Sunday, September 26, 2010

Jack Red reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Main Nintendo Series

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I aware I'm not the first one to do this but I'm sure going to do it better than The Irate Gamer.

There's four games in the series that spawn from NES to SNES that most of them are worth playing.

I will start with the original work my way down to what many said to be the greatest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game in existence.

Anyway let's get this start Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I am talking is not the great arcade game of the same name was released on numerous console but it sold the most on NES.

You can hit the start button to switch out your turtles when you need to though I couldn't get pass level 2 low on health as well as time it's really hard.

It has elements of the comics as well as the first cartoon however for me I don't think that was an good idea.

You usually get two continues but with an code you can get two more though that's the only useful code you can find on the game.

Sadly there aren't any other code found in the game meaning you better do a good job playing it or you're fucked.

There is no invincibility time meaning a single enemy could drain all of your health kinda like Wolverine on the same console now that sucks.

I really got to comment on who, what are all of these enemies were they on fucking drugs when they made this shit.

I do like you can go into sewers and buildings which some of them do have pizza that heals you in the game.

I got to say this it's the worst performance of Bebop and Rocksteady I have ever seen out the entire series I'm dead fucking serious.

Bebop just keeps walking now sometimes he will jump at you but that's all he does in his boss fight wow bad programming.

Rocksteady was a slightly better boss however he's easier to beat thanks to a weird glitch where you select Donatello go to the top of the crates then repeatedly keep hitting down.

Every time he ducks it hurts him which makes no fucking sense that's like saying Shredder should be beaten by throwing trash at him oh wait that happened in Turtles Forever shit.

I don't like that sound when you are low on health now is it necessary to have that in an game because I don't think so.

Leonardo and Donatello have long weapons which is a good thing to have in this game however the other two turtles aren't as good so you better be careful playing.

Sometimes you can run into ninjas walking around not in buildings or sewers though they're easy to beat with a single hit now that truck thing can kill you just as fast.

Now that infamous level that I dd try so hard to get pass without using Game Genie codes it's really hard in fact it could be one of the hardest swimming levels ever in an video game.

You are timed with lasers and two different kinds of seaweeds which you must go this path that's notorious for pissing off a lot of gamers.

It's very close by seaweeds meaning you can't get pass it without taking a few hits which is bullshit why god damn it.

I just gave up on the game I don't have the patience to try beating the game as best I could it's too fucking hard I would rather play Contra than this.

Next up Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game is an port of the popular arcade game for the console.

Before I start talking about the game I wanted to give my readers a fact that could blow your mind entirely.

Konami was making two similar titles now by accident I didn't change the title of the other one which lead to this port getting II in the title.

What this mean is outside the United States it's just the last three games of the series not four like we do.

Once again you can play as all four turtles however once you selected one then you must go as far as you can with that turtle.

The game reduces the number of players from four to two which is fine because I think that makes it more challenging that way.

Pizza Hut actually sponsored this game in fact if you had the game back in the day you would get a coupon to use when you go there awesome.

The original levels were extended with the ninjas from Foot Clan being more of a variety than the original game was surprising.

I am glad they made sure the bosses that came from the original game were done right especially The Shredder.

In the original game once you beat Krang you will then fight The Shredder however there is a unique twist waiting for you.

That twist is you will have to fight him with his clones now here's what makes it unique depending on the number of players you have to fight a Shredder more holy shit.

He has a pretty good defense and a move that can instantly kill you if you get caught in it now you should be worried when you get to him in that game.

I don't know how many clones he can create but what I do know is as soon as his helmet gets removed he won't be able to do that annoying attack anymore cowbunga.

You do get two new levels with their own boss fights that are quite fun to take on though they are tough to beat.

They replaced Bebop and Rocksteady with Dr. Baxter in his fly form which I found to be too easy now if they kept the pair it would've been harder.

They kept most of the cut scenes from the games plus some new ones added making this one of the greatest ports I ever played.

I really like that this one has codes which the last one failed to delivered on that so I am quite happy with it.

I actually think it's more fun playing with the code where it gives you extra lives that are added to your continues and level select wow.

Overall I like this port more than the original game because it's longer and I am impressed how well they were able to get such a great game on the console.

Next up is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project now I am going to start by saying this was the first game in history to use The Manhattan Project with the second being a Duke Nukem game.

This was easily the best NES turtles game I ever played but to be fair I really did enjoy the last one as it was a huge improvement over the original.

You can play as all four turtles once again with each one having a different special move now doesn't that kick ass.

I also like when you die instead of being the same turtle through out the game you can select who you want to be kinda like the first TMNT game.

They did a great job once again for the bosses with Krang being harder than last time with some recurring bosses as well as some new ones.

Yes The Shredder is back but this time you must fight him twice who can be challenging to beat though I thought the first one was a lot easier than fighting in the previous one.

I think after playing this I found the hardest version of Super Shredder in history of gaming in fact I recommend you use level select and face him a few times to be able to take hm down.

I am glad that they were able to top the difficulty of the last game's Shredder with this final boss fight now I got to be honest it's easily the most difficult boss I ever faced in any TMNT game.

I was also happy that neither of his boss fight has an instantly move though in his final fight the attack does change you back into a turtle it doesn't kill you among impact a huge improvement over the last one.

He does have a lightning that can some time learning how to dodge it now I got hit most of the times he used that move so you could lose a couple of lives.

The levels are better designed this time around with the graphics being pretty good for the console.

This was the last one where on any difficulty you can see the ending which is fine considering it's longer than the previous one.

Now it's time for the one you all been waiting for the single greatest game of the entire series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time holy shit I fucking love this game.

This is a SNES port of the sequel to the original arcade game that flat out tops it along with my child hood game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist on Genesis.

The SNES port does follow the story of the original game quite well in fact I like it more than the second NES game.

I will tell the story of the game to those who don't know how it goes basically The Shredder found a way to use time itself a weapon so the turtles must stop him for the last time.

If you guys didn't read my mystery review blog entry then I will tell you what my child hood game is about so don't worry about it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist was a modified port of Turtles in Time that was released close by the SNES port.

It was clear that the fans prefer the SNES port reducing my child hood game to the status of a gem.

Gem according to The Happy Video Game Nerd means good games that don't get the respect they deserve.

Anyway this version has a different story because it isn't about The Shredder stealing time it's about him stealing the Hyperstone from Dimension X where he uses it to shrink locations down to hold every hostage.

So the turtles are going to jump in to save the day from their nemesis one last time now I wish this version would've had a sequel.

I am happy to said once again you can play as all four turtles I bet you guys out there are getting annoyed that I keep saying sorry.

It does follow the game however they made it even more fun by changing it to be tougher to beat such as replacing Clement Man with Slash.

They made sure there was a boss waiting for you in nearly every level especially where you wouldn't expect them in the bonus ones.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist didn't have bonus levels but what it did have was great level designs based on multiple levels from Turtles in Time.

This has easily the best boss line up in any TMNT game I ever played though to be fair I thought the two games before it with my child hood TMNT had a good line up too.

A few of these bosses are featured in The Hyperstone Heist such as The Shredder, Krang, Leatherhead, Dr. Baxter Stockman and Rocksteady however there are noticeable differences.

I will throw this one out there that you fight Leatherhead and Rocksteady in different locations which to be honest I like fighting them more in the Genesis version.

Leatherhead appears on a Train in the SNES port while he appears in the sewers which fits him better.

Rocksteady was with Bebop in the SNES port was tough because every now and then you got to watch out for the other one meaning I couldn't figured out their pattern exactly.

Rocksteady in the Genesis version is alone and a hell lot easier because I got his path down quite good.

I also like that in the Genesis version that actually exist a level where you fight Leatherface, Rocksteady and Tatsu before facing Dr. Baxter Stockman.

You do fight the good doctor in the SNES port as the first boss in his fly form however you fight him in that machine he had in the original game except it's slightly harder.

Krang and The Shredder has to be fought twice while just once in the Genesis version so are you ready to hear which version of them is tougher to beat.

Krang is fought first at the end of the last bonus level then you fight him again at the end with a different approach while you do fight him on the last level it's the same as Krang's first boss fight of the SNES port.

The second Krang boss is known as one of the hardest beat em up boss fights in history because he is in a ship where he can make those things the doctor created for them while he will increase his speed near the end of the fight.

Once that happens you must perfectly time your hits and if you try using the same strategy from fighting the doctor of the Genesis version it won't work against him.

The Shredder first boss fight is very similar to the first boss of Battletoads yes ladies and gentleman I am not kidding.

It took me awhile to figure out how to fight back then it just hit throw his ninjas at him now that is awesome though I checked you can't throw enemies off screen in other beat em ups so you might have to stick with this game.

I would like to point out before I further compared The Shredder that you can't throw the ninjas off screen in the Genesis version though you still can slam them back and forth.

Now fighting The Shredder for the last time you would think it's hard but I found out that it's easier than the Genesis version simply because he walks after doing one of his blast.

That's right if you want a tougher Shredder play my child hood game anyway in The Hyperstone Heist he will float around with no walking.

This means you must perfectly time when to hit him or you can't beat the game I am dead mother fucking serious.

The good thing about this Shredder is his freeze attack doesn't work though you still have to worry about his instantly kill and fire blast.

The background for Shredder's final boss is slightly different but I kinda like The Hyperstone Heist one more.

You can cheat in the Genesis version while it's limited here however if you got the SNES port outside the United States then you got more codes than us which sucks.

I already brought it up earlier in the review so I think it needs to be brought up here you must beat the game on it's hardest difficulty sadly Contra III has the same problem.

Do you know what that tells me oh you aren't trying hard enough well fuck you at least I did play the game to it's fullest what else could you ask for it's fucking bullshit that they actually did that to piss us all off.

I got to say it's a good game however because you can barely cheat in our version and the ending bullshit it isn't my favorite game of the series.

I often debate with myself which one I actually like the most and here's where it came down to.

1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
3. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist

This was tough but I have officially picked a game that I think was so damn good it was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project.

Why did I choice that game well I will tell you having the option of the changing your turtles after losing a life was a great idea.

I really like how the levels are designed though the SNES port of Turtles in Time has some good ones though the Genesis version did go the extra mile with the levels so I prefer that over SNES version.

The bosses were well balanced out better than most of the games in the series including Super Shredder.

Super Shredder was really hard to beat in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III because his defenses were up like The Hyperstone Heist without a move that can instantly kill you awesome.

It's easier to beat The Shredder in The Hyperstone Heist than this game despite the fact this Shredder mostly walks does float around a little bit.

In second place for my favorite TMNT games in existence has to be The Hyperstone Heist because it isn't as hard as the second NES game and I do like the level designs a lot more.

I also picked that because the bosses were more fun to fight though it's because some of the bosses in the NES port I often got frustrated now don't get me wrong in good games it is a good thing but some of the bosses are really hard to beat like General Traag.

I really like the story more in The Hyperstone Heist than the original arcade game so it shouldn't be a much of a surprise why I prefer my child hood game as my second favorite TMNT game of all time.

Well that's it now I am working on reviewing the other two versions of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters so if you are interested then I hope the wait was worth waiting for you.

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