Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jack Red reviews Resident Evil: Survivor

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I will be taking an break from making lists to make some reviews instead.

I figured why not review Resident Evil: Survivor which is considered to be one of the worst games in the series yet I actually like this game.

It originally wasn't canonical until the release of Resident Evil 0 and it was the first game in Gun Survivor series.

One interesting fact is Wesker is directly involved with the main games yet this is one of the few he isn't.

The other game to not directly involve Wesker which so happens to also be in this series called Resident Evil: Dead Aim.

I didn't get to play Resident Evil 3: Nemesis on PlayStation though I did get to play it on the computer and Game Cube.

I did have the updated version of Resident Evil Code: Veronica with a very brief time playing the original version on Sega Dreamcast.

With that out of the way it's time to actually describe the game to you the readers out there.

Unlike the games before it which were third person is first person now originally the first Resident Evil was going to be first person before they decided it that it wasn't scary enough.

You have unlimited ammo with numerous types of Handguns with an Rocket Launcher you can unlock after you beat the game.

You can shoot all over the screen with any weapon which is an good feature have yet I felt that was done better in the Chronicles series which acts as an spiritual successor to Gun Survivor series.

Sadly unlike the other games it only has one unlockable which sucks because it could've have them to work with like an alternate scenario kinda like the first two games.

Yes I am aware that Resident Evil 3: Nemesis has multiple routes and so does this game though I felt it kinda fell short.

The paths you can take in this game will take multiple times playing through to see where all of them takes it.

I believe those changes in routes is small with one being which ending to the game do you want.

I really like that they reused not only some of Resident Evil 2 Zombies with sounds from that game.

Of course they does have some new design for Zombies though I would have to say it did much better job than the ones in Outbreak series.

When you used any key items it will go straight into through the door or activate machines.

In the other games you can unlock doors and not going straight in there until you are ready to now that makes sense but to not have that is bullshit.

It seriously lacks puzzles that the series is known for I mean when I lasted played it which took me over an hour without saving and dieing I was looking for at least one tough puzzle there wasn't any.

Tyrant-103 AKA Mr. X does appear in the game however instead of one why not an fucking army of them.

Do you remember those soldiers in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis now they were human well how about the Cleaners that will fire their rifles at you then after you kill them it makes an weird sound.

After I heard that sound I thought they were creatures that were created to kill anyone involved with the event yet one of them talks which blows my mind.

You kill them then you watch their bodies melt into the fucking ground it barely makes any sense.

You do get an Shotgun, Grenade Launcher which I recommend for the last boss fight of the game and more.

It's really easy to save ammo for the boss fights though I think it had the toughest boss fight with the Crocodile in the entire series.

Do you remember Resident Evil 2 where you face an giant Crocodile now there was an fast way to kill it.

Now can you believe that you spend most of the fight with the one in front of you then out of no where an second one right behind you.

What the fuck is that shit it isn't fair because you have to kill one of them before fighting the other one now that's bullshit it shouldn't been in this game.

You do have to fight Mr. X as an boss once where you must defeat it in order to continue the game.

I was surprised to find out that Leon from Resident Evil 2 asked Ark of this game to put an end to this facility.

Hypnos Tyrant for me was way too easy to beat especially with all the ammo you have saved.

I said this in my review of Resident Evil Gaiden that B.O.W. Tyrant directly looks you in all of it's forms.

You have to fight that thing in three forms now it's funny that it was created with the T-Virus yet it transforms as if it has the G-Virus.

I know what a lot of you must be thinking were they getting drunk when they made this.

The voice acting in this game was an huge let down because the games before it had slightly better voice acting with Code: Veronica at the time being the best and the original being just laughable yet better than this game.

It's actually pretty easy to know where to go even finding all the files isn't an problem I'm dead serious.

You can barely save in the game which sucks because the games before it had plenty of Ink Ribbons with many typewriters you can save on.

In conclusion it wasn't too bad it was more Resident Evil than fucking Resident Evil Gaiden ever can hope to be and this also proves that they were right it sure wasn't scary.

So I'm Jack Red and remember just because someone said the game is bad doesn't mean there isn't someone who likes it.

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