Friday, October 8, 2010

Jack Red reviews Batman Forever

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, today I am going to review Batman Forever on Genesis which was one of the worst games I ever played on the console.

Before I start reviewing I wanted to get this out of the way right now Acclaim Entertainment made this then decided to make another game based on the movie released in the arcades.

It did ported to PlayStation, Sega Saturn and PC that did slightly better than the original game done.

Oh I almost forget the one I'm reviewing also been released on SNES, Game Boy, Game Gear and PC with some changes.

Yes I am aware that The Angry Video Game Nerd reviewed the game however he did the SNES version while I'm doing the Genesis version.

So let's get down to it I remember playing my Genesis with numerous games having a couple movie games that aren't good then around the time of the movie my parents got me this game.

It's a fact that the movie didn't do so well though I actually like it a lot considering it's the same director who made such a bad Batman movie.

Anyway I do like it follows the story of the movie quite well which isn't common in bad movie games.

They tried making this different from most beat em ups which it is just so fucking horrible that it hurts my eyes right now just thinking about the frustration I had with the game.

It's a 2D beat em up that uses some stuff from Mortal Kombat including using digitized actors with similar controls.

I do like they got two versions of multiplayer for the story mode though due to most of the levels having so many enemies you have barely any room to move.

I am not going to lie to you guys one of the most frustrating parts of the game is learning the controls especially how to get down in the first couple of levels.

It's funny that one guy answered to get down in the Genesis version you got to bash your button until it happens which is true.

I actually like a few levels in the game such as the one based on the event at the circus Robin worked at and the first level to fight The Riddler.

They did show how cheap they were by making Spice and Sugar only appear once in the entire game with them looking alike.

They appear before fighting Two Face for the first time well I got to be honest I thought Spice was hardest enemy to beat in that level.

You can die by falling in some levels so whose idea was it to simply jump off the train in one of the levels after beating everyone in that part up.

Common sense would tell you to not jump off the train in fact it tells you to just stay on the train to see what happens.

I hate to break it to you but nothing happens after you beat everyone on top of the train until you jump what.

In some good beat em ups you do fight in elevators and trains though why you need to jump off of it makes no sense to me.

That's right all they did is took another sprite of Spice then change the color of her dress from black to white.

It' easy to figure out where to go for the most part however the last level had one of the most frustrating parts of the entire game but I will get to that later in my review.

I do kinda like the music in the game though I really like that Cheat Menu which makes the game more beatable.

My favorite part of the game is Training Mode because it plays like a fighting game which makes it fun I actually remember the good times playing it as a kid.

You can play as Batman, Robin and everybody else in the game that's right even the bosses can be played in this mode wow.

I did find out many years later you need to put in a code to play as The Riddler really why that's like what another team did with the first Power Rangers on the Genesis with the evil Green Ranger.

Wait a minute yeah they're both evil and wear green is there a connection because I don't fucking see it.

The fighting can get frustrating because a lot of your enemies including the bosses cheat especially Big Riddler.

You got to get to six question mark boxes to go to the final area of the game that has three bosses right after each other wow talk about difficulty.

As simple that may sound it took me a few hours to get past that part but the good news is you got plenty of time with no enemies trying to kill you so take all the time you need.

The first of the three final bosses of the game is Two Face now he will be similar to his boss fight except his girl friends aren't there and he can get more health though I don't know how he does that.

Big Riddler is the second to the last boss that fucking cheats though he isn't as hard as Goro or Kintaro are in the Mortal Kombat games.

Just in case you were wondering it's Riddler high on brainwaves transforms into The Hulk now believe it or not this does get worse.

They reused some of their sprites to make this boss fight possible like you can get punched trying to jump kick at the wrong time which both of them got that in common.

He also will jump in the air like Kintaro but come down like Goro which doesn't make any sense to me at all.

He can also throw you after getting knocked down similar to Kintaro though you don't bounce a couple of times which is a good thing for this boss fight.

Everytime you knock him down you got to wait for him to get back up now that's bullshit because that wasn't a problem in the Mortal Kombat games.

I found a way to beat him without taking too many hits now what I did was kept jump kicking his ass real fast until he transforms back to his old self.

He is how he was in the other levels except he doesn't spawn a henchman to help him this time making it the easiest boss of the entire game what a joke.

Dr. Chase Meridian does appear after you beat The Riddler for the last time then here comes the shitty ending.

I really like the movie more than this no good piece of bat shit now what the fuck were they thinking.

The game is really hard with the enemies having terrible programming especially in later levels where you can lose most of your life in matter of a few minutes.

I am so happy that I don't got to play this mother fucking game ever again because to me it was an insult to the movie maybe the entire Batman community as a whole.

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