Thursday, June 3, 2010

Jack Red presents Top 5 Best Resident Evil Games

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I know what a lot of you would say to me about the last couple of topics on Resident Evil.

Why can't you write about something else well I'll tell you I have but I think Resident Evil shows one of my most interesting looks on things.

So you are sick of me talking about Resident Evil then tough shit it's my fucking blog go somewhere else assholes.

I can't make one on the worst games of the series because I think there isn't enough for me to work off of so I am just doing the best.

Besides Resident Evil the only two series I got to play that were just as good as this was Silent Hill and They Hunger.

Yes I am aware that They Hunger series were mods for the first Half-Life but it still stands as one of the scariest one ever made.

It's the big one that I was planning to make for you guys out there cheering the series on even today.

Before I get to the list I won't be including the cell phone games so if you expected one I'm sorry.

Top 5 Best Resident Evil Games

5. Resident Evil 0

The prequel to the first game of the series has to be one my top 5 list because it was unique in it's own right.

I love the fact you can play as Rebecca Chambers and Billy Coen through out the game while switching between them at any given time.

The team reused the same engine as Resident Evil remake on the Game Cube with some good improvements.

It has an good selection of enemies that are fun to kill especially those fucking annoying Eliminators those are assholes.

One change that didn't set well with me was that only Rebecca could mix the herbs and not Billy now in the other games that didn't matter at all so why the fuck did they said oh let's throw in an curve ball for our fans fucking assholes.

I did some research on the following and it will get a little confusing there actually exist a lot of Leech Mens which are leeches that looks like Dr. James Marcus.

The best weapons for them are Shotgun and Grenade Launcher because it can wipe you with it's arm and attack you as if it was an Zombie.

The confusion behind that was there does exist in Resident Evil: Oubtreak an Leech Zombie though it isn't exactly what this is.

It's a group of leeches that cover of an person and the only way to kill it is by leading it to the room then burn it to death.

The worst thing about this creature was if one of your teammate dies then the remaining leeches will take over their bodies and won't fall for the same trick.

Both these creatures are different species of Leeches meaning they don't have the same Queen Leech.

The Queen Leech of Resident Evil 0 is an hell of creature and takes more shot than even the Tyrant-001 in both it's fight.

Sadly it does transform into an nearly unstoppable creature with sunlight as it's weakness what you do for that one is hold off the Queen until Rebecca has opened the Shutters.

The final form still standing as one of the hardest boss fights in history of Resident Evil.

Now the other Queen Leech is just an giant Leech nothing special and fighting it isn't fun at all.

In you are familiar with the other titles then you should know that there isn't any Inventory Boxes in this game that's because you can throw your shit all over the floor.

An nice feature they added that helps out a lot is when you go to the Map screen you pick an floor and where ever you dropped your equipment will appear.

I think it has an good selection of weapons including the ones you must unlock by beating the game.

The bosses are for the most pretty simple to beat especially Centurion and Tyrant-001.

The hidden outfits weren't too bad I really like Billy's new one as well as Rebecca's leather outfit though the cowgirl one was okay for me.

All you have to do to unlock these outfits for our heroes is simply beat the game it doesn't matter how long it takes or what difficulty you have it set on.

In my opinion the best thing about the game was it's mini game called Leech Hunter.

In Leech Hunter you must collect 100 leech charms now you can collect enough for an rank while unlocking the prize.

Billy needs the blue ones as Rebecca must collect the green ones however ten leech charms takes up an slot in your inventory so becareful.

You also can't drop your leech charms once you pick them up that adds to the difficulty of the mini game.

Leech Hunter prizes includes more Machine Gun ammo found through out the game, infinite Handgun bullets and an Magnum Revolver.

It's hard to believe when you get real close to the highest rank that some rooms will have enemies inside even after you clean it out before.

The top prize that's hard to achieve in Leech Hunter is having every weapon unlimited ammo.

4. Resident Evil 5

I know a lot of you guys are going to disagree with me and send me insults well for the ones that are going to do that you can kiss my ass bitch...

I will confess Resident Evil 5 is an good game that out sold Resident Evil 2 in such short time.

You play as Chris Redfield who was last seen in Resident Evil Code: Veronica (X being the updated version) and an new character new Sheva who stands in for Jill.

I really like the weapons you can get in this weapon such as Chris's Gatling Gun, Hydra, etc.

They kept the same knife feature of Resident Evil 4 which really helps and doesn't stop your game play at all.

One of the few changes I didn't like was the colors of herbs went down by one and you can only use two green herbs instead of three of them mixed.

It was kinda unknown how the herbs were mixed in the other games but here you can make your own spray.

I also like the fact you can play by yourself with an computer or play with someone else now that's fucking awesome.

The bosses aren't too bad such as Wesker who can be quite fun to fight or U-8 that spawns these little creatures that you can kill for ammo.

I wanted to say that I did check online to see if U-8 was related to U-3 in Resident Evil 4 and the answer is they aren't related though both have the same idea behind their creation.

My favorite line of the series was said by an Boss after beating him that goes like this "It doesn't matter anyway because you're still screwed" priceless.

I like the level where you can go around with an boat as well as the level where you ride in an jeep firing like no tomorrow.

The shop in this one was pretty good though I fucking love buying from the Merchant of Resident Evil 4.

That brings me up to my next point who the fuck is running the store fucking BSAA themselves.

Uroboros Virus in this game is an mixature of T-Virus and Las Plagas that's an deadly combination.

The idea of Wesker being the main villain of an game was eventually going to happen however it wasn't as faithful as I hope it would be.

I really didn't care for the voice actor who did him in the game with Wesker's plan about exposing the entire world with Uroboros Virus was kinda stupid.

Why do I think that you asked well I will tell you this is the guy who basically fucked everyone over for power yet I thought he would use the events of the game as an test for something bigger.

I know what a lot of you must be wondering how can it be bigger than sending an plane real high in the Sky in the no fly zone with the virus infecting the world.

He could've have escaped then create some more monsters than send them out in an way that it can't be tracked to him and doesn't look like it would have em inside.

Sure it would've taken much longer but we would have more story as well as more interesting creatures killing civilians.

The fact that Wesker was killed in this game didn't happen at all what I thought was going to happen.

Now considering how hard it is to kill him what I thought could've worked was trapped somewhere nearly impossible that's wired to blow.

It is hard to picture what would really been able to kill him since he can heal much faster than humans do.

Wesker in an sense was an disappointment though the action scenes with the boss fights kinda make up for it.

It comes close to the biggest disappointment involving Wesker in history the only thing topping that was Wesker in Resident Evil: Extinction however the character as shown in the trailers has been retooled.

I actually though this idea would work better than TG-Virus of Resident Evil: Dead Aim that is unstable.

The Inventory in this game is about the size of Outbreak series however unlike that series there's another inventory that both characters shared which was an nice tough.

It has such an good selection of enemies you can fight with even tougher sub bosses than those featured in Resident Evil 4.

You actually can unlock alter effects for the game to play such as classic horror for those such as myself who enjoy that stuff.

You can also unlock if you beat the game fast enough the unlimited ammo feature that helps when you're in an tight spot.

If you got all those medals through out the game then you unlock the first set of new outfits for Chris and Sheva to wear.

The Mercenaries on this one was good but tougher than the last one though the selection of characters was much better.

I mean playing as the S.T.A.R.S. version of Chris and Wesker was an good idea however where the fuck is Jill's at.

The levels in that one went up from the last one's four to eight levels you can play for fun.

The worst thing about this is if you play with someone else then you need double the points to get the ranking you need to keep unlocking stuff.

Sadly I got banned before playing all of the new content introduced in the Gold Edition however I did play Versus.

I actually have played a little of Versus now it plays The Mercenaries except you can also fight other players.

I think that's more fun than The Mercenaries of Resident Evil 5 because you still fight the normal enemies and you can keep killing them.

I promise that sometime in the near future I will be reviewing Lost in Nightmares, Desperate Escape and Mercenaries Reunion.

3. Resident Evil (Remake)

I do like the original as it was the very game that made Survival Horror known to the entire world.

I thought the remake wasn't better than the original but I was wrong, dead wrong.

You play as Chris Redfield or Jill Valentine it has some changes in their scenarios though it's the same story being told.

Briefly if you play as Chris you can play as Rebecca to help out such as making the V-Jolt then use it on Plant 42's root.

They made it tougher to beat with the new bosses as well as Crimson Heads that could appear at any time through the game.

Some enemies can actually break through the doors until they find you which is crazy yet it does scary people new to the game.

The bosses were better than most Resident Evil games such as the infamous Tyrant-002 and Plant 42.

Basically it's similar to Resident Evil 0 all you have to day is beat the game to get this key however depending on which character and time you played through the game unlocks two new outfits for each.

The hidden outfits in this one are awesome such as Jill wearing an Sarah Connor from Terminator series outfit or Chris wearing his Code Veronica uniform.

You also can wear Jill's RE3 outfit and Chris's The Mexican Outfit which also effects Rebecca.

I like the files you can collect in the game though many people don't know this if you heard of Wesker's Report well there's an sequel that explains his career in Umbrella.

According to the creator Shinji Mikami that it's 70% different from the original which is true.

In this version had story that was originally cut out of the original game making it one of the best stories ever.

It does have slightly better voice acting than the original game which was somewhat laughable like you were almost an Jill sandwich priceless.

They did change where some of the key items around making the game harder even introducing some new areas making those who love the Spencer Mansion as much as me.

The weapons are pretty good though not as good as Resident Evil 4 and 5 but it deserves some fucking respect.

You can also armed yourself with an Dagger which both Chris and Jill through out the game.

Now Chris has Flash Grenades which are best known for the fastest ammo saving way to kill the Crimson Head Prototype.

Jill has her Taser which in many women in the real life actually wear them for protection.

Before I go on explaining how I feel about the game sorry if I offended any ladies out there.

You can unlock an special zombie if you beat the game as both characters where in some areas Forest of S.T.A.R.S. will chase you in the first half of the game however killing it will give you an game over.

I also enjoy working these puzzles as I think they are the best of the series even going as far as an even optional one to get the Magnum.

You also can unlock two more variation of the game that makes it even more challenging for those who stand as hardcore Resident Evil fans.

The first of these was Real Survivor Mode originally it was going to be in an the game however they didn't think it would set well with fans so it was scrapped.

Basically you can't auto aim meaning you got to turn the gun yourself didn't work well in those game.

Look how Resident Evil 4 and 5 you aim now if that was in the game then it wouldn't have to be an big fucking deal but oh it is.

You don't choice of the difficulties though it's already set on hard for realism of the game.

The biggest change in Real Survivor Mode is now those Item Boxes helped you in the past are your worst enemies.

You must memorize which Item Box you must some key item in or you will be searching all over maybe even getting yourself killed.

No wonder they scrapped that idea it made the game too tough for many people to play.

Sadly the game gets even tougher than that with Invisbile Enemy now you unlock it by simply beating Real Survivor Mode though it isn't simple to do.

You still don't have auto aim though the Item Boxes are connected to each other again.

You once again can choice the difficulty but every enemy in the entire game is invisible though there are ways how to fight them.

Only the most hardcore Resident Evil fans can beat this nearly impossible variation of the game.

If you are really good at the game then beating Invisible Enemy Mode can be done and you are award with an surprise slide show of unused looks in the game.

You have multiple endings in the game though some parts actually effects the outcome of it for example taking Barry's Magnum and keeping.

2. Resident Evil 4

I always love playing Resident Evil 4 because it so damn good even it's camera angle and controls are best of the series.

You play as Leon S. Kennedy last time canonically seen in Resident Evil 2 is on an mission to rescue Ashley at all cost.

I was surprised that it had some good voice acting though just like Sonic Adventure was follow by an good sequel that lack it.

I have owned it on Game Cube, PC and Wii so I will be bringing up new content that was introduced through PS2 port.

I like that you can get an bigger Inventory Case as you keep playing the game over and over.

Originally like Resident Evil remake and 0 on Game Cube it was an two disc game though that change soon after that got ported.

Eventually the other two games became an whole without needing to stopping the game play at one point as they got ported to the Wii.

The weapons are really good though I will confess Resident Evil 5 has some damn good weapons.

I love the Handcannon, Chicago Typewriter and Infinite Launcher because only an handful of unlimited ammo weapons were worth having however most of them in this game are so worth it.

The enemy selection was well thought out even with the sub bosses making the game more fun to play.

After the sales of Resident Evil 0 weren't good enough Capcom decide to make this game as good it is today.

To be honest I actually like that though who doesn't love an game you can search everywhere while destroying stuff on your way to where you are suppose to go.

I really like the boss fights as they are so much fun such as Krauser, Verdugo and El Gigante.

You do have to escort Ashley who keeps reminding me of Sherry from Resident Evil 2 though they do similar in fact they act similar this let up to an confusion among fans.

Capcom did announce who the character is and many were surprised that it wasn't Sherry Birkin.

The Merchant can be funny at times like buying an Handcannon and his famous quote "What would you like to buy Stranger" classic.

I'll tell you what I want to buy how about an fucking nuke do you got any of those.

Speaking of The Merchant he also runs an Shooting Range that is quite fun to play and you can earn caps based on people that appeared in the game.

The laser part of the game was inspired by the first movie though that scene was awesome.

Just in case you were wondering yes I am aware that the Tyrant in Resident Evil: Extinction was killed by the same pattern of lasers that killed the leader of S.T.A.R.S. in the first movie.

You can also get this game in Resident Evil: The Essentials that also includes Resident Evil Code: Veronica (X being the updated version) and the first Outbreak.

You can unlock two more hidden outfits that actually appeal to me a lot that I must speak out about them.

Basically similar to Resident Evil 0 and 1 remake you have to beat the game to unlock.

The first one you unlock gives Leon his Resident Evil 2 outfit, Ashley an hot teen clothes and Ada wears her Assignment Ada uniform.

You just need to beat Separate Ways to unlock these costumes that a lot of people wouldn't stop talking about.

The second one actually effects the game more which makes it the most unique hidden costumes of the series.

Leon looks like an classic Gangster with the Chicago Typewriter having an different clip type.

You can an special pose in your Inventory screen and an new animation for reloading it which is awesome.

Ashley wears an suit of armor yes I'm not kidding now no enemies including an El Gigante can pick her up and no one can hurt her especially you.

I'm dead fucking serious you can fire rockets, bullets and throw grenades at her yet it doesn't even effect her at all.

Considering she's a hell lot heavier it's funny to keep watching Leon trying to get her down.

The knife automatically being equipped is such an good idea because in the previous games you had to pick an weapon and that's it though the remake does have self defense weapons.

The Mercenaries I said before was my favorite mini game of the series for many reasons.

You can play as Leon, Ada, Krauser, Hunk and Wesker are in this one mini game now doesn't that kick ass.

I will be honest I was okay playing as Hunk though I enjoy playing as him in Resident Evil 2 much more.

Every time I play as Krauser I'm like fucking Rambo that's how good I am with him in fact an friend of mine saw how good I was with him.

Wesker and Ada takes some practice to know what you can do with them to beat the level.

Leon is an good character though compared to Krauser and Wesker he isn't that good but that's just me.

The levels are based on an Village, Castle, Military Base and Island with their own bosses.

The infamous boss of this mini game was an Giant double bladed Chainsaw guy as he sure can scare little kids in an second.

He's also the toughest boss of the mini game due to how much ammo it takes to kill him.

Assignment Ada was an okay mini game but compared to The Mercenaries and Separate Ways it fucking sucks.

You play as Ada Wong who last appeared in Resident Evil 2 who you thought died after falling off an rail.

Your mission is to collect five samples of Las Plagas though it isn't canonical due to her never actually wearing military gears outside of this as well as there's only one known sample of the parasite exists.

Separate Ways was so good however it just isn't as fun as The Mercenaries but it's fun enough to be my second favorite mini game of the series.

You once again play as Ada Wong except this time it's canonical that takes place during Resident Evil 4.

You can buy from The Merchant though you can't upgrade any weapons in the mini game though you can unlock the Chicago Typewriter.

Before I go on about how fun this fucker is I wanted to say that this weapon also appears in Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop on Wii as an one of the hidden weapons however it has limited ammo.

That's because the very same team who worked on the Wii port of Resident Evil 4 also made that port of Dead Rising though it feels like an different game to me.

In one level you can use two turrents where you had to get something for it before you have to get inside them.

The first one is an heavy machine gun that's used to destroy an few enemy turrents before you can get to the other turrent.

The other turrent was an rocket one that's used to destroy the rest of those enemy turrents.

You do fight an El Gigante similar to the optional boss fight with him in the main game.

I think fighting Krauser in this mini game is more interesting and fun to play.

The biggest surprise for me when I first played it was fighting shortly after beating Krauser was Osmund Saddler.

You actually get to fight him in his human form which is harder to do because unlike his final form against Leon you must force out his main eye that appears in his mouth.

You better bring as much ammo as you can unless you got the Chicago Typewriter or you're fucked.

You also unlock Movie Browser for both the main game and Separate Ways where you can view any cutscene you want at any given time.

Before I reveal what number 1 I wanted to do an quick Honorable Mentions of games that could've been on this list...

1. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles
2. Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
3. Resident Evil Code: Veronica (X being the updated version)
4. Resident Evil: Dead Aim
5. Resident Evil: Outbreak
6. Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

1. Resident Evil 2

If you seen my videos then you already knew that to me no Resident Evil game is better than Resident Evil 2.

I will confess I love playing the games however this was the very game I played as an kid that pulled me into the series.

Don't get me wrong yes I did play the original as an kid but I didn't get as much into until a couple of years later.

This is the only Resident Evil game where in several areas you can actually shoot the TV screen which quickly got attention.

You play as Leon S. Kennedy and Claire Redfield in such an unique scenario system that goes beyond the original.

In Resident Evil you have only two scenarios but multiple endings well how about this you pick an character then finish their game to do the other character's scenario.

It's hard to believe that there's actually four scenarios created just for this game similar to the development of Resident Evil 4 a few years later they wanted this to be good.

I also love the gore they put into this one sadly Resident Evil 3: Nemesis failed to make it better than that.

Why is this such an big deal well I'll tell you in later games besides getting your head cut off by Chainsaw maniacs and that thing with claws kind like Wolverine there wasn't anything close to how gory Resident Evil 2 was.

For example if you have an upgraded Shotgun and fired at an group of Zombies watch what happens bang there goes some limbs you can even blow an Zombie in half.

I got to be honest I didn't like 3 or Code: Veronica (X being the updated version) Zombies as much as I like 2's though the original and 0 are pretty close.

If you can get to the Police Station and go down those stairs without picking anything up then you will come across Brad Vickers from Resident Evil as an Zombie.

You can kill him to get the key in the Dark Room to wear an different outfit now I believe Leon has two outfits compared to Claire who has one outfit now she gets an Single Action Army.

If you play Metal Gear Solid series then you damn know what an Single Action Army actually is.

It's an Revolver made to hold six bullets that once fired the bullets will bounce off the walls like crazy however that don't happen in this game.

I know what a lot of you are thinking sure the camera angle isn't as good as Resident Evil 4 and 5 well for just this one game fuck you I actually like it.

Surprisingly the bosses do bring fear to the table because you get to face an Giant Alligator.

To be honest as an kid that thing scared the shit out of me I couldn't believe how fucking big it was.

It's so big that even if it was real and Steve Irwin was alive he couldn't handle it now I do apologize for using him as an example but who else is known to handle those kind of creatures than him.

William became famous to the fans from this game because what he becomes with the G-Virus which he did create.

Here's another interesting fact Resident Evil: Degeneration which was the first Resident Evil movie created by it's creators made it similar to the game even having Leon and Claire back together.

Curtis Miller takes the G-Virus late in the movie and you will see why to me that virus was the most unique out of them all.

The weapons are quite good in fact they're better than the original even the hidden weapons such as Sub Machine Gun, Gatling Gun and Rocket Launcher all with unlimited ammo.

Here is an fact in the Dual Shock version of the game you can play Rookie Mode which already has all three hidden weapons unlocked.

I also like you can enter an code for unlimited ammo for every weapon now that's an damn good idea sadly they never did it again.

I can't say I haven't played the N64 version but I am aware that it doesn't have Extreme Battle, EX files that further the storyline and three new codes.

The N64 version also includes an randomizer which randomly puts things meaning the game will have an different item placement each time you play.

You also have the option in that version to change the color of the blood now if I remember correctly Silent Hill games until 4: The Room had that feature.

You can unlock Hunk, Tofu and enter god mode with those codes which makes it not only the easiest version of the game but the best port of it.

The enemy selection was just as good as the original though you got to worry more about the poisonous ones such as Plant 43 AKA Ivys and Web Spinners.

The 4th Survivor is an close second best mini game of Resident Evil 2 only behind Extreme Battle.

You can unlock it by beating either scenario with an A rank if you can do that then it's time to play the hidden scenario of the game.

It's the first canonical mini game in the entire series though you also could say he is an hidden character with Tofu.

He comes armed with an Handgun, Magnum and Shotgun which makes him quite fun to play as.

You also has two green and blue herbs to help you on your way from the Sewers to the Helipad however you can't pick anything up.

You do come across Tyrant-103 AKA Mr. X twice through the out but I swear there is actually an room you must take damage in order to get pass it.

It's the one on the second floor as soon you get in there it's filled with Zombies now what the fuck man you can't even shoot fast enough to kill an few of them before one of them grabs you.

I thought the end screen looked pretty good compared to his on Resident Evil 4 in The Mercenaries.

Before I talk about Extreme Battle I really wanted to get this out of the way The Tofu Survivor.

To unlock such an hard mini game you must play the scenarios three times which makes in an single save slot you must beat the game six times with one having an A ranking.

It's fucking hard as shit that you must be hardcore enough to even give this an go or you will die until you say oh the hell of this.

It plays exactly like Hunk's scenario with the beginning even opening with Hunk's voice.

You actually are playing as an giant piece of Tofu yes I'm not fucking with you it's in the game.

It's the strongest character of the game with an unique feature where it will change colors depending on it's status for example it will turn blue which means it's poisoned.

The end screen is supposed to be funny yet similar to Hunk's with slight edits if I'm not mistaken.

It does say an language that most countries can't understand making the character terrible though it's supposed to an parody of Hunk's scenario.

Here is an interesting fact with an Game Shark on Resident Evil 3: Nemesis you can play as Tofu what the fuck right.

Finally we get to Extreme Battle now before I go into details about it time for an fact in the original Resident Evil on Sega Saturn there did exist Battle Mode.

That's right it's the only version of the game to date to have this mini game where you play as Chris or Jill as you face every enemy including an Wesker Zomibe and gold Tyrant-002 that's stronger.

If you have that version of the game then all you do is beat the game or put in an cheat code to play it.

It's also true that Resident Evil Code: Veronica (X being the updated version) gives you four characters including two versions of an character.

It follows how the original Battle Mode plays where you must kill every enemy however instead of fighting all the bosses you face an boss for each character.

Now back to Extreme Battle this was an successor to Battle Mode that most fans knew about because it was so good to play.

You can play as Leon, Claire, Ada and making an surprise return Chris from the original.

You have to play the first two difficulties to fully unlock everything in this mini game which isn't hard.

I love playing as Leon and Chris because those two in my opinion had the best weapons out of the four.

It has an story that was okay but the levels plays pretty good as the first two levels are from point A to B.

The last level usually takes the longest what you do here is find four antivirus bombs.

If you are crazy enough to try the hardest difficulty there you are in for an surprise.

Unlike Leech Hunter where if you picked up leech charms that you can't dropped in this one you can put them in an Inventory Box if you need room to put more stuff in your Inventory.

Only two bosses appear in this mini game which are the G-Type which was the first boss for all the scenarios not involving Hunk and Tofu's.

The other one was the fourth form of William that acts like an giant Cerberus yes it's true it does.

It's also true that Tyrant-103 AKA Mr. X appears in this mini game even in some areas there's two of them.

I come go on and on about Resident Evil 2 all day long that no matter how good they try to make an game it just won't beat such an classic that I will always remember the best Resident Evil in existence.

I am Jack Red and thank you for your time to read about the best Resident Evil games of all time.

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