Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jack Red presents Professional Mode comparison

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I just beat both Resident Evil 4 and 5 on Professional Mode to see which one was harder to complete.

Note: Resident Evil 4 was the last main series game with you making multiple save slots meaning you can't unlock what you got in one game then bring it to another.

The closest thing to that would be Resident Evil 5 and The Darkside Chronicles which is an nice feature.

Let's start with how you unlock them now both require you beating the game however for Resident Evil 5 you must beat Veteran Mode to get it.

Professional Mode for Resident Evil 4 was like Veteran Mode of Resident Evil 5 which is true if you think about it.

Professional Mode was Hard Mode in Resident Evil 4 then they decide to make even tougher by making it basically an Very Hard Mode.

Enemies take more bullets to kill, increase damage and faster reaction at action sequences is an part of both however Resident Evil 5 pushed it an step further.

Enemies on that mode in Resident Evil 4 isn't critical compared to Resident Evil 5 which was even by the more common enemies of the fucking game.

Resident Evil 4 originally didn't give you anything new besides what you already unlocked then here comes it's PS2 port with one of the best hidden weapons ever made.

Some of you must be thinking what do you get if you somehow beat Resident Evil 5 well I'll tell you an achievement and Noise effect that's it.

I'm sorry but I was expecting something more than those like why not being able to play Wesker's side of the story up to his death.

I did die a lot in Resident Evil 4's but you can't possibly imagine how often I died in Resident Evil 5's oh yeah it's bullshit.

I must bring in Turok for an moment as the following statement doesn't involve Resident Evil 4 now have you played games where the difficulties were close then out of no where the last one is nearly impossible.

I already mastered Turok so I can use that in this comparison though I think Resident Evil 4 was an more solid game.

I got one more thing to say I heard around the time when I had Xbox Live that Wesker and Jill on Professional Mode was really hard well guess what they're right.

I died the most on Chapter 5-3 because not including the Lickers the boss fight was nearly impossible to beat.

You will be lucky if you can deliver Wesker enough damage to fight Jill by herself and just in case you were wondering yes I had the hidden weapons on me.

I felt most bosses of Resident Evil 4 were easy with some bosses in Resident Evil 5 being somewhat of an pain.

In conclusion I like Professional Mode in Resident Evil 4 but hated it in Resident Evil 5.

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