Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jack Red reviews Sweet Home

Hi everyone this is Jack Red, now I did ask some people on Justintv if I should review this game though I am not very good at these kind of games.

Some of them said ok when I said I will be basing this review on RPGClassics and Cornshaq's Play It Through on the game.

So let's get this shit started it was only released in Japan around the same time as the movie in 1989 the year I was born.

This serves as one of two main inspiration for Resident Evil with the other one being George A. Romero's Dead series.

Before I go on I got an quick interesting fact for Romero fans out there now originally he was supposed to direct the Resident Evil movie with the script being close to the game however one producer said no this isn't going to work.

That guy also goes off saying that he wasn't a part of the production which is bullshit because you can go read that script online and on an guide book on the original Resident Evil it shows you that there was going to be an movie.

Now from what I did read so far I am really liking it that you must go read it online with you have some free time on your hands.

From this point on I will be comparing this to the main series of Resident Evil since they were spiritual successor to that game.

The reason why the rest of the games aren't included was because most of them weren't canonical and those that are happened outside the main series.

So I think to make it a little easier for myself I will just include the main games that so many fans enjoy to this game.

I'm also not including the movies or books into the mix though there was an movie to Sweet Home it wasn't the one that inspired Resident Evil sorry.

Why do I say spiritual successor if the same team didn't make Resident Evil well I'll tell you if something so good never got an sequel kinda like Super Mario RPG then eventually something similar with come around as if it was sequels to that great games.

What I am trying to say is parts of Sweet Home lives on in Resident Evil series as those were great games that I enjoy playing the fuck out of em.

I want to do an quick character similarities before I get to the more detailed part of this review.

Now Rebecca Chambers in Resident Evil 0 and 1 was an Medic for S.T.A.R.S. Bravo was in place of Akiko Hayakawa who was also an Medic for the group.

Chris Redfield of two main characters of Resident Evil 1 was the first character to start out with an lighter.

Leon S. Kennedy was next in Resident Evil 2 followed by Claire Redfield in Code: Veronica (X being the updated version) and finally Billy Coen in Resident Evil 0.

I brought that up because an character in Sweet Home by the name of Kazuo Hoshino also started out with an lighter.

I know a lot of you guys will point out that in some games of the series you will find an lighter to use for some puzzles for example in Resident Evil 2 Claire needs to find it.

Emi Hoshino opens doors for everyone in the game unless she is dead now most characters in Resident Evil that you play as ends up finding keys, keycards and other ways to go.

Lady Mamiya was the main villain and to my understand the only boss of the game though it isn't fought like most bosses in RPGs.

Umbrella was behind most of the games Wesker being one of the worst villains they ever known.

Osmund Saddler was so close on doing his plan to take over the entire world yet I like his plan more than Wesker's in Resident Evil 5.

I also like Dr. James Marcus in Resident Evil 0 now to find out he cause the first two games to happen was something else.

Dr. William Birkin becomes an G-Mutant and the T-Virus got released with an Tyrant-103 searching for any samples of the G-Virus.

Who doesnt' love the Nemesis he never leaves you alone which in an sense makes the scarier yet more difficult.

Alfred Ashford annoys the fuck out of me however his sister Alexia was a straight up bitch even after being sleep for fifteen years with T-Veronica Virus inside of her.

Now Resident Evil 1 so happens to take place in an Mansion that's surround by the forest which was directly taken from Sweet Home.

S.T.A.R.S. Bravo searches around the Forest with Rebecca getting on an Train to an Facility that has an Church and Underground Laboratory.

S.T.A.R.S. Alpha searches around the Forest but ends up losing an few members outside with some inside the Spencer Mansion.

Resident Evil series has improved on the limited space on your Inventory to where you can work with what you got.

They started with six to eight slots you can use with three of them being able to upgrade your Inventory.

In Sweet Home you play as five characters though you get to choice who you can control at any given time.

I think it was 1, 2, 3, Code: Veronica (X being the updated version) and 4 that has an part where you got to play as someone else for an short time.

Resident Evil 0 actually uses that idea with Rebecca and Billy in Resident Evil 0 because it really helps out.

You don't have to do it a lot in Resident Evil 4 but in Resident Evil 5 it's required to play the game.

Resident Evil 5 can be played by yourself with your partner being the computer or an second player to help you out.

You can get a lot of health items in Resident Evil series yet I am not sure about Sweet Home which I do apologize for.

You get to fight Zombies, Dogs and Worms in Sweet Home that cool pretty good at the game.

Resident Evil series has Zombies in nearly every game of the series until Resident Evil 4 where the people infected by Las Plagas followed by those of Uroboros Virus was loved by many fans of the series.

Cerberuses also almost been in every game up til Resident Evil 4 with Colmillos followed by Adjule in Resident Evil 5 were feared creatures.

I don't know much about the creatures in Sweet Home I really like the ones in Resident Evil more because they do some crazy shit in the games especially the Nemesis.

Action sequences didn't get into Resident Evil until 3: Nemesis though I really like how that was done in 4.

It does come back in Resident Evil 5 though there is more of then than Resident Evil 4 they aren't as good.

Now from what I seen in Cornshaq's Play It Through on the game it makes where you use several items more obvious.

In Resident Evil games you could have pieces of one puzzle to another for example you must collect four death masks in order from other puzzles to get further in the game.

Sweet Home uses more blade weapons than firearms like Resident Evil however it's easier to tell which weapons to keep in Resident Evil unless you played Sweet Home enough times you won't know who is good with which weapon.

I did say this earlier in the review that the last boss in Sweet Home has an boss fight different from the other RPGs because you need to follow the steps of beating her or you have to do the entire process again.

She has two different forms which the second one being the most gruesome looking enemy in the entire game.

I really been waiting to talk about the bosses of Resident Evil series now not many of them work in puzzles like the last boss of Sweet Home.

Basically you get to fire your weapons at them and for several such as Birkin G-Mutation, Queen Leech, Osmund Saddler, etc.

Plant 42 was the first boss to involve an puzzle as another way to beat it through it cuts half the boss fight.

The music was quite good in Sweet Home it feels more horror yet I did start that genre with Resident Evil so a lot of their songs I remember.

Sweet Home was the first RPG survival horror in existence though as good it was I felt more at home with Fallout 3.

Resident Evil was the game that got the genre known to the world and the best selling Capcom series to date.

I believe Mikhail's death in 3: Nemesis was an reference to Sweet Home when the husband of the last boss sacrifice himself.

I would go on comparing Sweet Home to Resident Evil series but it would be nearly impossible to do perfectly which I know I can't do.

In conclusion it is an good game though I prefer Resident Evil games more because they became an part of genres I can play.

So I'm Jack Red I give it an try and I hope you guys like it.

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