Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Jack Red reviews D series

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I will let you know that I haven't played either D or Enemy Zero but when I was playing Sega Dreamcast I did own D2 which is a good game.

D was a interactive movie survival horror game a concept unseen by many is a idea that broke new grounds as it's success help the company Warp out big time even the creator of the series Kenji Eno started living big after it's release.

The story behind what was rated T for Teen was actually M for Mature game your father snaps ending up killing people you are his daughter Laura you job is to find out why this happen.

I give this man credit because he really thought outside the box like Shinji Mikami for Resident Evil or Akira Yamaoka the only remaining member of the original team for Silent Hill did.

I have seen a review by The Happy Video Game Nerd he will take you everything you need to know about the game except how to beat it now that's up to you.

I did see a playthrough of D I got to say it's unique without question a good survival horror game that was different from the rest like Sweet Home a survival horror RPG that inspired a personal favorite franchise of mine Resident Evil was.

Not a lot of people who played the game know that there's a special edition of the game made by Eno himself he added two more discs the first out of these tells you the story if you didn't understand what it was in the game itself while the other was his personal soundtrack of the game now that's awesome.

Enemy Zero had a unique concept as well though Resident Evil remake on Game Cube did have Invisible Enemy mode which was tough just not as tough as this game by many this was Warp's toughest game ever made I'm dead serious even a interview with Eno proves it.

This game was heavily inspired by Alien which is one thing I do like about the game though it's story isn't a direct copy off of it.

You once again are Laura as you must kill the invisible alien in order to survive to do this you must find a weapon that will kill it however be warn that it's out there waiting to kill you.

Though it comes with four disc I research that the opening is on disc 4 that's it so the entire game is disc 1 through 3 though it's longer than D that can be completed in an hour and half.

I kinda like the game because I like the concept as well as they really made you feel scared playing it since you need to use your ears to know where the alien is or it's game over.

Finally we get to the last game in the series D2 I got to say I like this one the most because they made it the best of the series everyway they can it even sold better than the last two titles.

You play with multiple game play types that you got to play this without questioning how good is it to other popular survival horror franchises.

You once again are Laura you must find a girl that was on the plane becareful as now people from the crash have become strange monsters that look like the movie The Thing I'm not kidding they really wanted this to be the scariest game of the series I personally believe it is.

This was also a four disc game with the opening being on disc 4 however you need all four disc to complete the game that's right they really worked hard making this a hit since it was the last game made by Warp.

I want to point out that each game with the characters such as Laura and Kim are played by the same actors while keeping the first name everything else about the characters is changed.

I love D2 it's shows how survival horror should be another great concept from Eno I wish I can meet him in person I think he's awesome I wish he would continue the D series.

I'm Jack Red I hope you enjoy my review I'll see all of you later.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Jack Red reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I recently got two new Xbox Live Arcade games that I did beat on the day I bought them.

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 this was one of my favorite games of all time as you can play as fifty six characters in this port of Sega Dreamcast version that I gave to my friend Big C with other titles I had for a long time.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled this is a 3D remake of the classic arcade game that is inferior to another good game in the release on Sega Genesis called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist.

I do own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Classic Arcade also on X360 which is a direct port man I love this game as it actually was the first good game of the series.

Sadly I already came across a problem with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled you see for awhile I knew they had to put the game on Xbox Live Arcade like many popular titles.

However instead of the original Arcade game or the very similar Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist we got this.

Before I go on what's wrong with this game I want to point out that Nintendo owns the rules to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time on SNES which is a port better than the original game that is considered to be the best game in the series.

Nintendo won't make a agreement with Microsoft to have this version ported to the X360 or Sony's PS3 for that matter.

How bad is this game just take a guess it's a fucking mess I'm not kidding it's time to hit the other problems that makes it possibly the worst game in the series for me since Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters on NES, Sega Genesis and SNES.

My god let's talk about how the game plays if you are unlucky to play Sega Classics Collection which was fucking horrible then chances are you played the 3D remake of Golden Axe if you haven't then picture something like Fighting Force or Zombie's Revenge.

You do get difficulty levels in this game under story mode as well as survival and quickplay.

Survival is basically you go through the entire game with no continues as you have one life that can be a problem to get the achievement point since some bosses will take time to beat the right way such as Shredder.

The Sewer level in my opinion was the worst because if you played Turtles in Time, it's SNES port or The Hyperstone Heist then you know that the water itself is suppose to be blue not clear.

You have to watch out for spiked balls which is easy to watch out for however in this game you barely see them making them almost impossible to see them that's fucking bullshit whose idea was that it's like you force someone to eat shit for money then you laugh at them because they did it except there isn't any enjoy at all to be found here.

The multiplayer can be a little confusing at times like most of their games since the turtles do look like though we know who is who because of their bandannas and weapons.

I also noticed that they made added more texture to the levels with the possible exception of the Sewer level I thought most of them were okay to look at.

It follows the classic game quite well however good bye with the voice acting as well as the music because since 2003 we were given a new cartoon based on the turtles ever since then each game that comes out with given a part of that show.

That kinda happen with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Classic Arcade except nothing from the show was added so we got the new movie look which was more fitting in my opinion since I kinda like the movie.

The controls are right I want them to be which is a good thing I can say about the game as a long time fan of the turtles since my child hood.

It's one thing to not have Bebop in The Hyperstone Heist but both he with Rocksteady aren't in this game what the hell if I remember correctly they were as they appeared in the original though in SNES port they were dressed like pirates.

Instead like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Secret of the Ooze which is one of my favorite movies they decide to replace them with Tokka and Rahzar it's funny they with the pair they replaced are in SNES port yet like that movie it's only these two mutant animal babies.

I have a big problem with this because I do like some of the bad guys they face in the cartoon as I love fighting against many of them however I would play the Arcade original to fight them then to play this shit ever again.

When you fight the bosses for the most part they are close to the original versions of them so I wasn't disappointed fighting any of them.

Though I'm not going to lie the original Arcade boss fight with Shredder was even harder than that because depending on how many people are playing there always one Shredder more waiting to fight though he has a one hit kill move, he will keep cloning himself until he is unable to.

Overall I am pissed that they made a 3D remake of it rather than taking the time to port it from the Arcade like they did with the first one why do you think so many people love it because they didn't fuck up anything that we love about the game.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jack Red reviews Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I decide to review a game that I found out about during the Final Fantasy marathon when I asked many people what was the worst game in the series.

Most of them replied Final Fantasy Mystic Quest on SNES now I did give this game a chance however I just kept getting annoyed about how different it is from the rest of the series.

Before I played this game I believe it was either Final Fantasy X-2 or Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII that was the worst.

I was wrong, dead wrong this game was fucking horrible for numerous reasons though I do know there are some people out there that played this before any of them.

I usually don't review RPGs but a few days playing Final Fantasy Mystic Quest made me realized that I really need to review it.

Let me tell you why Square decide to make this game there was a time in North America that RPGs didn't caught much attention.

So they decide to make a game easy enough that any one can play it right well this didn't work for numerous that I am going to explain.

The first problem I notice I had with the game upon research was why did they release it right after Final Fantasy IV.

This was a bad decision because you got to figure at the time this genera didn't leave a mark in America's soil with some people are playing other Final Fantasy games.

I want to state that many people were getting into the genera with such titles as Dragon Quest, Shining in the Darkness, Phantasy Star 1 and 2.

As I said before not many people play RPGs at the time making it a rough yet silent experience to find someone else who played it.

The next problem I had with Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was you are given a certain path you need to follow in order to beat the game.

That is what I call stupid because even if some people actually play this game they would know that there are better games out there.

I do like the fact that there isn't any random encounters as they do get annoying which cause me to not play RPGs though they made your fighting menu so basic that you would have to be dumb not know how to use it.

They made it to where anyone can pick up the game to play however an experience player wouldn't like this very much due to there being more options rather than combining some together.

In any RPG you can walk around while fighting some enemies for experience to go where you can go however in this game they made it to where you can only in locations meaning no more looking for a city it's like we'll show you the way just make sure you don't die okay.

Fucking assholes that makes you feel like a kid that wants some candy then your parents told you no not right moment you would be upset right that's how I feel about this.

The character designs were okay it's the monsters that makes any true fan of Final Fantasy to stop playing.

I mean you would be thinking that you are playing a kid's game though in reality you aren't.

They made it to where if you revisit areas you can get as many potions, bombs or what ever you need in order to beat the game.

This surprisingly brings it all down because in your standard Final Fantasy game you can't do at all making you have to complete on with the story but of course you can buy things in shops.

Saving in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is unique because you can save it no matter where you are I was kinda happy with that in most RPGs you had to keep moving eventually you will come acrosss some save points.

They added endurance to the game by having several locations filled with random monsters which will help you level up.

The epic story isn't present this time around which is a problem I mean why can't they make the game seem more mature I bet more people would play it.

Overall I think it's a okay game for people new for the genera however I want everyone else who usually plays RPGs to not play this one.

I'm Jack Red I hope you enjoy my review I'll see all of you later.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Jack Red reviews Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I decide to redo a review I did on YouTube on here as my last review I will ever do.

I'm going to review Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection as I found this to be the very collection game that Sega fans are going to love.

Before I start talking about the game itself I want to tell you the readers that I haven't played their last collection that was release on PS2 as well as PSP called Sega Genesis Collection due to tough decisions on what games to buy.

I'm glad I got that out of the way it's time to go nuts as a Sega freak tells you why you need to play this game.

There are forty Sega Genesis games with seven Arcade games and 2 Sega Master System games in total.

Wow Sega really went out of their way to make this their best collection yet critics are hitting Sonic as if he has rabies or was hyped up on sugar.

I personally love the Sega Genesis as that was my first console now I am familiar with what's better this or Nintendo Entertainment System which was a good console too.

I will hit each game in Alphabetical order so you know which ones I will be talking about during my review to prevent you getting loss.

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
This game was okay in my opinion I didn't really like it as much as some of the games I grew up with however I do have to give it credit because this was the last game where Alex Kidd was Sega's mascot before Sonic the Hedgehog came around.

Alien Storm
One of the ports I have ever played as I personally enjoy playing beat em up games such as this one that I found to be a tough yet fun game to play however my problem with it was how hard it gets at the end I'm not kidding you need to mastered the game to be able to get past the final level.

Altered Beast
This was one of my child hood games I just love how much I got into it along with many other games in the genera as it was difficult to beat without dieing well to be honest the farthest I can get in the game with my default set of continues is level 4 where it gets really hard to survive.

Beyond Oasis
I'm going to be honest I'm not much for RPGs however this is an exception as it was a hack and slash with a good storyline however some puzzles will take you awhile to figure out.

Bonanza Bros.
Another good port to the Sega Genesis here is a true fact about my all time favorite console when it was release in America of 1989 which was the year I was born most original games available to play were ports.

Another game from my child hood I simply can't say how much I love this game as it still gets compared to Tetris which is okay in my book but this game only had one problem it never had a straight forward franchise like many of them you see either back in the day or today.

Comix Zone
I originally played this game in Sonic Mega Collection Plus an updated version that had some problems keeping it from being better than the original collection game on Game Cube well it's time for the problem it's difficulty is very high like for example when you need to beat barrels up it takes some of your health away.

Decap Attack
This game has quite a history behind it which also lead me to my problem with it as you didn't know at the time this game you were playing was originally Magical Hat Flying Turbo Adventure however it too was originally another game Psycho Fox on Sega Master System besides that it's a good child hood game of mine you will like.

Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Similar to Decap Attack it was another game before it got release in America that game you are wondering is Puyo Puyo which is a classic now for the record my mother loves this game she even said this was her favorite game.

Dynamite Headdy
This game at first didn't get my interest until I started playing it wow this was a good game that will take some time learning what each power up will do plus how to use them.

ESWAT: City Under Siege
I want to say this right now the game isn't a port of the Arcade game in fact they have some similaries however how a completely different storyline that has some of the best music I ever heard on Sega Genesis in my life.

Ecco the Dolphin
I remember the time I briefly played this as a child I wasn't good at it in fact there are people out there who don't know how to officially start the game.

Ecco: The Tides of Time
In this sequel to Ecco the Dolphin you got to play through more levels with better graphics though I didn't know how to officially start this game either.

Fatal Labyrinth
I don't know why some people like this game because it was too easy to get the achievement in the game as it don't take skills to do it nope it takes the patience of beating the ever loving shit of your enemies repeatedly.

I originally played this in Sonic Mega Collection it's a great port that is forty eight levels long that will challenge you at the end now here is an interesting fact for you this game became inspiration for the Sonic team to make flickies in the Sonic series yeah I'm not kidding.

Gain Ground
I kinda like this game because it makes you think which character is the most helpful in the game no one has a clear answer to this question which surprise me however it will get hard as you go on making this a okay game though there are a couple of games on the console I would rather play than this.

Golden Axe
I had this in 6-Pak cartridge my god I fucking love Golden Axe one of the greatest beat em up series of all time in fact I think it was awhile before I got this collection game that I bought the Arcade version of it though that version wasn't better than the one I grew up playing that had Duel mode which is fun to play.

Golden Axe II
Some complain that this is a rehash of the original however it was easier to beat with some great music as well as having Duel mode available again I got to say I like this game a lot as it was one from my child hood.

Golden Axe III
Here is a game that most fans of the series didn't know about unless you had the modem at the time you would find out many years later that there was a sequel to Golden Axe 2 now they retooled the game play making it harder than that of the original game with Gilius coming back as a unplayable character wow however they did make up for it by having new characters.

Kid Chameleon
This game has to be one of the few games on the console that no one knows how long the game actually is I'm not joking it's because once you enter the maze at the end you will continuously play through levels until you finally find the exit to fight the final boss that is annoying though it is a good game.

Phantasy Star II
A classic for RPG fans out there I seen a whole run done on this game I was surprise that there's only four bosses in the entire game however I love the music as well as the story presented in this game.

Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
The black sheep of Phantasy Star series mainly the original one because it looks like a Final Fantasy game rather than what the series usually looks like that includes space with fantasy anyway I'm blown away that there's three groups of characters you must play as in the entire game amazing.

Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
I remember looking at the bosses for this game I just don't believe there are so many that it's no wonder why they made this the final game in the classic series with each game is getting bigger this one has to be up there for being one of the best Sega Genesis games of all time.

The Sonic team made this game going through the same process with Sonic with Ristar it was a great game to have for your Sega Genesis however it will take you a few tries to beat the game which is fine as difficulty doesn't always means the game you are playing is going to suck right.

Shining Force
From what I heard this is a game that many fans of RPG are going to love because it has just about everything you need in a good game to keep you playing.

Shining Force II: Ancient Sealing
This is a sequel to Shining Force that maybe some people played that it can be agreed that the original was better by how much I don't know what I do know is it's a game you want in your collection.

Shining in the Darkness
The title can be misleading because this was the original game in the Shining series it's funny how that works well besides that from what I heard it's another game I think you might be to include in your collection especially if you love either RPGs or the console itself.

Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
I have to agree with people this was the best game in the series as it has everything you would want in a Shinobi game now this is a sequel to Revenge of Shinobi that can't be include due to copyright infringement which sucks because that is a good game too.

Sonic & Knuckles
This was the fifth game in the main series though it was the fourth one to be apart of the overall story I love this game a lot as you can put in the previous Sonic games to play a new game that is a lot of fun a very original idea by Sega.

Sonic 3D Blast
Not a lot of people like this game though I do because some of this version's music went into Sonic Adventure with classic sound effects from the previous Sonic games release on the console I just have one big complaint when you try jumping on platforms in the air it can be a pain making sure you can jump across besides that it was a fun game to play.

Sonic Spinball
Oh my god I hated this game so bad it was annoying as hell trying to beat it without question the hardest Sonic game release on Sega Genesis though the game itself is four levels long well there is another thing about it that pisses me off what happen to the level select code now it's just a code with you holding two buttons which will take you to the other levels.

Sonic the Hedgehog
This was a good game I know how bad Sonic is doing by today's standard but at the time this game broke new grounds even my dad loves playing this game that right there should tell you a lot.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2
The most sold Sega game of all time I got to say this was a personal favorite as well due to how fun they made this game with it's multiplayer how can't you not like Sonic 2.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3
In my opinion this can be the shortest Sonic game on the console due to how easy it is with a save feature though it wasn't the first game in the series to have that feature some of you fans out there know what I am talking about release on Sega CD Sonic CD which was an awesome game.

Streets of Rage
I still felt this was the hardest out of the three Streets of Rage games release because you need some time getting use to it's controls though don't do that in multiplayer or you will have to fight more boss characters in the entire game plus this one includes a twist you can take the deal to go back a few levels with the difficulty increase or just fight Mr. X to beat the game.

Streets of Rage 2
What a great game without question the best game in the entire series it has good improvements over the original with some of the greatest music I ever heard for the console however I think the common complaint about the game is what happen to the original game's special that becomes useless in the final level now you have special moves that will take away some of your health.

Streets of Rage 3
This has so much story that they ended up having two endings with Axel always going to be there to make Mr. X pay however this time was going to be different because you got some new characters with some hidden ones such as Shiva who was introduced in the last game now here is a true fact on the level you face Shiva before that in the Japanese version you'll face Ash who is gay that you can play as oh my god that is the worst thing about the game.

Super Thunder Blade
It plays very similar to Space Harrier except it's really hard to play I got to say I didn't like this one at all I'm sorry to upset some people but at least I tried to like the game.

Another classic on Sega Genesis it's remembered to be one of the best games to be on the console I got to say I love how fun it was to play though it is a tough game to beat.

Vectorman 2
This one has more levels with fewer bosses however the story takes after the original making this a good follow up to a good game I got to say being on this planet fighting bugs is a shock though like the previous game it's going to be hard to beat so be on your guard.

Now I just finished giving brief reviews on all the games on Sega Genesis it's time to do the Arcade classics that some of them are remembered to this day being some of the greatest games you will ever play that is a fact.

Alien Syndrome
I didn't like this game much I thought Zombies Ate My Neighbors was better now I'm saying that because it isn't rescuing all the people that is the problem nope it's finishing a boss fight in a smaller time limit than you have rescuing all the people what the fuck that is some serious bullshit right there.

Altered Beast
This version came a year before the Sega Genesis version did as I love playing this version more because you get infinite lives with more action I got to say it's a good game by all means.

Congo Bongo
Sega's answer to Donkey Kong now there are some similaries between the two though I got to say it was a okay game to play.

Fantasy Zone
This game was fun until it starts getting annoying I didn't like this game very much it's on my list on games you shouldn't play in this collection I'm dead fucking serious.

The original Shinobi was a great game however my main problem with it is once you enter mission 5 no more extra lives what you go has to do at that point in the game now it is understandable why they did that because it's difficulty will be high until you played it enough times to know when each enemies is going to be.

Space Harrier
I love this game Space Harrier gives you infinite credits to play through the game with a lot of boss fights I will tell you that I don't find anything wrong with this game as it is a lot of fun to play I call it a solid classic for Sega fans around the world.

Oh my boy I wasn't good at this game it was annoying as all hell I tried liking this game but I just can't god damn it they made it a challenge to beat it mainly due to how much gas you have left that's right you can run out of gas in the game just like the NES version of Ghostbusters it's fucking bullshit man I don't like that shit at all screw this game all the way to hell I don't give a fuck it can kiss my ass.

After finishing the Arcade games I will do the last two games you can get in the game now these were release on Sega Master System which was a competitor to Nintendo Entertainment System at the time.

Before I start reviewing them it's obvious how NES beat SMS it's because the developers could make better games on it though SMS did have better graphics as well as audio that won't matter as NES had way more games that people grew up playing that they love to this day.

I never owned a SMS in my life though I did own an NES like many people at the time I love some of the classics I got however I didn't have a lot of games for it.

I'm getting off track here let's start talking about two classic RPGs on Sega Master System that did get some attention to them.

Golden Axe Warrior
One of the best spin offs of Golden Axe series that was called a Zelda clone it's funny because there was another spin off release on Game Gear also called a Zelda clone now I know what you all must be knowing is it going to suck nope it was a great game from what I can see.

Phantasy Star
Believe it or not outside of the United States this game was release on Sega Genesis known in other countries as Sega Mega Drive however in America we only had it on SMS which eventually got ported to numerous consoles like really good RPGs such as Chrono Trigger anyway this had a lot of story with great character.

I did some research about some things I can find negative to say about this collection in general well it isn't going to be that bad like how The Angry Video Game Nerd reviews a game or The Nostalgia Critic reviews a movie so don't get carried away with it.

1. On the back of the case I notice some one mislabled Sonic 3 by calling it Sonic 2 what who the fuck did that I guess who ever it was needs to pay some attention to his work not the ladies.

2. The achievements were easy to get as it was even easier to unlock everything in the game itself so you would think some of these are going to be hard to find out they're easy wow that blows a lot of people's minds doesn't it.

3. In my research I found out three games that were in Sega Genesis Collection aren't here were are Sword of Vermilion which I did grow up with, Ecco Jr a game that made for kids to love this dolphin and Virtua Fighter 2 that brings up the question why they aren't in this game.

4. Though they did announce with none of the lock-on games are in this collection it would've been nice to have them well maybe next time guys.

I hope you enjoy my review on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection I won't be coming back any time some due to important life decisions so until the day I come back this will be my last review I will see all of you later in life.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Jack Red reviews Zero Punctuation

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, today I decide to review an internet show that I didn't like too much for obvious reasons I am talking about Zero Punctuation.

Before I start criticizing a fellow YouTube star I want to bring up how his show came to be so let's go back in time to 2007.

Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw made two episodes called Zero Punctuation with the videos being the original episodes that don't appear on http://www.escapistmagazine.com/.

He does predates me a year before where Champzilla.com asked me to climb aboard another fellow YouTube actually predates him.

One of my idols in life James Rolfe who got famous as The Angry Video Game Nerd by uploading four episodes to the public as originally only he with his friends could see them so they convince him to show them in 2006.

The first two episodes date back to 2004 with the last two episodes being in 2006 people love watching them.

It's funny that James was contacted by Screwattack who is partners with Gametrailers to keep making episodes of his show followed by Yahtzee being contacted by The Escapist to start making more episodes.

Now I saw two different forums asking the same question who is better The Angry Video Game Nerd who got many rip offs such as The Happy Video Game Nerd, The Irate Noob, Grumpy Gamer Bitch, The Sega Nerd and myself against Yahtzee.

To my surprise he won both polls on them what the hell I just don't believe it especially I at the time was about half way caught up to him.

It's time to list every problem I have against him now for some of the following I must compare him to that of James Rolfe to help you a better idea what I am getting at with that being said let's get started.

1. The Concept
At first seeing how episode is random animation reviewing newer games though he speaks so fast that a lot of his points are genuinely missed.

In fact if you remember the movie Last Action Hero Jack's boss speaks fast as well except you can understand him more.

He aims a little more mature in theme than AVGN is as he will show his opinions all over the places showing tits off, a lot of shits and just being a smart ass.

Each episode is very short that you can upload them to YouTube or other websites without any problems rather than copyright infringement.

If you are familiar with AVGN then you know that his show is live action about him reviewing either one or several games as each one just gets shittier with more remembered characteristic.

Such as he drinks, his usual clothes and from time to time beat up a character from shitty games which doesn't happen often.

But in my opinion the most remembered thing he does is swear to the point you are what the fuck man just wow I'm dead serious.

The episodes he makes goes all over the places in terms of limit kinda like The Nostalgia Critic who did begin making his videos due to their new policies his account soon went down not before he got his own website.

2. Theme Song
Before it got to the Web Comics episode he used a different theme which was some of his favorite songs for both opening as well as closing now his main theme sounds a lot like that of Death Note.

The usual theme for AVGN is one of the most remembered theme songs on any show I have ever heard though for some episodes he has his own versions of popular songs such as The Terminator and Looney Tunes theme.

Besides the earlier episodes of Zero Punctuation not a episode since had an actual end theme to my knowledge.

It is true that AVGN sometimes uses the opening theme for his closing however at least it is more of a pleasure to listen to his theme than Yahtzee.

3. The Reviews
I already stated that he missed a lot of well made points on every single episode while reviewing games on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, etc.

Each review is only entertaining to watch that crazy animation which reminds of a video I found on Adam Sessler he actually made a point that I really agree with.

That point you are wondering is his reviews at times many people are going to disagree with him for example I hated his review on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Turok and Golden Axe which was a good game release on XBLA by Sega.

He actually reminds me of Simon Cowell on American Idol that is no joke if you would watch a video on both of them you can see how right I am.

His episodes are usually on just one game now comparing to some reviewers on the web that kinda sucks if you asked me.

Jame's point on bad retro games is usually on the topic that trying to actual some of the games he reviews you will know that he is right.

There is episodes he reviews just one games with the rest being on many games on topic how can you say Yahztee is better anyway.

If you seen a list of consoles James reviewed games on you would be shocked I'm not kidding he isn't holding back making his episodes.

I want to bring this well made point up before going into the next problem I have against Yahtzee who would be nick named that anyway it's better than being called Monopoly which is saying a lot.

4. Their success after getting their own show
Yahztee ended up becoming an editor for a gaming magazine with another show Extra Punctuation where he has more to say on some games.

Who in the right mind wants to do that I don't see anyone reviewing a game to end up making more to say about unless it is needed to help describe how bad a game can be such as Action 52.

James got contracted by Spike to do movie reviews which are usually short yet such a good description on each one he reviews.

He reviews a series of movies even doing other movies in a genera like Space Invaders which was a three part review.

5. Who is better Yahtzee or AVGN?
Yahtzee is a British guy living in Australia of all places which also cause a problem it would be a big spending of money to actually go meet him in place.

James lives in Pennslyvania originally from New Jersey now he is within driving range if I had directions to get to his house I would be very happy to meet him since he is one of my inspiration to this day.

In the end there can only be one I go with The Angry Video Game Nerd because he is the more likable guy compared to Yahtzee who isn't as his opinions on games sucks I'm sorry to piss a lot of his fans off however that is how I feel toward him.

I'm Jack Red I hope you enjoy my review on Zero Punctuation, for those who don't I don't really care if you got ape shit on me for not liking this guy you all can go to Hell I will see all of you later.