Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jack Red reviews Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I decide to review a game that I found out about during the Final Fantasy marathon when I asked many people what was the worst game in the series.

Most of them replied Final Fantasy Mystic Quest on SNES now I did give this game a chance however I just kept getting annoyed about how different it is from the rest of the series.

Before I played this game I believe it was either Final Fantasy X-2 or Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII that was the worst.

I was wrong, dead wrong this game was fucking horrible for numerous reasons though I do know there are some people out there that played this before any of them.

I usually don't review RPGs but a few days playing Final Fantasy Mystic Quest made me realized that I really need to review it.

Let me tell you why Square decide to make this game there was a time in North America that RPGs didn't caught much attention.

So they decide to make a game easy enough that any one can play it right well this didn't work for numerous that I am going to explain.

The first problem I notice I had with the game upon research was why did they release it right after Final Fantasy IV.

This was a bad decision because you got to figure at the time this genera didn't leave a mark in America's soil with some people are playing other Final Fantasy games.

I want to state that many people were getting into the genera with such titles as Dragon Quest, Shining in the Darkness, Phantasy Star 1 and 2.

As I said before not many people play RPGs at the time making it a rough yet silent experience to find someone else who played it.

The next problem I had with Final Fantasy Mystic Quest was you are given a certain path you need to follow in order to beat the game.

That is what I call stupid because even if some people actually play this game they would know that there are better games out there.

I do like the fact that there isn't any random encounters as they do get annoying which cause me to not play RPGs though they made your fighting menu so basic that you would have to be dumb not know how to use it.

They made it to where anyone can pick up the game to play however an experience player wouldn't like this very much due to there being more options rather than combining some together.

In any RPG you can walk around while fighting some enemies for experience to go where you can go however in this game they made it to where you can only in locations meaning no more looking for a city it's like we'll show you the way just make sure you don't die okay.

Fucking assholes that makes you feel like a kid that wants some candy then your parents told you no not right moment you would be upset right that's how I feel about this.

The character designs were okay it's the monsters that makes any true fan of Final Fantasy to stop playing.

I mean you would be thinking that you are playing a kid's game though in reality you aren't.

They made it to where if you revisit areas you can get as many potions, bombs or what ever you need in order to beat the game.

This surprisingly brings it all down because in your standard Final Fantasy game you can't do at all making you have to complete on with the story but of course you can buy things in shops.

Saving in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is unique because you can save it no matter where you are I was kinda happy with that in most RPGs you had to keep moving eventually you will come acrosss some save points.

They added endurance to the game by having several locations filled with random monsters which will help you level up.

The epic story isn't present this time around which is a problem I mean why can't they make the game seem more mature I bet more people would play it.

Overall I think it's a okay game for people new for the genera however I want everyone else who usually plays RPGs to not play this one.

I'm Jack Red I hope you enjoy my review I'll see all of you later.

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