Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jack Red presents Resident Evil Original vs. Remake

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I believe there's a debate among Resident Evil fans which version of Resident Evil 1 is better.

The original classic that got released on PlayStation or the remake on Game Cube make your choice...

Sadly it's an tough debate because both of them are really good games in fact many people can't decide which one to go with.

Resident Evil inspired by George A. Romero's Dead series which was also inspiration for Dead Rising series and Sweet Home an Japanese only NES game.

Capcom asked the team behind Resident Evil to make an similar game to Sweet Home and this is what we got.

Before I get right to it I did try this before though it was with my old webcam where I need to rush it so I feel bad for releasing it on YouTube.

I never finished playing the original game so parts of this comparison will be based on other resources including my guide book.

Opening Scene

I know a lot of you guys wouldn't want to include this in an comparison but I feel it does make this topic more interesting.

The original opening have actual actors doing the sames with the Cerberuses looking mean as shit.

The remake did like the other games however I rather watch the opening to Resident Evil 2 instead.

In the original it seems like an horror movie where an group of people get lost then they started getting killed I just love that effect though their acting kinda sucks.

In the remake it shows more with Joseph's death not being as scary plus they did throw in some moments like Chris was about to get attacked until Wesker shot that Cerberus.

The remake explains more about what has taken place in the forest though you actually get to see who was responsible for that and more in Resident Evil 0.

I think it's obvious that the original opening was so much better I mean a lot of the fans still remembered it to this day so point goes to the original.


They have the same story where S.T.A.R.S. Alpha goes to Arklay Forest searching S.T.A.R.S. Bravo until they ran into trouble were forced to go inside the Mansion not knowing what horror lurks there.

The characters were good in the original yet I like the newer stuff with Chris and Jill more such as draining the tank you must first get the shutters down then drain it was intense.

There exists five endings in the game which was directly taken from Sweet Home now depending on some decisions you make will give you an the ending matching how well you played the game.

It is pretty close though the remake gave us a lot more information about what has happened there.

A point goes to the remake as the added part to the overall really fit well together.

Game Play

I wanted to say to that I played two versions of the original on the PlayStation with Director's Cut getting some serious attention.

Seriously just when you thought most remakes suck major balls this one was able to be one of the greatest games ever made.

In the original after you beat the game you got to go to the room where you must enter through another room with the Helmet Key to wear your outfits.

In the remake just after you beat the game you can start another one where you go into the room with the statue then there is an painting or at least you thought it was an painting actually was an door.

If you beat the game fast enough you can also unlock an Rocket Launcher however the original actually gives you the one you get at the end to beat the Tyrant with infinite ammo.

Surprising it was an different rocket launcher that wasn't in the game until you unlocked it that later appears in Resident Evil 0.

Now you also can unlock an unlimited ammo handgun that has burst fire called Samurai Edge though when you get in one of those box it's called an handgun with an infinity symbol.

I actually prefer the sound effects such as Zombies or firing an weapon as the ones in the remake aren't too bad but too similar to the other games.

I really like the original inventory screen more because it's easier to see what you got than in the remake where you will see an black background with an stoneish looking screen.

Keep in mind that the remake's engine was reused for Resident Evil 0 to increase the hype of the series in that year.

I will say this much that Zombies in the remake look scary especially the Crimson Heads however I thought the original was much more scarier.

For example you get to see at the beginning of the game where an Zombie eating Kenneth now I really like how the Zombie turns around in the original at the time I first saw that I got scared.

The remake's version you get to see Kenneth dies with the Zombie turning around it just wasn't as close as scary as the original I'm sorry.

I really like that the typewriters are easier to find in the original yet I like at an handful of them are nearby gasoline which is needed to prevent Crimson Heads in the games.

The puzzles in the original were fun yet besides the newer ones in the remake I didn't like where some items were moved to but it's fine.

Can you believe that three puzzles are needed to be complete to get three out of four masks with an boss fight with Yawn is needed to fight yet another boss.

The enemies with me almost finishing the Director's Cut compared to playing the fuck out of the remake I can say it's also pretty close here.

Before I start talking about the enemies and bosses in the game I need to say this for the record the remake is the only game with the original game play style that enemies can break through doors even Hunters.

I said to myself holy shit and when I first saw an Hunter breaking through an door oh fuck.

Zombies I prefer them in the original because they look and sound scarier with a few of them being on the ground waiting to eat you.

In the remake Zombies are assholes because after you kill them in most areas then you must burn them to prevent their transformation into the Crimson Heads.

You can also blow their heads off but it depends how you shoot them like sometimes in an distance you can make their heads explode.

Cerberuses in the original were scarier than the ones in the remake because they look more like an monster and breaking through the windows look scarier.

In the remake they aren't too bad but they are still an pain to kill however I didn't like how they recreate the scene when you open the front doors once.

I mean in the original that shit would scared the shit out of you especially when you are an kid like I was when I first played it.

Hunters are easier to kill in the remake yet they don't fuck around in the original at all I died so many fucking times by them.

Sure in the remake Hunters can track you down in the Mansion yet if you ever play the original game be on your fucking guard because they will kill you so fast that you won't even be able to say fuck in time.

Neptunes can't be killed in the original unless you drained the tank however in the remake you can straight out kill them with the big one being fried.

All the other enemies are pretty much the same though in the remake you get new death animation which looks good.

I really like Yawn's look in the remake over the original which doesn't look interesting to me besides an death animation where you can be swallowed whole.

In the remake Yawn can crush you to death which isn't too bad but being swallowed is tough to compete with.

I did like the look of Plant 42 in the remake however I actually like how it looked in the original more.

Black Tiger wasn't an pain for me to deal with in the original yet it sure wants to kill you in the remake.

Sadly I can't do the compared of actually fighting the Tyrant in the original but I will compared that infamous scene that many fans like.

Many fans love this scene where Wesker turns out to be the traitor and he is going to release the Tyrant however something goes wrong.

In the original the Tyrant breaks out of that tube and walks over in between Chris or Jill and Wesker than kills you know who now I confess that was pretty good.

In the remake the Tyrant flat out used his claw through the tube and Wesker which was awesome now depending on who you picked he will get clawed from the back or front make your choice.

I got to say I really like that change a lot because it sure scarier because when you first thought the Tyrant was going to get out and do what it did in the original it doesn't.

I still need to talk about the two new bosses added to the game as they sure bring on the fear in the eyes of many.

The first new boss you will faced shortly after Yawn is the Crimson Head Prototype 1 now in the original you would have an while before fighting Plant 42.

The fast way to beat this boss is if you picked Chris keep one Flash Grenade and let him grab you this will activate your self defense weapon.

This is the most helpful self defense weapon because it will kill what ever you used it on rather than hurting them before they get back up.

In the original they did release an Director's Cut which has an new variation of the game called Arranged Mode that I really like.

Note: Arranged Mode in Resident Evil 2 is different as you still get all the ammo you would on Easy Mode in Rookie Mode with the hidden weapons already unlocked for it.

It changes where items and monsters are making the game harder yet with an code to double your ammo sure helps.

The remake has two of it's own variation that made the game even harder to beat in fact it was one of the hardest titles in the entire series to finish.

The first variation is called Real Survivor Mode now to unlock it you need to beat the game on Normal or Hard.

Basically it was originally going to be how the game plays but they thought it was too hard for people so they decide out of no where gives us that version of it.

You can't auto aim in this version with the boxes no longer carries automatically to another one which means you must remember which one you put some of your stuff in or you have an problem.

If you can beat that variation of it then the hardest one will be unlocked in fact so hard that only those who mastered the toughest of the series can do it I'm dead fucking serious it's that tough.

It's called Invisible Enemy mode where all of your enemies are completely invisible with no auto aim which means you must plan it out perfectly or you're fucked.

If you can beat that then you can see all the unused stuff which is nice that they do reward you it.

I got to call this one an draw because they both have an good yin yang balance so I don't know which one I prefer off hand sorry.

I want make it official both of them are on my Top 5 Resident Evil Games though I didn't say the original game spares the spot.

I do apologize on that I will confess that I got Asperger synodrome so some stuff will slipped by me with half the time I won't know until it's too late.

So I hope you enjoy and I been making some mistakes on my posts but I will somehow fix it.

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