Thursday, July 1, 2010

Jack Red reviews Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, today I decide to review the criticize port of Dead Rising though I actually like it more than the original game.

On the back of the case it tells you that the same team that ported Resident Evil 4 to the Wii made this game.

I got to be honest you could call it an port or remake of the game which is up to debate which one fits it's description better.

Now I just fully mastered that version of the game and I got to say that was better than the original Game Cube version.

I do own Dead Rising on X360 as well as it's port which I will be reviewing for you guys since I want to make an strong case why I love it.

First off let's talk about what I love in Dead Rising it had freedom enough to let you play the game even getting an ending for just messing around wow man.

I think it's time to talk about the stuff that pissed me off every time I played through it.

Warning anyone under the age of 17 please don't read this as the review is about to get really mature for strong language thank you.

I didn't like the save thing similar to Turok where if someones wanted to start an new game it will automatically deletes yours which is bullshit.

Thank god it's Wii port has given us multiple slots that look similar to that of Resident Evil 4.

The original game didn't have multiple difficulty which sucks now this version does as if it was an Resident Evil game.

I was okay with the camera angle in the original version but giving it Resident Evil 4's made the game more interesting for me.

I hated when Otis calls you that if you are near zombies then you can't do anything plus doing something real fast as he's calling you will piss him off.

I love what they here he calls you then the game itself plauses for you to read what's he saying to you now that makes sense.

You originally get an camera to take pictures for experience now people got pissed that it was removed now if I remembered correctly Dead Rising 2 won't have it either
so what's their fucking problem with that.

I remember how often I had trouble reading the text in the game well now you can read it.

I needed to bring that up because of an bullshit statement by Capcom now many customers complaint about the texts then they said go buy an HD TV who the fuck tells that you.

I mean would've it be easier to simply rerelease the game with the text being bigger it's so fucked up that they actually say that to customers it had to been an asshole employee on an bad day.

Another problem I had though it's okay just messing around until six hours are up was the fucking time.

Have they ever played Grand Theft Auto series they let you do what ever the fuck you want yet why they decided to time you by real life kinda pisses me off.

Once again that problem for those who wanted to unlock Overtime Mode was fixed by simply making the game playing at your pace now doesn't that kick ass.

I also didn't like besides the weapons and outfits you've unlocked you don't get to keep skill books which is gay.

In this version you can find and buy them which makes the game so much more fun to play.

The arrow is back though once you entered Overtime Mode you will be on your alone which there's a lot of remembering what you need to get before entering the massive crowd of zombies.

The controls a big improvement I love that you can make it look like throwing stuff or sling the weapons around plus it tells you when to do moves as well as dodge kinda like Resident Evil 4.

You just get experience saving people which is totally optional though it became important to save them in the Wii port.

I got to read an few reviews of this game done by some websites which some say the game gets old due to you rescuing people all the time.

Well you get ranked which picks your prize plus experience meaning you could get more powerful weapons and energy drinks.

I like when you get the small, portable blender you can mix anything in to increase your overall health.

I was also disappointed that you didn't have many guns to fire such as handguns, shotguns and sniper rifles.

Cop zombies have handguns plus the Gun Store which also has shotguns and sniper rifles that's it.

You actually get an great variety of guns especially some came right out of Resident Evil 4 though Chicago Typewriter in the game doesn't have infinite ammo.

If you remember the Merchant from Resident Evil 4 then this change became one of my favorite ever in an video game.

Originally you could fight Cletus who would get killed after beating him now he was an tough son of an bitch however they make more fun to fight.

If you do save him then you can buy weapons and upgrades as if you were playing Resident Evil 4.

If you save Greg from Adam the Clown then you will have an short cut that will take you directly to the Gun Store.

They made finding health items and ammo much easier to find plus money to buy some great stuff in the game.

You can't jump on shelves in the Super Market like you could in the original game but it's more fun to fight.

I love that your health looks like the characters you play as in Resident Evil 4 then the other one which often confuses me on how many hits can I take until I lose some health.

There's plenty of melee weapons though very few of them don't come back in the port with your length of them being heavily reduced to one I'm not kidding.

You had a lot of vehicles you can drive in the game outside now reduced to just one car with it only being drove in the tunnel.

There's sadly another difference with that in the original game if you destroy your vehicles you can get out of it but in this version you will lose an life.

Speaking of losing an life it's similar to Resident Evil 4 which was an nice touch now you can continue the game or not.

That option isn't really available in the original game though you can replay your save game until to where you died which sucks.

Carlito's main difference was his first boss fight where instead of being above you it's on the ground shooting at you as if he was Krauser from Resident Evil 4.

You also get console exclusive enemies such as Poodles, Parrots and the other psycho zombies.

Paul doesn't appear in the game but you can get Molotov Cocktail in places where you would get liquor in the original version plus killing enemies.

Here's the very thing Capcom announced that pissed so many off enough to not play the game now they had to lower zombies appearing on the screen from 800 to 100.

Overtime Mode is now combine with the 72 Hour Mode which means they removed the alternate endings.

I actually had Infinity Mode which is my least favorite mini game of all time in fact I would rather play Bonus Stage on Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles than this crap.

It's an endurance mini game where you must survive as long as possible reliving the same two days over and over again.

Everyone is your enemy with bosses appearing in places depending it's day 1 or 2 meaning you better watch your fucking back.

Believe it or not food is limited that you can't get even go to the Super Market since it's closed.

There's sadly two achievements that can be unlocked in this mini game that could break your X360 I'm not kidding.

What the fuck Capcom you could've given us an better mini game that doesn't break the console.

The team on the port actually replaced that with two new fun mini games that can be challenging depending on which missions you selected.

The first one you unlock is Odd Job now this is where they make the game even funnier for those who want to laugh.

I have completed all the missions including the final mission where you must fight every boss of the entire game.

I just wanted to say this that you don't fight Convicts, Carlito in an truck or Tank in this mission.

If you played a few missions of Odd Jobs then you should unlock Second Amendments which tests your shooting skills.

The most fucked up mission of the entire game that wasn't in Odd Job was the final mission of this mini game where Otis keeps throwing random shit for you to shoot.

Whose idea was that I mean it blows my mind on so many levels who would throw zombies, carts, people, etc...

In conclusion the Wii port of Dead Rising was the spiritual successor to their previous Resident Evil 4 port that should be remembered for many years to come though why so many hated it I just don't know.

I hope I made an strong enough case to convince some of you to get out to buy this game and fuck what everyone else says.

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