Friday, November 5, 2010

Jack Red presents Top 10 Best and Worst AVGN episodes

Hi everyone this is Jack Red now a lot of you know that I'm a big fan of The Angry Video Game Nerd ever since I got into it. I decided to make two lists on the episodes I love as well are the ones I really hate with an passion. I hope you nerd fans out there like this as much as I do making it for you guys I mean after all it's the fucking nerd we are talking about here.

I want to start off with the ones that I fucking love to watch non stop now I had a tough time deciding which one belongs on this list.

10. Superman 64
I got to say this was a pretty good episode since he reviewed one of the bad games from my child hood that was actually my most hated game. He decided to start off with a joke by reviewing one of the Superman games on Comodore 64 then finally gets to the game so many people asked him to review. I can't believe how fucking accurate James was reviewing Superman 64 which isn't easy to do since it's so bad in fact it's been called the single worst Superman game in existence for a reason. I really love the ending when he transforms into the Super Nerd to throw the game into the Sun now that was funny.

9. Castlevania Part 3
I will be honest that this wasn't an easy decision but I picked this episode because it featured both good and bad Castlevania games. He talks about the last couple he had while they were new at the time. Super Casltevania IV was given such a good review that I actually decided to start playing the games. A friend of mine told me that he given up on Castlevania 64 on that wall part James brings up. Resident Evil remake makes you have to go get explosive fluid for the elevator near the end which was done right but why not this. Castlevania: Dracula X was given a brief but well spoken review kinda like Castlevania: Bloodlines in the following episode.

8. Dracula
This was my favorite Halloween episode since he covers Dracula who I grew up loving. He reviews so many Dracula games that were horrible. I love when he beats up the bat now that was a very rememberable moment for me. He also dress like Dracula which fits the overall theme of the episode quite well. I can't believe how terribly bad those Bram Stoker's Dracula games are especially the Sega CD version. He also reviewed a game never released called Drac's Night Out now Park Brothers who are responsible for many board games was involved.
Sometimes I laugh when he talks about that text game right near the end when he said oh ok how about fuck you then the game said I don't know how to fuck something lol.

7. Back to the Future Trilogy
I want to point out that this episode has a few titles so sorry if I got you confused. He decides to review a couple of games such as the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with some new points. He made another rememberable moment from Top Gun that was hilarious because when I first saw the episode I didn't expect to the plane fly out of the game. Who Framed Roger Rabbit wasn't a bad review but I kinda like the original episode better. He then gets to the Back to the Future games holy shit this where things start going nuts. He reviews Back to the Future much better this game with the sequel though the original episode was pretty funny. He adds another shitty game called Back to the Future Part 3 on Sega Genesis oh my fucking god this was so bad in fact I think it's pretty close with LJN games. To my surprise he actually found a good Back to the Future game to review now after playing it I got to say damn why can't that come out in America god damn it.

6. Spider-Man
I had to choose between Spider-Man or X-Men which I really like both episodes but I can only pick one so I'm going with Spider-Man. Kyle Justin the guy who sings the theme song to the show that cameos in a few episodes actually plays as Spider-Man. The Nerd reviews a couple of bad Spider-Man games with the Super Hero himself there watching in horror. I am surprised to say he gets more pissed off than The Nerd does which is rare to find in an episode.
He writes a funny song for the ending that sometimes gets me laughing my ass off. I felt Kyle did a great Spider-Man in fact I hope a lot of you fans can get James to do another episode with Kyle doing the character.

5. CD-i Part 3
Another tough decision but I have decided to go with part 3 of his CD-i since it was slightly better than the one before it which was also a great episode. He starts off with Link: The Faces of Evil which was made very close with Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon. He stated in the episode that this game has a lot of the problems with the other game while adding some making it even more annoying. I would like to point out that Nintendo did give them a limit time to make them so these games were very rushed out on such a small budget. The first two CD-i Zelda games play kinda like Zelda 2 without the rpg elements with some of the worst controls in the history of gaming. Zelda's Adventure is the only game except Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon to play as Zelda you know the princesses in the games. A different team made Zelda's Adventure which surprisingly plays like a lot of the Zelda games with long delays from moving screen to screen.
I also love how he decides to end the episode which was so fitting since we did expect him to get piss off about those games.

4. Action 52
Here's one of the shittest games you could ever play in the history of gaming. I really like how accurate he was reviewing a lot of those games while he can't play a couple due to how glitched it is. He really criticizes how many things with it that I thought all of that was hilarious since most games he reviewed don't have as many problems. It's currently the longest episode to review a single game though it's a collection of shitty fucking games. This was one of James's biggest request to review along with ET on Atari 2600. It's hard to believe that a single emulator that doesn't work on my lap top can work all fifty two games. Now that's the opposite of Transformers on Famicom that can be fully played on the console yet a glitch on the emulators making the game frozen at level 9. He does hint reviewing the last game Cheetahmen with the other games in the following episode. This was such a great episode that it had to be in the top ten for me.

3. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
I wasn't too much into his first Terminator episode but holy shit I fucking love the follow up to it now here's one of his best episodes to date. He reviews all of the Terminator 2 games he has where you can tell when the games go from okay to horrible. LJN made all of these which is a company The Nerd often criticizes for making such bad games. They go from three continues to just one now that's some serious bullshit. I can't believe how you do things in Terminator 2 on SNES such as the jump looks horrible. I didn't get capturing items when you clearly blow the fuck of them. The intro is kinda funny but pointless since you can skip it most of the time. The shoot em up Terminator 2 games weren't as close as good as the original arcade version. I love the ending so much because it does remind you on how the movie ended plus throwing his own twist sure made it entertaining to watch.

2. Batman
I also had a tough time picking between both his Batman episodes so I carefully thought this through well I'm going with his first one. He reviews bad Batman games with some good ones that many fans should play such as The Adventures of Batman and Robin on SNES was so damn good. I also like that he dresses up like Batman for the episode which like his Dracula episode fits perfectly with the theme. He does review a bad game from my child hood called Batman Forever holy shit this was fucking terrible. Why did Acclaim decided to reused the Mortal Kombat engine now that don't make any sense. The Joker was entertaining though he did get a little annoying in the follow up. They actually end the episode similar to the 1966 Batman show now that was a classic.

1. Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle
James sure made a ton of great episodes but I just love how fucking good Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle now this was the follow up to his first Bugs Bunny episode. The entire episode has a series of reviews with The Nerd fighting Bugs that was hilarious. Bugs got back at The Nerd for taking a shit by doing the same thing right back at him. All the games getting reviewed are very similar to each other with them getting worst. Kyle cameos in this episode as himself who tries fighting Bugs but backs off. Just like the first Bugs Bunny episode it starts up like an episode of Looney Tunes with their version of the theme. The twist of the episode was Bugs was also Woody the Woodpecker now that blew my mind at the time. They do reused a lot of funny moments from the cartoons such as opens a present to get bombed or reversing direction on what ever it is like the one about the seasons. I really love the ending line of the episode "Well That's All Fucks" was pretty funny.

Now I told you guys about the episodes I can watch the fuck out of it well the time has come to start talking about the ones that from being disappointing to flat out suck.

10. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
This was my least favorite Halloween episode since I kinda expected him to do more for the episode. He reviews the game wasn't directly based on the movie that sucks some major ass. The entire episode was like the first movie just not as good. He buys the game with another which turns out to be Halloween that got reviewed in the next episode. He used a character that only appears in the second movie with a new one for the episode who did their roles pretty good.
Leatherface on the other hand could've been done so much better now look at Freddy or Jason episode he done both of them right. The main reason I said that was because he didn't use Leatherface from the movie like a lot of people first expected he used the one from the game.
I do like when they got The Nerd pissed off playing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre now I would confess I did enjoy that part a lot.

9. Deadly Towers
I know I shouldn't be bashing this one too much since James did ask a lot of us to help write stuff for the episode but he could've done a better job. I do like the intro a lot though the ending of the episode was very brief. This doesn't feel like the usual The Angry Video Game Nerd episode which was one reason why I don't like it so much. Most of the things James say are not accurate to the game in fact they were just making front of it instead. There were a couple that did bring up good points about the game with my favorite being the AC/DC one. It's hard to understand that German line though when translated it perfectly describes the feeling of the game wow who ever came up with that thanks. I also expected this to be a slightly longer episode but I can kinda understand since he had so little time to come up with a script based on the fans feedback of the game.

8. Game Glitches
This would've been higher on my list but due to what over episodes I need to talk about well it's pretty stuck here. I did like he tried doing something very different from other video game review shows such as X-Play where he reviews glitches. I didn't like the Game Graphics Glitch Gremlin very much in fact I found him more annoying than The Joker I'm not kidding. I was kinda disappointed with his list of glitches in the episode because I thought he could've used more known ones such as getting stuck in walls or camera can't move at times. In conclusion let's bring Castlevania 2 now that had a concept that wasn't done right but it was done better than this episode.

7. Mario is Missing?
Another disappointing episode which I know I'm not alone saying that about this episode. He decides to review Mario is Missing? with it's follow up Mario's Time Machine that are widely known as bad Mario games. I just realized that I forgot to add the SNES version of Mario's Time Machine on one of my previous posts under my list of child hood games James reviewed. He kept bringing up King Kong in the episode which did get a little annoying despite the brief funny part about how tall he was. He didn't try going into details about the SNES version of Mario's Time Machine yet The Irate Gamer did I wonder why. I didn't noticed the control delay when I was playing Mario is Missing? at all strange right. Luigi got a better starter role in Luigi's Mansion which was a good game. His point about education could've been done better to where a lot of us fans would enjoy hearing it a lot.

6. Dragons Lair
He does confess this was another request by the fans though he failed to hit on the level of his other episodes. He spends most of the episode trying to get pass the dragon well I can't blame him there because it's a shitty game based on an classic. Near the end of the episode he finally got pass the dragon then found himself screwed due to how the level was designed. I thought he could've done more to show off as much of the game as possible. The ending was okay because it was a brief laugh for me seeing him walking into his door then dies. He does do a good job talking about it's history which was the best part of the entire episode.

5. Atari 5200
He spends most of the episode getting it to work though there was one moment that was fun when he brings up his old TV. He was able to get the console up yet none of his controllers worked properly. The last controller didn't fit the console though it could fit just fine on an Sega Genesis. Not including the first part of Atari Jaguar episode this would be the only console review episode that doesn't review any games. Most of his information was accurate it's just I wish he could've did more with this episode like breaking an Atari 5200 with a weight could've been funny.

4. Wally Bear and the NO! Gang
This was one of his shortest episodes that failed on so many levels. Now I do enjoy watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit episode which is about the same length. The concept behind the game wasn't appealing enough to make a good game. He could've came up with some good shit to say about the game. I wish I could say more about the episode but since it's so short there's not a lot I could say to change my mind on it.

3. Master Chu and The Drunkard Hu
This episode may be accurate to the game but having Shit Pickle in it kinda ruin the episode for me. If you want to see a good episode with a similar shit character then go watch his Odyssey episode instead. Again it's a short episode that wasn't as good as Wally Bear and the NO! Gang I just talked about. He should've said playing this like is being drunk with a ugly woman in bed. Shit Pickle does play the game though different from Nerdy Turd since he doesn't have hands. In conclusion I could never like the episode as close as many of them no matter how hard I try.

2. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
This was the second episode he made in his show well he did such a bad job reviewing it. It wasn't funny like most episodes with the ending being the single best part. This also has the least game footage of any episode with not a lot of information to go by. Again I must criticize the length of the episode despite this was his most hated game of all time. The only other good thing I can say about it is James just redone his review for an Halloween episode that was so much fucking better than this.

1. A Very Nerdy Non-Canonical Captain S Christmas
That's right it wasn't an The Angry Video Game Nerd episode that was the worst no it was an episode of Captain S that had him cameo around Christmas that suck ass. I know I could get a lot of criticism for adding this one on my list but I don't give a fuck it's so bad. I wasn't a fan of Captain S so I didn't know how he has works now James's character got toned down to where I didn't care about him at all. The only time he did curse was at the end in front of Santa playing the Mario sound effect as the censore what the fuck man. He does review the first Home Alone on NES with the best part of the entire episode being The Nerd trapped inside the game. I fucking hate this episode with a passion that it deserves to be called the single The Angry Video Game Nerd episode despite not actually being on his own show.

Well I hope you guys enjoy this and I'm waiting on one of my reviews to be put on this union at Gamespot then expect two more reviews.

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