Friday, August 14, 2009

Jack Red reviews Zero Punctuation

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, today I decide to review an internet show that I didn't like too much for obvious reasons I am talking about Zero Punctuation.

Before I start criticizing a fellow YouTube star I want to bring up how his show came to be so let's go back in time to 2007.

Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw made two episodes called Zero Punctuation with the videos being the original episodes that don't appear on

He does predates me a year before where asked me to climb aboard another fellow YouTube actually predates him.

One of my idols in life James Rolfe who got famous as The Angry Video Game Nerd by uploading four episodes to the public as originally only he with his friends could see them so they convince him to show them in 2006.

The first two episodes date back to 2004 with the last two episodes being in 2006 people love watching them.

It's funny that James was contacted by Screwattack who is partners with Gametrailers to keep making episodes of his show followed by Yahtzee being contacted by The Escapist to start making more episodes.

Now I saw two different forums asking the same question who is better The Angry Video Game Nerd who got many rip offs such as The Happy Video Game Nerd, The Irate Noob, Grumpy Gamer Bitch, The Sega Nerd and myself against Yahtzee.

To my surprise he won both polls on them what the hell I just don't believe it especially I at the time was about half way caught up to him.

It's time to list every problem I have against him now for some of the following I must compare him to that of James Rolfe to help you a better idea what I am getting at with that being said let's get started.

1. The Concept
At first seeing how episode is random animation reviewing newer games though he speaks so fast that a lot of his points are genuinely missed.

In fact if you remember the movie Last Action Hero Jack's boss speaks fast as well except you can understand him more.

He aims a little more mature in theme than AVGN is as he will show his opinions all over the places showing tits off, a lot of shits and just being a smart ass.

Each episode is very short that you can upload them to YouTube or other websites without any problems rather than copyright infringement.

If you are familiar with AVGN then you know that his show is live action about him reviewing either one or several games as each one just gets shittier with more remembered characteristic.

Such as he drinks, his usual clothes and from time to time beat up a character from shitty games which doesn't happen often.

But in my opinion the most remembered thing he does is swear to the point you are what the fuck man just wow I'm dead serious.

The episodes he makes goes all over the places in terms of limit kinda like The Nostalgia Critic who did begin making his videos due to their new policies his account soon went down not before he got his own website.

2. Theme Song
Before it got to the Web Comics episode he used a different theme which was some of his favorite songs for both opening as well as closing now his main theme sounds a lot like that of Death Note.

The usual theme for AVGN is one of the most remembered theme songs on any show I have ever heard though for some episodes he has his own versions of popular songs such as The Terminator and Looney Tunes theme.

Besides the earlier episodes of Zero Punctuation not a episode since had an actual end theme to my knowledge.

It is true that AVGN sometimes uses the opening theme for his closing however at least it is more of a pleasure to listen to his theme than Yahtzee.

3. The Reviews
I already stated that he missed a lot of well made points on every single episode while reviewing games on Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, etc.

Each review is only entertaining to watch that crazy animation which reminds of a video I found on Adam Sessler he actually made a point that I really agree with.

That point you are wondering is his reviews at times many people are going to disagree with him for example I hated his review on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Turok and Golden Axe which was a good game release on XBLA by Sega.

He actually reminds me of Simon Cowell on American Idol that is no joke if you would watch a video on both of them you can see how right I am.

His episodes are usually on just one game now comparing to some reviewers on the web that kinda sucks if you asked me.

Jame's point on bad retro games is usually on the topic that trying to actual some of the games he reviews you will know that he is right.

There is episodes he reviews just one games with the rest being on many games on topic how can you say Yahztee is better anyway.

If you seen a list of consoles James reviewed games on you would be shocked I'm not kidding he isn't holding back making his episodes.

I want to bring this well made point up before going into the next problem I have against Yahtzee who would be nick named that anyway it's better than being called Monopoly which is saying a lot.

4. Their success after getting their own show
Yahztee ended up becoming an editor for a gaming magazine with another show Extra Punctuation where he has more to say on some games.

Who in the right mind wants to do that I don't see anyone reviewing a game to end up making more to say about unless it is needed to help describe how bad a game can be such as Action 52.

James got contracted by Spike to do movie reviews which are usually short yet such a good description on each one he reviews.

He reviews a series of movies even doing other movies in a genera like Space Invaders which was a three part review.

5. Who is better Yahtzee or AVGN?
Yahtzee is a British guy living in Australia of all places which also cause a problem it would be a big spending of money to actually go meet him in place.

James lives in Pennslyvania originally from New Jersey now he is within driving range if I had directions to get to his house I would be very happy to meet him since he is one of my inspiration to this day.

In the end there can only be one I go with The Angry Video Game Nerd because he is the more likable guy compared to Yahtzee who isn't as his opinions on games sucks I'm sorry to piss a lot of his fans off however that is how I feel toward him.

I'm Jack Red I hope you enjoy my review on Zero Punctuation, for those who don't I don't really care if you got ape shit on me for not liking this guy you all can go to Hell I will see all of you later.

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