Sunday, June 27, 2010

Jack Red reviews Resident Evil Chronicles series

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I wanted to do this for an while though it would suck if I made it into an video.

I want to review Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles again however this time I also want to review it's prequel as I go more in depth with it.

I guess I should give you guys a little history originally the first Resident Evil was going to be first person but that didn't happen.

A few years later an game released on PlayStation called Resident Evil: Survivor now surprisingly outside of the United States you can use an light gun.

I believe the original version of Resident Evil Code: Veronica was release the same year as Survivor with the updated version an year later.

Resident Evil Code: Veronica has an mini game called Battle Game with both first and third person which makes it an unique mini game for the series.

Sadly outside of the United States they decide to make an follow up to Resident Evil: Survivor though it isn't an sequel in fact it's an direct spin off of Code: Veronica that made Gun Survivor an series.

Capcom decided to make another game in the series however instead of Resident Evil like most game of the series they decide to use Dino Crisis.

In America it's called Dino Stalker which many thought it was an standalone game yet it wasn't that plays like Sega Jurassic Park games.

After making the black sheep of Gun Survivor series they decided to make one more game in the series that turns out to be their best Resident Evil: Dead Aim.

This game was unique since it plays in first and third person like Resident Evil Code: Veronica but better as you get more weapons.

Capcom decide to create Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles exclusively for the Wii though it's an rail shooter like The House of the Dead series.

In an sense Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles with it's sequel were spiritual successors to Gun Survivor series.

It's time to start reviewing them though to be honest I will confess that there's a few games I want to compare.

Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles recreates Resident Evil 0, 1, a little bit of 2 and 3: Nemesis with an new scenario that's now a part of the timeline.

This game has many playable characters such as Chris, Jill, Carlos, Rebecca, Ada, Hunk and even the infamous Wesker.

I love your choice of levels as well as weapons though I don't like you only can pick one for each level though you can find more weapons through out the levels.

They made the game very fun as you can shoot stuff everywhere even that Umbrella logo on the loading screen now doesn't that kick ass.

You will find files from destroying all kind of shit but they had to ruin it with the same files can be found again which makes no sense.

They did reused some of the story from the games which makes it won't be fully canonical but they did try really hard I actually like some of the changes they made.

It doesn't play straight forward like most Resident Evil games which an interesting idea.

I also love fighting most bosses though a few of them are an pain of my ass such as T.A.L.O.S. or Sergei.

You can unlock the sub scenarios including all the Wesker levels but I was disappointed with Hunk's scenario.

If you played Resident Evil 2 then you might be familiar with The 4th Survivor well that mini game was fun now this can be too tough for many considering how well you use your weapons.

Sadly you have to beat it to unlock Death's Door and play as the same characters with two players.

One thing I really don't like is you can't take what you have in one difficulty to another like an handful of games.

Why is that an problem well I'll tell you if you really want unlimited ammo for every weapon then it will take a lot of time to do so or go play another game of the series instead.

I really hate how tough the Russia scenario can get especially if you have a ton of ammo with many weapons you got to be good at the game.

The reason I'm telling you that is because almost every enemy you faced in the entire game will appear here including another Giant Bat WTF.

You will be rated for stars you can use to upgrade your weapons however you can't upgrade your handgun.

Here's something that will piss many people off the stars take forever to get the amount you'll need to upgrade your weapon.

Speaking of upgrading you don't do that in pieces like it's sequel or The House of the Dead: Overkill.

Death's Door for me was the worst scenario of the entire game because you are already low in life meaning don't fuck around and make good decisions if you want to survive it.

The last bad thing I got to say about the game is it's mini game Bonus Stage which fucking sucks I already said in another blog entry that it's the worst mini game of the series.

To unlock it you must beat every scenario of the game then play something that sucks more ass than Death's Door I'm dead fucking serious.

In conclusion it's an good game but it isn't my favorite spin off of the series.

Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles is an sequel to The Umbrella Chronicles with some good improvements.

This game covers Resident Evil 2, Code: Veronica and an new scenario that was also added to the timeline.

It was easier to tell what is canonical and what's not if you are an hardcore fan of the series like me.

You play as Leon, Claire, Steve, Krauser and Chris in only one level but I am still okay with this.

I mean sure you get fewer weapons but upgrading them is a hell lot of easier than those fucking stars in the previous.

I love upgrading weapons in this game since it's similar to The House of the Dead: Overkill which you upgrade each part of them even your handgun.

You can even find some gold through out the levels especially the final level which has two endings to it.

Unlike The Umbrella Chronicles there isn't any sub scenarios but there's two hidden version of the last two levels that explains why Krauser joined Wesker in Resident Evil 4.

If you play these levels than you can only play as Krauser while hearing his thoughts about what's going on.

I'm disappointed they also didn't brought back playing as the same character it's like the opposite of Resident Evil: Outbreak series happened.

If you played either Outbreak game then you know what I'm getting at in the first one you can't play the same character despite those were hidden characters with the main ones voice yet the next one cut the bullshit.

This game still has some good bosses but it isn't as interesting as the previous one I mean the last one alone had seven types of Tyrants you get to face.

I actually like how some of them are done such as fighting the Crocodile won't be boring like it was in Resident Evil 2.

I got to say that the last boss was incredibly easy compared to fighting either T.A.L.O.S. or Sergei that was tough.

Alexia in the last level for Code: Veronica was nearly impossibe that you got to be tough in order to win I'm dead serious.

I also like you get outfits you can wear while playing as your characters now they should've been in the previous game.

I sadly only got one thing left to talk about though it isn't good to talk about ok if you played The Tofu Survivor in Resident Evil 2 they made an mini game homage to that.

Tofu Mode was pretty bad yet it's easier for me to play it than the last one's Bonus Stage which I really fucking hate.

All of your enemies are tofus yes I'm not kidding now why in the holy ass did they recycle the first level for Resident Evil 2 then turn it backwards now who in the holy ass does that.

Now it gets tough near the end however even I didn't finish it I will confess I'd rather play that then Assignment: Ada which isn't fun unless you rush the fuck out of it.

I know what some of you guys are thinking didn't I put Tofu Mode over Assignment: Ada
while yes I did but for an reason.

I got to be honest it was close between the two mini games because you can only play as one character with limited weapons yet I felt I can play Tofu Mode better despite dying so close to the end.

I also prefer Tofu Mode over Assignment: Ada because I thought fighting tofus may be stupid yet I find it more fun then wasting too much ammo and getting killed.

I can memorize Tofu Mode better than Assignment: Ada now I'm not just saying that because it's an rail shooter.

I'm saying that because it's harder to remember where most enemies are though I often remember where the J.J.s are which is an good thing.

Now Tofu Mode makes you used an handgun that isn't upgraded at all yet it's more useful then what Ada had in that mini game I mean come on Separate Ways was fucking fun to play.

I got to say besides some things that I actually prefer this one over the original game because I just love how fun it is at times.

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