome but no they decide getting trapped in an fucking space ship was an great idea.

I'll tell you what I really don't like aliens with force fields are the worst they take more damage than anything else on the ship.

I also like unless you don't look this up you would be screwed going into this you must have an high level of science so you can turn those regenerators from giving you so little health to fully healing you.

Why do I even need to throw that into my review do you know why because those damn things should be healing you better not that kind of bullshit.

I fucking hate Mothership Zeta it can kiss my ass fuck it I think it's not even worth playing at all it's just a big waste of my fucking time.

I am very happy to review Fallout 3 though two of the expansions really suck pretty bad.

Ok I don't think pretty bad is enough so let me rephrase myself they fucking suck to the point you would better off having someone shit on your face for twenty bucks than playing those no good piece of fucking shit.

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