Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jack Red reviews Resident Evil Gaiden

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, I have played many Resident Evil games in my life with those being pretty good to not too bad I finally found one that sucks really bad Resident Evil Gaiden.

Let's talk about it's development history originally they wanted an Game Boy port of Resident Evil but it never happen so what we got instead of this end of story.

Do you really want to know how bad this fucker is then grab yourself a couple of beers and read on to find out.

Warning older Resident Evil fans are going to hate this game as soon majority of them knows about it.

You play as Barry Burton that's right one of the surviving S.T.A.R.S. members as you fight an parasite that's totally different than Las Plagas of Resident Evil 4 on an ship.

Before I go on an ship called Starlight is the setting of this game yet a few years later Resident Evil: Dead Aim which takes place on an Umbrella ship called Spencer Rain that doesn't suck.

I can't believe this but Leon S. Kennedy who is in Resident Evil 2 and 4 actually appears in the game though you briefly play as him.

You also run into an little girl that's connected to the creature wait don't tell me they reused the idea of Sherrie with the G-Virus what the fuck man.

We got Resident Evil: Survivor which isn't too bad now I would rather play that than this no good piece of shit game.

A few months later the third game in Gun Survivor series Dino Stalker would be released.

Why did I just reference the Gun Survivor games well I'll tell you in the game you play the overall gameplay over head view with fighting the monsters in first person that's a pain in the ass.

Basically it goes like this once you enter combat mode you will see Zombies with this annoying thing going back and forward which is where you must time your shoots or you will be screwed.

Speaking of that you can continue forever like newer Resident Evil games though it sucks because you can come back with little to no health if that's what you had before dieing.

In the newer games you can continue and get back in the game where it doesn't ruin the game.

Here's another good point in previous Resident Evil games you can run past Zombies but here only a few areas you can actually do that plus it needs to be further away from them or you will end up fighting them which is fucking bullshit.

Oh get this you know in just about every Resident Evil games before and after this has quite a collection of monsters even the bosses yet there's just Zombies everywhere.

There is two boss monsters in the game B.O.W. Tyrant is the one you will be fighting the most that looks similar to Hypnos Tyrant in all of it's forms.

The other boss you only fight once an Captain Zombie who is armed with an handgun wait an minute they just ripped off Day of the Dead with Bud you know the Zombie who actually had an gun.

Oh I really need to say this Zombies seem to have different skin colors with the same sprites all over again why can't they simply be at least a little more different.

Some Zombies have Crowbars now why in the holy ass do they have that don't they fucking attack you without an weapon.

Oh I'm afraid it gets worst from this point on so do yourself an favor don't continue reading my review of Resident Evil Gaiden.

You aren't too sure even reading all the dialogue where a lot of these key items actually go.

Well in this game you must try finding what ever it goes to which is a problem because you have to go into your inventory and select it unlike the other games that cut the bullshit.

Oh let's talk about the herbs in most games you usually find an green one that heals you.

An red one can be mixed with the green one for more health.

An blue one can cure poison and you could add the other two herds to health you after being cured.

Finally it's an yellow one that does the same thing as the red herb except it barely healths you.

Now you can make mixed them as far a they go with the best one being three green herbs mixed is better than an First Aid Spray.

Sadly in this game there isn't three different kind of herbs no that wrong because there's five of them which all of them looks like an fully mixed herbs.

You can find the following in the game now I'm not sure what some of these colors so I do apologize, you can get an yellow, purple, green, red and blue herbs.

You got to ask yourself who the fuck design this game it's like they were doing crack and a lot of it.

I got as far as I can and I must got to say I really hate this story because it's feel unrelated to the series besides the fact some key members actually worked on this piece of shit.

I am aware some fans are debating what happen to Barry Burton and Rebecca Chambers well you should know that this isn't a part of the story at all so don't involve it period.

I remember when I was playing this on an website and I kept playing so god damn much so I gave up on it.

In conclusion fuck this game and go play something else so I'm Jack Red I hope you enjoy my review.

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